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Show 4. i She, gait ake ribtm . Issnod every morning: bjr a IBalC Lakb Trlhuno Publishing Company. ?. ,t : TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. (Dally and Sundav Tribune, week.. .J .sr. 1 Dally and Sunday, one month 1.00 Dally nnd Sunday, three months... 3.00 'TJaUy and Sunday, one year... 12.00 H Bunday Tribune, one year 2.00 ii, Sunday Tribune, six months 1.00 ';, Eeml-Weekly Tribune, ono year 1.50 S. C. Heckvrith Special Agency. Sole DCnotcrn Advertising Agent. ICustern of-floe, of-floe, Tribune Building, New York: Wcst- pro ofnec. Tribune IUilldlng. Chicago- Business communications should be ad- ' dressed: "Tho Tribune, Salt Lake City. Utah." ,J Matters for publication, to "Editor The it folhune. Salt Lako City. Utah." .' i . Whoro Tho Tribune Is on Sale. JMurray, Utah Kxcolsior Stationery Co., Ind. phono 177-1. , , , Osrdon, Utah Branch office, Broom hotel. Provo, Utah A. V. Robison. 27 B. Center atreoL Js'ow York Hotel Imperial; Vldorf-Aa-' torla; Hotallnts's, Broadway and riur- ' 1 trv-r.phth streot. , . , i Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket Of fice. , ChJcapo Auditorium Hotel; Palmer House; Van's Book and Exchange. JWashlngton New Wlllard News Stand, c tDmalm Union Station News Stand. ( Kansas City Toma News Co 7 Portland Bowman News Co.; Orcson t News Co. X-oe Angeles B. E. Anioe. iSan Francisco Amos Now; Co.: Poster Orear; Ferry B'.dg.; Hutchison Ncwf Co.: Parent's Stationery Co.. c" N. Whcnticy. 3 Seattle Acme News Co.; A. M. Keys. u Xenver Brown 'Palace; Kendrlck Book r nnd Stationery Co.. U. P. Hanson; Harvey Har-vey News Service. , . Boise Iilanha Hotel; Bolso Book and Music Co. j iPocatcllo Chaffo i Co. I h -Butte John G. Evans; Keefe Bros.. P- O. Now? Stand. ; ' Entered at the Postofflco at Salt Lake City 33 second-class matter. Tribune Boll Telephones. SJOO.....-- Circulation E201 Advertlalng 5201 Bookkeeper 1 B30S Mnnacer 15204.... City Editor B205 Managing Editor 820(5 Editor In Chief : K207 f Toll desk , B208 Administration :.. E209 -. Composing Room B210 Telotrra-ph and Art E211 Engraving. Dep't Independent Telephones. jTor all Departments 3S0. 3S4. ' , Saturday, January 18, 1008. |