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Show IMMUNITY BATH FOR ALLEGEDJjAXD grafters rOKTl.AXD. Jan. ir,. Franeis J. Money croaled Rimcwhnt of a sensation today when he announced In Judge Hum's courtroom that of tho live persons Indicted In connection with the Butto Creek alleged land frau l cases, onlv two. former Pulped States Attorney John II. IJnll and l-Mwin -Mays, will be trliL at this lime. This is taken to indicate that there exists an undcrntandlng between Honey and tho other throi defendants, former Slat Senator W. w. Stelv.-er, IT. H. . Ilendrlek.s and Charles 13. Snclinrv. and that thoy will tcsllfv against Ha'lt and Mays when called upon. It ha been reported .for several days that an immunity im-munity bath was roady for certain of the defendants, and Honey's announcement announce-ment Is believed to confirm tho rumors. Tho seleetlon of jurors went on this : morning, five being accepted before tho noon recess. illlllS ARE HEARD ABOUT SMOWAHD SLUSH Dooly Block Oracle. Tlicrei'orc. Orders Fair Weal her lor Thursday. Some people think It Ik about tlmo tho weather man was coming around wllh fair weather again, nnd no doubt the murmurs of complaint ngnlnsl snow and slush have reached the ears of tho Doolv block oracle, since he has ordered "Fair for Thursday." Now 1'ork had a stormy session with the weather Wednesday, and CMilcugo also hnppened to be located under un-der a few clouds surcharged with snow. Precipitation with high winds prevailed ovor the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys. val-leys. Snow fell at Denver, Omaha and J Zander, Thursday. I"nlr weather continued con-tinued along the Paelfir coast, Gulf States and Southern Atlantic coast. Porecasf for Salt Lake City and vicinity vicin-ity Fair Thursday. Wednesday's Record. Yesterday's record at the local oifto of the weather bureau for the twcvity-four twcvity-four hours ending at 0 p. m.: Maximum temperature, 37 degrees-minimum degrees-minimum temperature. 31 degrees; meat! tempornlure. V,l degrees, which is C do-grces do-grces above normal. Accumulated excess of temperature slnco January 1. 32 degrees. Kolatlvo humlditv, 57 per cent. Total precipitation from C p. m. to f p. m.. .18 of an Inch. Accumulated deficiency of precipitation since January I. .15 of an inch. Temperatures Elsewhere, a .. . MIn.: Mm. J Atlanta :c,New Vorlc City. 'JS Bismarck i; Norfolk, Va :- ! Bolao 32 Northflcld, Vt. .10 Boston lSlOklahoma :!g Buffalo L'OfOmaha . . Charleston . ... 3C Phoenix 38 Chicago 2 l Pittsburg 2 Cincinnati . ... 2-1 Portland, Or. ... 3S Denver 20. Sr. I.ouls 32 Detroit 22' Sl Paul 24 Dodge 30, San Francisco .. AC Galveston iiO'Scranton 22 Helena S' Spokane IS Kansas City 3S Tonopnh 30 Ult ItoH 34 Victoria 3S .uk Angeles II Washington . .. 20 New Orleans ... 3S ', Why Colds arc Dangerous. If you would be immune from disease, keep the system healthy. Each successive succes-sive cold weakens the constitution and renders infectious diseases more liable. Chamberlain's Cough Kcmcdy will euro your cold promptly and restore the system sys-tem to its normal condition. For sale by all drnyjrists. |