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Show IWc rrant n President; hut no Knoxr And one of those loose leaf devices n the one you turned over. But our visitinjr farmers should not 'e permitted to ahrave remain drv. H Jf Shakespeare were hijjh prices, we H r iglit consistently say that bacon was Mfr" t'. 1 0no nccd nt fccl altogether, proud; B , 'or one may be outsliined even by a V ' bootblack. I; 1 Have you noticed that by paj-injj -Ji tiling you have never paved the street x a front of your house J No, thank yon, Mr. Coal Dealer; not today. You Tvill remember tbnt wo bouehfc quite plentifully lngt summer. y Of course, if the poultry show m.13- finally have no use for that forty-pound turkey, we arc not cramped for backward back-ward room, "Wo have most likely captured the slayer of Police Officer .Charlie Ford; but what -will the Board of Pardons V, do about itf I. will also observe that people are bej-iuninrr to look at the cashiers' v chockB.as if they actually thought they were not real money. While a self-respecting lawyer of Salt Lake is president of a big; Nevada irrigating concern, we -would 3-et heBi-tate heBi-tate to call it a Billking proposition. I The Thistle club can hardly be blamed for setting their Bobby Burns celebration one day ahead. Thorough enjoyment can never come too soon. Some person has inaugurated the fashion of skating on stilts, as we are informed by an eastern newspaper. What does ha do stand the bartender off I I State Senator Hideout has merely demonstrated that between himself and the Mormon church in the smelter matter, mat-ter, there is the difference of common onee. "What wo need in this country is ! more money' declares the Memphis 1 Commercial Appeal. Can't that paper! wait until the Republican party gets "bosyi ' , I No longer are the mail carriers to ' Jliie themselves to top floors; aud they 1 re io be congratulated upon the fact "that they arc rid of many of thcir'upf, end downs. j Now, if Professor Willinin Apmadoc ' ;o Chicago shall find it impossible to be presont to conduct the great musical musi-cal Eisteddfod of the Welshj thero is '.always Apostle Grant. From lime to time the Government I advertises 'of competent assistance in I "worthy employees. What a lot of I Mother could be saved if the Govern-iincnt Govern-iincnt wouljl omit the competency re-quiremeBjt,. re-quiremeBjt,. and then leave the whole thhjjR -to ApoBtle Srhoqfc! One certain, individual kicked most Jiqrribly "becauBQ 51 Lirih notice was omitted fronf ' country ; nowspaper's-ny. nowspaper's-ny. itcroi-rjC)f.vcotirse- it;'-was hisown, M, "baby tha was 3nyolyeiand we arc consequently constrained to say that a aorciit .th?atricftJ tjQOU8&. w.ould. eqgajco a, 'sjf"..::'V" noted oonipany of porformera to pla.y to one lovesick couple. Bui. it wouldn't pay. |