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Show I(EsUblt3bcd 1S70.) " Caret While VauStnp." Whooplng-Coug h , Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphihopia, Catarrh, Confidence can be placed, in a remedy, rem-edy, which for a guartex of a century has earned unqualified praise. Restful uighta are assured at once. Cresotcne is a Boon to Asthmatics All Druggists Sfftd icstal fcr dc- HP""!" ,o"'SKl scriptive booklet. 'cStef ' Crceoleno Antiseptic T ,jW-Brfi Throat Tablets for the f V WjMaiM. irritated throat, of iht raTrA nifc your druggist or from FtUiAbvAMv r ns. 10c in stamps. Hie Vapo-CrcsoJene Co.. jjjQ & 180 Fallon SL, N. Y. KSSS - . L .f' t 1 . f iMiOiiOlliliit ! The End You.HaYe Always Bought . I BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF !p f I In Use For Over 30- Years. 1 Tilt OtflTHUn OOHPNT, TT MUMlftY OTnttT, IICW YORK CITV. C '"""""'ifirT'Tr i inrrm 1 1 m iwwwitu i Pi y: I : I Contury Printing Co., Salt Lake's printers, 1G5-167 South West Temple. Best work at fair prices. t S. D. Evai3r Undertaker and Embalmer, has removed to ucw location, -18 South State. KjibL- l A THIS BEAUTIFUL SIX-HOLE FRE! ? ll MOMAMCH ILitlDWARE. CO..- H' 27-29W. THIRD SOUTH STREET. v ! B . WBWiHroByiioi n li&MMlViyw M fin i i imi n i i i . ' I rp J' j I Take Advantage of nr Opening, Saturday, Jan. 18 ! H SPECIAL L0V7 PEICES FOE 15 DAYS. H, Wc waht you to show your friends the ldud of work wc do. Teeth extracted and filled without ; o. rnofrt, f qo 7r in,., , . . Pu,n by our modem methods. Wt f9 Sot k pearl) ! 7.75 aom.OiT Open till 0 iiSuvh y to 1 $ o Gold Crown, 22-k 3.50 7oc Silver and Amalgam Ifillings 50c Bring tills ! ad L S yoii ' j MODERN PAINLESS DENTISTS, 275 Soiath Malm Vienna Baltory, Makers all kinda of Broad, Ask your erocor for it ,v-iy-;-'i j T 227 Main SI, Salt Lake Qiy, ISNOW ON. " 'J' vB ) ' Something to Ploaso Everybody if You Don't Want to Buy. fu bCOAT OF ARMS B t HB!$fi FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. rP- H Wm ijij Goo'ds Direct From Various Departments of Government. Sold Owing to p 1 WW0W 16.00 GUN FOR 2(3.00 1 lK I shoot both SHOTBALL. BiSMMd 1 K IG Cost Pnclo Sum ?1G to manufacture. Pnloadlng them for $3.00 each. They shoot Etf ftlHE Si shot as well aa rllle ball. This is probably tho beat military rltlc the world ever saw. uJ-u... l-MTOjra W liR L This style was put in tho hands of the troops of tho army and were continued in use E&ftYi&WSZnWvi WA HHH until afler tho close of the Spanish war. The militia wore armed with this rifle up gWIMwKW M --WU. $1 to a year ago, and In consequence of tho Issue of the new small-bore Krng rifle, tho , m-Jy&A n KJi yHH S government ordered tho sale of them. This style rlflo went through Indian wars SSSSlfe S EKl ' 55 from 1S70. and Is the only gun the Indian ever feared. They are still used In tho V Sifll&lEBiKgi A1 KiJ itS Phlllpploo Islands by tho scouts and constabulary, which b proof nothing la better I atSxl:HPTO8 e) gE2 tft for the hunter, farmer, sporting man or home protector. Price ?3.00. L mSMPll H ISA a Samplos shot and ball cartridges free with sun for trial. Money refunded after pggg Hg I ' I ST 1 I ? i i 11 , khaki coats. ; Reinforced Trousers. baydnbt J set 88 ;8 ya All sizes, from government dfpot. San I mohfi fF'irraAnrnrr Cm Francisco, cost United States 52.00 , Host pun all wool, cost U. S. govern- THAN (A PICTUnli S 3 each, Just what all men want for home. mint $3 GI pair, brand now ami perfect; 1EL 1 M I eac::?:..01: ...Sl.OO Sol.I o,mt or new Ptyl. These SgWPRICE ffl 18 Khaki trousers, all large f)f I troiwera are known as cavalry trous- rJi WmKitam, BJ 1 sizes, pair OZ.flj crs. and made as good nnd strong as fro ?Sf F an m 1 HEAVY CANVAS EAGS hands and brains could conceive, ow- WW riT M Cost government 53.00 each, one of the I 10 Brcht strain by men in saddle. T0 HAMG R 2$?J nicest things for hunting, camping. ; There Is an extra piece of cloth over UP IN 1 YOUR ROOM. RJ 0 A cm prospecting or hand store bag . szn the seal and down leg. so when they mgt t jj fin that can bo had, price ujo 1 pet worn U1I3 extra piece can bo re- f W& 0 q3 ' moved, thus giving the benefit of al- j jfiS BLUE SHIRTS j most a new pair. For all workmen they ' 1 WR 'fl ( Some of these are heavy weights, noth- ' will give more service than any other tf , a ing as pood over before or' throe pairs ever purchased. 