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Show 111 Blame Your Stomach Without Exertion Or Cost Tou a Enjoy McalB And Cure i Dyspepsia. jfjj: : olame your stomach or your IBKiyour meals declare war on VlJ.tbe stomach won't do its work j;"M3e it caniiot. :'ion smellinc odprs come from I'sch. when the hoad aches and i's'of month every morning ,a hate your breakfast, when ud nightmare assail you, don't i the appeal of nature, and it '.heard. Ill late suppers, poorly ill 100 ricb Pnslr'cs lud un cooking are some of the (i stomach's ill health 'le stomach is busy, it presses ";?5all the liquid matter from iirith its iuiccs dissolves into v:j sa or pulp everything which Ijttood be poisououn it affects '' 2i 1 attacks tho stomach, goes in-V'"$t in-V'"$t yA and weakens the entire sys- j Dyspepsia Tablets will digest - '-xl trasily without material as-'Ht as-'Ht from the stomach. They will 'fjjfce castric fluid with all tlio seeded. They build up the Hroy sour taste, bad breath, "' 3, Utomach and bowel trouble and ''"a'fooTQ natural conditions, r of Stuart 's Dyspepsia Tab-' Tab-' viH'Rest 3000 grniiis of food in ljt!!! or in a glass vial without J1 human digestive apparatus. i:lhorlB of Stuart's Dyspepsia J fo the methods of Mature. tntnin every requisite for tho !nd digestion. "After a meal ; Qe little tablets when it cn- 'tomach mingles with the wicks the food and digests it. Iji-J the fermented and decayed . ?N stagnant there and cases 9000 at once. Jfnolly a question for you to .l0r druggist will furnish Stu-APPspsia Stu-APPspsia Tablets 50c tho box, your name and address and fA -'M you a trial package free. j i, Sluart Co', 150 Stuart iliall, Mich. e . - long suit is ;W by satisfactory Rl g "'-Jto beat this combi- II MAKING GOOD There is no way of making lasting friends like " Making Good"; and &HB8iiL Dr. Pierce's medicines well exemplify this, and their friends, after more BaMS than two decades of popularity are numbered by the hundreds of thou- JgSGfip sands. They have "made good" and they have not made drunkards. A good, honest square-deal medicine of known composition is HrV Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It still enjoys an immense sale, while most of the preparations that have come into prominence promi-nence in the earlier period of its popularity have "gone by the board" and are never more heard of. There must be some reason for this long-time popularity and that is to be found in its superior merits. When once given a fair trial for weak stomach, or for liver and blood affections, i'ts superior curative qualities arc soon manifest; hence it has survived and grown in popular favor, while scores of less meritorious articles have suddenly flashed into favor for a brief period and then been as soon forgotten. For a torpid liver with its attendant indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, perhaps dizziness, foul breath, nasty coated tongue, with bitter taste, loss of appetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and debility, nothing is as good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It's an honest, square-deal medicine with all its ingredients printed on bottle-wrapper no secret, no hocus-pocus humbug, therefore don't accept a substitute that the dealer may make a little bigger profit. Insist on your right to have what you call for. Don't buy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Expecting it to prove a " cure-all." It is only advised for woman's special ailments. It makes weak women strong, sick women will. Less advert tised than some preparations sold for like purposes, its ster ling curative virtues still maintain its position in the front ranks, where it stood over two decades ago. As an invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine it is unecjualed. It won't satisfy those who want " booze," for there is not a drop of alcohol irt it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the original Little Liver Pills, although the first pill of their kind in the market, still lead, and when once tried are ever afterwards in favor. Easy to take as candy. Read it carefully every day, for it will strengthen you for a better and more cheerful (clay's work. ft "The day returns and brings us the potty round of Irritating concerns 'and duties. Help us to play the man, help us to perform them with laughter and B kind faces, let cheerfulness abound with industry. Qivo us to go blithely on w A onr business all this day, bring ub to our resting beds, weary and content and a - undishonorcd, and grant us in the end the gift of sleep." Robort Louis Stevenson. 1 We wish you all a contented and prosperous New Year. HEWLETT BROS. CO. J Tho Pure Food Law. Secretary Wilson says: "One of U10 objects of tho law is to inform the consumer of the presence of certain harmful drugs in medicines." Tho law requires that the amount of chloroform, opium, morphine, and other habit-forming drugs bo stated on tho label of each bottle. Tho manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have always al-ways claimed that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now f 11II3' proven, as no 'mention of them is made on the label. This rcmody is not only one of tho safest, but one of the best in use for coughs nnd colds. Its valuo has been proven beyond question during the many years it has been in general use. For sale by all druggists. NEW YEAR'S DINNER Nothing liko it. Tho Heron Cafe gives the best turkey dinner in tho citv, with wino, New Yoar's day for 75c. Servico HtfO to 8. 1-10 E. Second Sec-ond South. CHRISTMAS RATES Via Oregon Short. Line. Tickets on : sale December 18, 19. 2-1, 25 31 and j January 1. Limit January 4. See 1 agenttf for particulars. REMOVAL NOTICE. We are now occupying our new quarters quar-ters at 351 South State and are prepared pre-pared to handle tho trndo to better advantage. ad-vantage. SALT LAKE CLEANING AND DYEING DYE-ING COMPANY, Removed from 27 E. Third South. A STEP FORWARD. Our greatest advancement In laun- derlnpr of late has boon tho SOFT WATER PROCESS. It saves tho fabric, ami tho work Is unexcelled. TROY LAUNDRY, "THE LAUNDRY OF QUALITY." Both Phones 192. 166 Main St. j GUjN N-QUEALY Rock Springs I The best mined. i Aflk your dealer for it, or ! call 171 cither phone. j T. J. O'Brien I ' Genl Sales Agent, S 211 Herald Biiildins. $f tofs' wm Prcs3- and clean A Month The Regal Way j Phono, Bell Sr. 39. Ind. 1133. '-IWPPPI' I GREETING -.1 I j The Auerbach Store j I Extends Its Sincere Wishes to H One and All for I A. Happy and Prosperous I New Year v. 8 I I Thanks to you, our customers, for the generous part you've. played in furthering the good work of this thoroughly depend- I a.ble and popular store for your liberal patronage, which j brought us the greatest .year's business we've ever enjoyed j This staunch support and strong approval of our methods urges us on to greater achievements determines us to more than ever j merit your rightly placed confidence. We want your co-opera- f tion, your support. We want to make this Best-Store Better the best in the west. You can help us. We will do our part. - THIS STORE Will Be CLOSED TODAY H I M TEE l Price River Valley j . I I Under the Canal System of the 1 I I Irrigated Lands Company I H I Forty Acres Will Make You I 1 Independent for Life I H I Price $85 Per Acre With Water f I EASY TERMS j I I Write or Call for Illustrated ;l j Booklet j H j FITZGERALD SR0S. LAND CO. I I Exclusive Selling Agents 1 H 4th Floor, Atlas Block, I i rBrerrs j tlife SALT LAEffi CITY I I 1 1 iiglll BREWING CO. j I 1 1 WBa Phones No. 17. J. MOBITZ, Gen. Mgr. II If you aro without now clothes wo would adviso you I tf'ft dffeT& to tak advanfcaS f our special ls off onaJI Women's Satfs&Coais I I A Ofi on Men's Coats and Suits I. 1SSC Your credit Is good and there is no cscuso for letting l I I good bargains slip, x 'ilae Mercantile Iiastallmesaa C.9 j I Established 1902. 74 West Second South j ' lHiiHBHHIHiHHHHWHBI |