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Show IHAWf IF AUQU1TT10, 4 lif HOT BE FREEff ;V5- . F Prospects Are That He Wifi3d: jGom peiled to Figb t lo ; Es'- V cape Asylum. NPW YORK, Jan.' in. Adhering strictly to their promise lo intorpope-no intorpope-no other 'defense than fchslt of insanity in b.chnJf of tlioir clientt the attorney's representing J tarry K- Thaw at his trial today continued the examination examina-tion of witnesses who swore that Voting Thaw, at; various times in his life, appeared ap-peared lo them as irralional qiid men-rally men-rally unsound. Practically " 'all 'o'f the testimony wif entirely new ' to.' t-ho ease, and had to dp 'with acts 'down to the daj- of the tragedy itself. Then came tho declaration or- tho ten -men' who4 sat on tho coroner's jury during the inquiry into Stanford White's death, ail of whom declared that the defendant, de-fendant, tlio day following the shooting, shoot-ing, acted irrationally. His manner and appearance were such as to -cause tho inquest ;jii73 to discuss his stato of mind -after their .formal verdict had been rendered "Uncovering Family History. Jn, the day 's '. .testimony there was mo're- delving into the history of tho Thaw; family. Alfred Ise Thaw of ttich-. moud, Va., a third cousin of the defend-j I ant, taking the stand' and telling , of tho taint of innaility which had cuuked I ! his father and b rothor to die in State j asylums. Some of Thaw's alleged ec; ! ecntrieitics, revealed for .the first time, I wore related today, b' Ghristophor Bag-I Bag-I gan, steward of the New York Whist club;- by Miss tatilda Steiin 1 a telophoue operator, and by August; I Wober. a former butler in the Thaw I household. Thav,- spent a portion ,pf i tho afternoon of .Tune 2, 1906. at the I Whist club, and at that time few 1 hours before the tragedy was puctured j by the steward as being highly norvous, land frequently exclaiming: '-'This is I awful.' ' He asked tho steward to have j a valuable package put into the safe. After the shooting the package was opened and found to contain three cigarettes "wrapped in tin foil. District Attorney .leromo, in cross-examining tho club steward, brought out the fact that Thaw played bridge there with many prominent men. The witness declared de-clared ho was not supposed to know( what Mr. Thaw. Mr. Gates, Mr. Schwab and the others played for, but ho was sure nothing bnt mineral wateer was ever served at the tables. The tolophone operator told of Thaw putting in soventj'-five calls ono morning morn-ing at the- Grand hotel, and then forgetting for-getting all about them. Tho butlur told manv details of Thaw's life at home in 1903. This was still under examinationwhen adjournment adjourn-ment was takon "Piling Up Evidence, tyhe separate incidents of alleged, ir affiOTfaldnduol'. oh"' th"ep:tf C " of thcT defendant de-fendant was boing put in evidence b.y Mr. Littleton as the foundation for th expert testimony that is to come. Tin nlso hopes to accumulate such a mass of testimony as to Thaw's erratic conduct ns to manke it impossible for the District Dis-trict Attornev to fulfill the task the law places upon him of proving Thaw sane "beyond every reasonable doubt". . Criminal lawyers -of yrommonce who aro following the 'ease' outlined by the defense and who are' taking into consideration con-sideration the fact, that a specific plea of insanity haH been entered this year, declaro that an acquittal under the circumstances cir-cumstances can coino only with the added clause, "on account of the in-lanitv in-lanitv of the dofend'ant at the time the act was committed'." This, it if, declared, de-clared, would compeel the presiding Judgo to commit Thaw- to Alattewau asylum, whence a fight-tq prove his present sanity, and thus gain freedom, would have to be . conducted through habeas corpus proceedings- t. |