0 2 cr KM i sold, pure all wool Ow.iO Price, a pair o.o ? Goveinment Woolen Goods rk ml t 8 Are pure all live wool, sheared from sheep. Inspectors watch to soe that no pulled 'j'-B 1 Something now and rare to decorato your home, no other store In the IT. S. has any- fe fi !lv thing of the kind. Wo received from the government arsenal many thousand J.S.ARMY HtLMET WOOL ;H? Wftf helmet eagles, had remodeled, mounted on wood placqucs, and arc the only coat COR03. COST UNCLZ SAM ifv L& or arms in cxlslonco like them. Only a limited 94CTS. CONVERTED INTO K number to sell. Price 000 )FANCY P1UOW COgDS-g.ctj M Black Blankets. . 'Sg- Strictly pure all wool waterproof, edged with red silk. 25 yards long by 60 CFLd4K WAR sEF SEff inches wide, a moro serviceable and warmer blanket cannot be had should you 0&&MjrFtttr Erf- '3B ft not want It for your bed, It can be made into clothing will make two pairs 8K?3M'JM&taBPSn Pi ' St da men's trousers of 0110 man's storm overcoat, o o s?fl pjRjBpw 5i w TO i!Bfc' or one cloakfor lady 7 rtSkW 3 'Ei m U. S. Army Wool Cords mBtj W And bandH. intended for helmets, cost government 81c; In fancy colors. O U&wf JB&X A rKl suitable for edging sofa cushions, pillows, or window drapery woo vy Slrletly pure all wool white Blankets from CO 35 RARJLJSrIOQOJ M tjE" U. H. Medical department jj.jj HQ Direct from U. S. Clothing Arsenal. Philadelphia. Imported to seal up army cloth. C jH M Method stopped. Klogant for skirts, ladles', men's or children's suits for outing, J RiS table cover;:.' towels and squares, pillow tops, floor cloths, door and lCir V vStKi aB window rurtalns. etc.. IS Inrhes wide. Price -1C. y BBK225y O "aSS9g m Ml Above Goods From U. S. Government Arsenals. L p I M Wi Government Cloth, Rejected owing1 to slightgrey mixture. a ''m& 03 56 inches wldo. Indigo dye. pure all wool, porfocl goods without a blemish. The loss Is your gain. Any store will ask you from ?2.50 a yard up to 5L00 for the very SW f'BM rc3 same goods.. No woolen mill today would or can make this quality for 52.00 a I 50 CTS. I mi 'HR tigM yard. Women who have sewing machines can easily make up men's Bulls, trous- pi .Bh fetig crs. children's suits, walking skirts, jackets or capos for themselves at one- m E3Ki fourth cost of roady-madc, and will give you better wear and comfort. It's a ACANDLL I HiE '-MtS riM llfollme chance; Hi yards will make nny lady a fashionable winter box coat for P STAND. f KL W $ri.50 and far bettor than uny J25.00 coat from . pa k MADE use '8 maker. Our price per yard .J.DU FTR0M A 1 1-1 n T P ,)arU Groy an(1 Black, fancy edge 3 ARMY $M ', :Hk m Automobile or Uarnaqe Lap Lovers onior. eo inches wide, do inches , mk JC or long, all wool and waterproof. CrXUME "ftS 'Kh I Open Day and Evening lor 10 Days Only. ' W$$$ M 1 I W. S. MIRK, Mgr. 227 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah ImBM 1 ! E I The Prioter has I I printed The Rating j & 'names in it. Sub- 1 I scriptions now I promipt!y, while mi jp' I l they last. ' I ; MERCHANTS' PEOTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, I jj Sclentmc Collectors of Honect Debts; Francis G. Luke, Gen'l Mgr., 77-100 Com- merclal Nat'l Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. H j "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." 9 Modern Methods Coiintl WHEN IT OOMES TO CLEANINQ OIOTHES. I Wo havo the mothods, secoud to none in use anywhere. Some are of 1 t -our own creation and some have boon secured exclusively bv us from I . fcho exportB who diBcovored them, but. all are applied in s'kjllful manner 1 and do tho work perfectly, no inattor what class of cleaning it B . Phono 1133 JJC) I and our wagon -zs -at Main office 1 wiii can. wQeanin Dyeing Ga m Sa and stat0- The Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest .Circulation. ' 1 Dainty Cream- k Dainty Skills m "WARD'S MASSAGE K COLD CREAM" K It keeps tho complexiou clear Bb! and fresh by softening and feed- lBk ing tho tissues and keeping tho H? pores active. BK Put up in three sizes, 25c, viHli 00c and 75c jars. 'F DAYTON CO. S Cor. 2nd South and State Sts. 4Si J !!E WATER SOFTENING. 11 Our groat apparatus, the largest "SQ used by any laundry In the world, ca- Hs paclty 40,000 gallons por hour. fHS Soft water suvos aud softens the 'SK fabric, produces a color Impossible to '4H obtain with raw, hard, city water. Bi TROY LAUNDRY, "THE LAUNDRY OF QUALITY." I jHH& Both Phonos 102. 166 Main St. J iHI |