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Show B UTAH SMELTING CO.ljl OGDBN". UTAH, :!BPYERS OP ORES, ' . po " - . , ; it.' Union Assay Office. J M. S. Hanauer, j v j.ii. 152 S, Wcat Temple, P. 6, Box hun. Tribune Waat Ads. Be" Paono 5201, Ind. phono 380-343. A lS1'. KTOUK B110 I 4 Trihuuo Want Ads. ''3en Phone 520J. Jnd. phono flCQ.348. j ShcefS-NecI Co. I I mining STOCKS I 12 Walker Banlc Building. J Momhors Salt Lake Stock and S Mining ExclianBC H Bo 4688. ind; 4200 I BEBBHEBBIIIIH ! " COMMISSION ORDERS j j for. Stooks and Bonds ; executed in all markets. ' 1 Private Wire Service New York, Boston and ! San Francisco Stock J Exchanges. I Liberal Advances on all j Listed Securities. ! Jss. A, Pollock & Co. ' . 6 M SECOND SOUTH ST. 1 Both Telephones 575. i JOHN A' K'RBY. R. K. COBB. I 8. K. COBB & CO., MINES, 6TOCK8 AND BONDS. Tclophoneo Ind., 931; Beif. 450a 17 West 2nd South St. 'Bellies, lathez & Co., . W. G. KING. Manager. ASSAYS ANALYSES OHE TESTS. 158 S. VV. Temple- St., Salt Lake City. Telephone Ind. 1146. J. W. OURRIB, ASSAYER, " 0 W. 3rd So.. Salt Imkn Citv. - I Since 1 Automobilf soems I ! flp.stined to become tho J Jevcr of trade in Salt j jLiike. vp wisli lo im- 1 press on the owners of j prs and on those who : hope lo win cars that I wp handle a complete l.inp of quick drying motor car colors the ifini.'St that can be pro- j (luced. 1 j Call for color book. 1 Morrison, I Merrill & Co. S ( 28 LIAIN STEEET. Bell Exchaugo 9, ind. 601. "j I SICK-ROOM (EnTifl I NECESSITIES I "Easy - to - repd." Clinical ij'fS I Thflrmgjjneter. " ijjXjj C I Srevol-ieak,, Hot Water U Perfection Bed and Douche I I Wf0 li Ajax Fountain Syringe. t $ i Tlio ahovo arc ajmost indispen- H.tblo in caso of illness, and are J i.rtSfl but a fow of the many fiick-room H tffLi W 2 nfCCHsitics which rc can acnll (tin p you at a minute's notice. W'iffl' I F. J. HILL DRUG CO. AfJfS I "The Xever-Substitutops." $ SORENSEN-STOUTT CO. Wj0., No. 41 to 51 Eaet Third South Strett. iRKt?r lS SOUc WESTERN AGENTS for th -f!y' celebrated nnd reliable HALL'S SAFES S.frl AND VAULT FRONTS, all olici In tock. t-!j new or socond-hand, cash, terma or ax- J&Vl chanoa. LEYSQW TIME. j Phone 65 for the correct time. nft1 I The Equity Investment Co., 1 (Incorporated.) tm Alex. A. Robertoon, Mqp. A'J" -u Succeacor to fmfc ! HOMER & RODERT30N, 'MM 219 South Main 3L JiJ I REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSUR- .JJ I ANCE. !taaigg licratch Your Head a I l Better move this way and get your shar6 of the I .-6 jod things. I kOWE & KELLY CO. 1 jj 1BgIN STREET' ( HOYAIi MILK LOAP I I ff' Is made of the purest ingredients, T'ZgBm 3W$h ftEAt) mixed -with the best mUk obtainable. FteBAT. " Ifllii ? . 1 It Is not baked in lard or grease of j Utx&AV jBjB Vryvu r any ""kind, is handled in wood and , . IjRll Jry baked in an oven absolutely free from lb SbS? '523$' all possiblo coritamination. Sbs' fllfe A& J EOYAL BAKING COMPANY. BREAD jBS ferny togM, II fcQYa,U Wal1 korAt. I w I5l) Bbba Bread i j Brba& , fi& D W& Th fe Is Only One iHSt "Bromo Quinine " HI iu. . I USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD S ONE DAY. 'jff j M4 rembqr., tho m name. Look j 7)J fl flS |