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Show 1 AMUSEMENTS 1 IN SALT LAKE THEATERS. SALT LAKE THEATER "Tho 4 'f Substitute." with Max Flpman. i Matinee, 2:15. Evening, 8:15. COLONIAL. THEATER "Tho t 5- Devil." Matinee, 2;15. Evening, S:lii. 4 J v- ORPHEUM THEATER Advanced v vaudeville. Matinee. 2:15, Even- -I- ins, S:15. -I r v ! GRAND THEATER "Thelma." ! v Also vaudeville. Matinee. 2:15. ! 4- Evening, S.lfi. i t r LYCEUM THEATER "Too Proud 4-r 4-r to Beg." Matinee, 2.15. Evening. r S.15. . 4 LYRIC THEATER Moving pic- i' tures. Matinee. 2. Evening, 7. i. ... . Max Flgman is at the Salt Lake theater in "Tho Substitute," his new play, and which was presented Thursday evening for tho first time In Salt Lake City. It Is a play written by Bculah M. DIx and Evelyn Grcenleaf Sutherland, who wroto "Tho Road to Yesterday." ono of the distinct dis-tinct successes in tho theatrical world. In "Tho Substitute" there are no problems, prob-lems, but there is comedy, there is romance, ro-mance, there is amusement from the beginning be-ginning until the end. and the characters are those of today. They are to be found in mapy places in the country. There Is no complicated plot to follow In "The Substitute, but there aro laughs a great many of them; there aro tears, too, but not many, and throughout there Is a pretty story that Is admirably told, and Is splendidly portrayed. Mr. Flgman enacts the character of an up-to-date New York lawyer who ha3 sportlng-nrocllvltlcs, and who, In order to kcop hla word with his prospective brother-in-law, subHtitutcs himself for a clergyman to officiate in a rural pulpit. It is a characlor that is splendidly carried out by Mr. Flgman; indeed, it could not bo bettered. Then, too, ho Is surrounded by a moot capable company. Miss Lollta Robertson as Cella Lathrap, Miss Ethel Martin as Chrysanthca Heywood, Miss Fay Wheeler as Helen Smith, Miss Agnes Evorett as Esther DlfTy, arc nil exceptionally clover in the characters they ropresenL Tho play is beautifully staged, the sotting sot-ting In the third act the garden of the parsonage being a most beautiful scene. "Tho Substitute" will be presented at a. special New Years matinee this afternoon, after-noon, again tonight, and tomorrow night, with a matinee Saturday. . Tho Scott company presented "Thelma" at tho Grand theater last night to a well-fillcd well-fillcd house, and it is but fair to that organization to say that they gave a really real-ly fine presentation of that well -known drama. As long ns dramatic productions are before the public, "Thelma," that powerful story of Mario Corelll, will always al-ways provo a favorite. The play calls for much scenic environment, all of which was glvon tho production, making it one of the prettiest, from a scenic standpoint, that the Grand has had this year. The new vaudeville portion of the programmo was Introduced between the acts of the drama, and plonscd tho audience. "Thelma" "Thel-ma" will finish out the week at the Grand, with a spcrlal souvenir New Years matineo this afternoon at 2.30. Henry "W. Savage's companies aro now producing the only correct and authorized version of Frnnz Molnnr's remarkable play. "The Devil," in New York. Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, Boston and Chicago. The performance per-formance of this furore-creating play in Salt Lake at the Colonial theater all this week, with matinees Friday and Saturday, Is by permission of Mr. Savage, and tho company and scenic effects are fully up to tho high standard set by this famous producing manager, "Too Proud to Beg" Is still pleasing large audiences at the Lyceum theater on State street. Tonight the management will entertain all tho newsboys of the city. It goes all the week, with matinees Friday and Saturday. U l There Is no more comfortable place to go and celebrate New Years than at tho Lyric, with Its good ventilation, good music, popular prices and excellent programme. pro-gramme. The interesting bill that has run this week will be presented. Commencing Com-mencing Saturday. Manager Clark promises prom-ises tho greatest bill yet ti Thero will bo the regular matinee at the Orpheum this New Years day. The bill is a splendid one. |