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Show MOM'S MEHDERIKS If flOW CAUSING TROUBLE i ffll Salt Lake and Davis County 3P1 "Dads" Arc Worried Over jjffr Boundary Line. ( ku Tho mcandoring5 of the Jordan river mug are causing tho county commissioners U-- of this and Davis county considorablo SFW anxiety as to the boundary line. This - mL stream forms tho boundary line botween K., Salt Lako and Davis counties for a die- Bl tanco of fivo or six miles, but it has M: r meandered so within the last eight or ten, jjjt'ja years that the boundary lino has be- jjteiins como uncertain In some places and tho i3 county "dads" of 'tho two counties aro $umr i now struggling to re-establish tho flj1' boundary as near where it should bo as "pla: possible. jj.thfs : Some time ago County Surveyor Jo- Jifjf.0-soph Jifjf.0-soph B. Swcnson of this county, and County Surveyor John Waite of Davis ,'ijW county, agreed upon a .boundary lino, '2?th6 but the countv commissioners here, at M. their session Thursday, rccoived a let- Irom ter from tho Davis county board rcpu- ?n,' diatiug Waite 's agreement with Swen- ,P1' son as to the line, and tho work of re- r establishing tho boundary will all havo ifflLEi to bo gone ovor again. n It is not likely that anything to this J utJ end will bo done soon, and for the pros- cut the bouudarj- will have to stand as Tyc at it is. The land switched from one m Y. county to the other by tho pranks of tho M K stream is of little or no value. Tho H'f ' countj' commissioners got thiough with cl!tI? settling tho boundnry between Salt Lake ' 'LLii and Utah counties two years ago. inmate |