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Show 1 The reason tlifc ;; j HUSLER'S FLOUR j DANGER IN DELAY 1 1 Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous for Salt Lake City People to ; Neglect. The great dancer of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, head-ache, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, dip-betes dip-betes and Bright 's disease follow in merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidnevs. Curo the kidneyB with the certain cer-tain and safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here in Salt Lake City. Mrs. E. A. Hoglin, living at :318 South Eighth West street, Salt L.aKe iv , Utah, savs: " I am pleased to recommend recom-mend Doan's Kidney Pills to the citizens citi-zens of Salt Lake City, especially thoso suffering from kidney complaint in any form. I have used them in my family and the results received were very satisfactory. sat-isfactory. T honestly recommend thorn to others as a reliable romcdy for Irid- ncy complaint." For sale br all dealers. Price HO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Hemember tho name Doan 'a and take no others. 1-, Wo Now Have the I 2 "AJAX" Fountain Syringe. The very finest fountain syringe made. I I Owing to the exceptional 1 q'ualitv of Mi is syringe, very " few cstablishntcnts H carry it, but in. accordance with the SCHRAMM STANDARD HT OF QUALITY 1 Established by us, wo sell J it, with a guarantee, tfnd 1 f will gludly give a. "CTVjnq I T in any case wbeffo -Id-he H slightest fault is apprfent. "WHBRE THE OARS STOP" i3 I. T iFourtli'Day Annual Wkite Goods. Sale Ife fl i.. ..' An inclefmable touch of daintiness to the various , ! H lv . .;- .r lingerie garments. Specially low prices on do- " ! ' . WM M ' ' S t Keith-O'Bnen will give Mi :TJM ffl I ll I s- 1 y--0-T the-first-dny if each mottOi, M -K'SI !i rmme Dale l oaay --s-sstf fcffl I f f 1908 n,ocle1, 5-passoncrer i:ar. jfe tflBI I I Air immense offering ot Us- j i 1," trick Featker Plu'ities'Ut 333; H l lk anC Q0 ilSCOUnt, including the 'first of each month indefi- H p a very large consignment. cIkc , Thc iirSt; machine, fflj p stock is strictly newno old ab0utaweek.- - ffi 'B S A1jthe new and diraUe shades for Spring and Summer TWs(k 'M q Our own large stock is augmented by a big ?fT and M beautiful ostrich novelties and feathers, embracing ful o tnch Saturday; . -. U. MM crowns, elegant ostrich aigrettes and exquisite willow feathers W,. HD v,;rmmpnt will 'be on exhibit Ihursday only. i nese hi, lo slan(lli;.d mil&s. T r The consignment win .ut ordinary 1 For 2.ss your choice of fl & consignment goods, hich are decidedly out of. the oiclinary, oui.$ andVio0 gl,clc, J Mi ? 11 , i "-'I np linlf leSS than USiial.. prices. .Bo,.s- school shoes that AgQ ,f H will be sold one-third to one-halt less ... f u 2igg wnsn im I rnrwTGKMmT DISCOUNTS: Ladies7 felt slippers, regu- f, 1 - Plain Ostrich o . lar 1.75 to si2.50, at $1.20. " 1 .iAArt Willow Feathers CtQOO $18.00 Feathers for $lD.i)U . Misses' ' Idd or calf shoes : g5 $40.UU . for $jiJ.JJ for schooMveaMpecial at j ft Gorgeous ostrich feather novelty, in . . White ostrich .novelty t - r ?Lf ..qs; Children's in same at 1 TO "' M M $35.00 Pink,. Hght blue $QfQ0 25-00 ;::mr . ; M ,1 n)M green, navy, black. ..V.v Infants' shoes, sues 2 io o ig H Marahcan ponpoms, bladlc-afll wIlHe, AA $1"25 Ml $18 00 with aigrette, fe19'0 $ for ..-...$0.00 W . f WM I'J-0."" for IZrvvJ1 Ii ,: Lcaeins. while they last, I W - Bem;til,,l ostrich feathers iu hlaclc, 'Plume, lifcltt blno Q 83 and $1.00 jfipcK, 30c. Jjfe L Jgl tmnn emeraland ' tLf pink and white, forjP XO .J Ijadies. 0veiWuters. ine ffl ft I ; jm 13-UU , -...3) .DU .,-.' i. n ' srados lor 45c, in 7 and 10- I , Ml .tnowns. ....... . V.. ' - fM oslncyoelty g QQ - 1 win Fancy white ostrich (Urr (fi IpIO.D.U POnpom in puiVonlv ...WW. J v . jwavw b. $10.00 novelty for $'.UU V" ' ' WM h'4 M 31-inch plume, navy, ,ink, white, Q AA W M W $28.00 enieralandchanKoQOO ly tt . 428. GO Q W pgne, for .."ZrU.UW , . . g M piunieswS .0QHb ' jsA-. - - i |