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Show FISH PeOVE FEATURE OE MARKET DISPLAY Salmon, Halibut' and Lobsters Came in for Hi . Deman'd. Things were booming on market row Friday and fish was In demand. Prices I on thc vertebrates seldom, vary al anv hCJison of the year. Salmon and halibut came In for the biggest, demand, and 1 lobsters were not slighted. Tho fruit stands continue to dinplaV 1 the sanle great variety of fruit, with tho emphasis on oranges. which, In spite of the high prices, continue to be j good sellers. flananns- afford the leat choice of any of the .fruit dlsphtvud and 1 thc p.rces arc only cut when tie fruit I Is not In demand. Apples, at a great variation In prices, according to the finality of thc fruit, constitutes con-stitutes an important item on market row at this season of the ve'ar. 1 Bradstreot's Boview. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Bradstreefs to- ! morrow will say j A further easing in the financial situation sit-uation and very general reports of Improvement Im-provement in collections arc thc leading features this week. In trade lines colder weather and snow have helped retail distribution somewhat, but price reduction reduc-tion salos arc generally credited with responsibility for whatever expansion lias been shown In that branch as a whole. Wholesale dealers and jobbers report sentiment Improved, collections benefited by the return to normal In domestic money markets, but trade demands? are still below thc normal and In some sections sec-tions a late and small spring trade Is predicted. Accompanying the greater case of 1 money at all centers seems to have come a tendency to pay up something on old liabilities, and some long-standing bills have been settled. All reports point to trade, despite improvement im-provement over December, being below the normal for this season. , There Is a disposition to look for small, ' frequent and perhaps late buying and a later than normal opening " of shipping trade. Business failures in the United States for the week ending January 16, number 461, against 435 last week, and 265 in the like week of 1907; 279 In 1906; 301 in 1903. and 266 in 1904. Canadian failures for the week number 41, as against 03 last week and 23 In this week a year ngo. Wheat, including Hour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending January 16 aggregated 5,-121. 5,-121. S67 bushels, against 6.804.273 last week and 2,666,160 this week last year, and 4. 690.202 In 1902. For the 22 weeks of the fiscal year the exports are 131.-312.S0S 131.-312.S0S bushels, against 101.633,166 In 1906-7. and 157.2G6.S60 in 1901-2. Corn exports for the week arc 900.2SO bushels, against 1.111.S71 last week and 1.906.S73 in 1907. For thc fiscal year to date the exports arc 26.959. 523 bushels, against 29.00S.1S0 in 1906-7. . 1 . Dun's Trade Review. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. R. G. Dun & Co's. Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say. A Progress is slow, but each week brings a little Improvement, and confidence in the future grows more rapidly than cur- rent transactions. The best feature Is thc broader market for commercial paper. pa-per. Loans In mercantile channels are now negotiated freely at little more than the normal rate, facilitating proposed undertakings un-dertakings and making collections more prompt. Buyers arc coming into tho leading lead-ing markets In largo numbers, which should soon increase transactions inTTess prices cannot be adjusted. aLanufaetur-ers aLanufaetur-ers increaso productions gradually, conservatism con-servatism being general, and many Industries In-dustries are not operating more than 50 per cent of their full capacity. Readjust- I ment of wages is still contemplated bv I many producers before machinery will be started. Several more steel plants have 10- ' sumcd. and others will start up next 1 week, but production will continue much reduced until orders come forward with greater freedom. Blnst furnaces are slow to resume and a meeting will bo held next week to determine upon the wage scale. Prices have declined to an extent that necessitates plans for lowering costs of production. A fair tonnage was taken by manufacturers of cast iron pipo, but concessions in prices arc asked by all buyers. New York Flour and Grain. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Flour Receipts, 19.600; exports, 12,900. Quiet and about steady. Wheat Recolpls. 6000; exports. 66,400; spot, firm; No. 2 rod. $1.0GJ elevator, and 31.088 f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, Du-luth, $1,221 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, win-ter, $1.15S f.o.b. afloat. JJarly declines of ic, due to lower cables and big Argentine Ar-gentine shipments, were replaced by a sharp afternoon advance. Reports of green bug damage In the Southwest uncovered un-covered a big short Interest, and final prices showed 2 He rise. Mav, $1.10 13-16S1.12I, closed ?1.12fl; July closed at ?1.06J. |