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Show INTERESTING ADDRESS BY REV. 1. BARTLETT Former Salt Lake Pastor Talks at Phillips Congregational Congrega-tional Church. Tho Rev. David "W. Bartlett of Los Angeles, the pastor of Bethlehem Congregational Con-gregational church and a noted sociological socio-logical worker, delivered a very interesting inter-esting lecture at Phillips church last evening. Tho audience was not as large as tho lecturo merited, but those who wero present thoroughlv enjoyed tho presentation present-ation of "Tho City of the Angel Gate," a topic dealing with Greater Los Angeles An-geles and the problems of civic and moral life peculiar to it, as well as those common to modern city life. Magnificent Magnifi-cent slides illustrated tho lecturo by stcreopticou, and tho land of sunshine received a full mensuro of attention. Tho vital foaturo or the evening, however, how-ever, was the presentation of tho work being done at Bethlehem church in ministering to the varied foreign life which has clustered about tho. church, and tho questions which ramify into city problems. Mr. Bartlett dealt with tho immlcra-tion immlcra-tion problem as it affects tho great centers of life, and paid some attention to the social ovil and the fact that it is fed largely by European immigrants, lie laid stress upon tho absolute necessity neces-sity for tho law's enforcement in every city, so that bad laws may be amended or repealed. Perhaps the heart of his programme for amendment may be summed up in a sentence: "Break up congestion, scatter scat-ter tho population, ruralize tho city, urbanize tho country." Referring to the problems of congestion con-gestion and the impossibility of giving to children or gr6Vrn-ups the rights and privileges which aro inherent in tho professions of modern freedom, while thousands aro crowded into one small city block, the lecturer illustrated tho benefits of scattering population by pictures of tho old and new Mulberry ben d, and tho rcmarkablo movement to the country going on in New York as a result or. dovelopcd transportation in tho new tunnels. In tho ruralizatjon of the city bv trco culture, the creation of open spaces and playgrounds, and tho bcautilying of public property, tho building of public comfort stations, and tho urbanization of tho country t by tho establishment of common comforts and conveniences, tho lecturer found hope -for tho future. Tn dealing with tho criminal element, Mr. Bartlett would eliminato prison confinement and depend on moral suasion sua-sion for reformation. Mr. Bartlett. will leave tomorrow for his next ongngoinent at Cheyenne. |