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Show 1! UTAH SMELTING CO. , OQIXQN, UTAH. ' BUYERS OF ORBS. I I I Confidence w i an I !?S I Patronage Tlii Commercial National t t '.. y Bank is strong, liberal, prompt t ? and courteous. S i'1 . It" onJoj-H the confidence and receives the patronage of , .-.! S Iiuntlreds of Salt Lake City's . !.. ? representative citizens. S Tour account is initcd. f ; Capitol ?2O0,000.00. -ftfti'l ? Surplus 55O.000.0ft. i's'p 5 Deposits ,000,000.00, !. Salt Lake Audit j! Company ' 44 Postoffice Place (". AUDIT8, INVESTIGATIONS, EXAM- I NATIONS, ETC. . ; Books opened, closed, written up weekly or monthly. Syotems adapted , M to arty business. Coat systems do- i vised and Installed. All aorvlcos '1 strictly confidential. J i Hi Union Assay Office. AL S. Hanauer, ,7 y Sndler 152 a Woat Temple. P. 6, Box mIS J. OBEBNDORPER, STOUK BHO- , KER. 1C1 S. Main, -i Tel Bell 792. ' ro Balaklala" Copper companv stock-holders stock-holders . Stockholders of record "on Janu-n.t?'J2Vit Janu-n.t?'J2Vit w,n miVR rKht lo subscribe un-t un-t II February nth. to stock of the First National Na-tional Copper Co., which latter companv will undertake to finance the Balaklala Copper Co. under plans to be mailed that : day. I Transfer books of the companv will he open from January lHth lo 21st. Inclusive A. R. Buchanan, secrctarv organization organiza-tion committee, 25 Broad street, New York. THE JAPAN I i TEAS '5f9 packed 'jlllll under HEWLETT'S Threo Crowu Brand nro selected for flavor, strength, purity, delicacy, aud we know thoy will create a higher plane of value in package toas. Always Al-ways good. I sal! 'sickle, I THE JEWELER. 1 , I 233 Main Street 233 I Next door to Utah Savingr, and B I TniBt Co. Building. , Settles, 'Mafhez & Co., W. G. KING, Manager. ASSAYS ANALYSES OREi TESTS, 153 S. W. Temple St., Salt Lake City. Tolephonc Ind. 1146, J. W. (JURRIE, ASSAYER, 70 W. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. , Will be one of tho most, prosperous vcfirs tins euiiniry lias-ever seen. Tlio decided advance in t 1 1 ood slocks ami tlio gen-rnl gen-rnl improvement ami upward tendency so Inr since the Ilrst of tlio vear practically prac-tically insures litis statement". Do not wait nain until prices are at tlio top notch, luil buy now, while prices are low. Buy any good ducks; bin real cstnlo mi will not save nnvtlmi" lv waiting-. Take advanta-e or' tho present pres-ent opportunity. Tim hunks 'iivo loaded with nioncv; hoy never had so much money on haiid before There is nn immense idle capital, cap-ital, and it is beginning- to seek investments. invest-ments. Money will soon bo olVcrcd at j a very low rate of interest. There is j a fircal demand for houses, and this dn I manil will increase. Huv vour build- j nip silos now, and build in 'the spring'. Buy your buildinp sites of up. ami don't delay in your buying. Wo have bargains bar-gains in all classes of properly, from a $30 lot to a $200,000 business block. Small payments, long- time, low interest. Act; now, while the acting- will be of profit to you. Act; tins week and et yourself started on tlie rond to owning Honiftliinc. Call and sec whut, wo havo to off or. HUBBARD INVHSTMKXT CO.. 78 West Second South. COMMISSION GiiMS for Stocks and Bonds executed in all markets. Private Wire Service New York, Boston and . San Francisco Stock Exchanges: Liberal Advances on all Listed Securities. Jas, A. Pollock & Co. 6 W. SECOND SOUTH ST. Both Telephones 575. Sheets-Ned Co. j MINING STOCKS 12 Walker Bank Building. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange Bell -1588. Ind. 4200 WRITE US FOR OUR SPE- I CIAL MARKET LETTER ON S Newhonse Mimes m& Smelters HERBERT J. WILE & CO., 202 D. F. Walkor Bldg., j SALT LAKE CITY. 1 Both Phones 60S. Members of jj ' the Salt Lake Stock Exchange. I JOHN A. KIRBY. r. k. COBB. R. B. COBB & CO., MINES, STOCKS AND BONDS. Telephones Ind., 931; Boll, 4800. 17 Wart 2nd South 3t ' WALKKR BR0THRRS, f ' BANKERS. , (Incorporated,) ESTABLISHED 1859. Capital $250,000 Surplus 5100.000 Absorbed the Salt Lake Branch of Wells-Fargo Wells-Fargo co.'s Bank. I 'Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, ; Travelers- Letters of Credit Issued, i Available In All P.irts of the World. ' WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. j DESERET NATIONAL RANK I V. S. Depository. ' Sail I nice City. Pii.!t. i. Capital, S300.000.00; surplus. $500,000.00 ; i- ft. mils picuiiJcut j Moses Thatcher Vlic-rmsldcnt : II. S. Younir . Cashlc-r . Edpnr fl. Hills A.st. Cashier j L. V, Burton A'sst Cashier Safely Deposit flovrs for IU-n!. j National Dank of iha Republic A inoroiicluy modern "avinep .iepaii mem I'Otidii'-iijd In en:iiH"-llori wih in a hank. Safe deposit I.d.mpr 'oi W-ni. L". P 1'vpn.wli jiry. Frank Knox, president. J.inies A. Murray, vice-president; W. F. Ear's, cashier. Capital paid In. $300,000. Iniereai palJ on time deposits. XV. S. M'COP. N'ICK. V. V. ADAM?. President. Vice- Presldi'tif UTAH NATIONAL RANK Salt I :i!io City. l;l-.)i Pays Interest on Time fj.poslt? Safety Deposit Bo.es tor Kent. JOMSPli" NELSON. TWOS. P.. C! "TI.BR. I Cashli-r. Vice-President. JoustonHe8je5(mecrit Co U Incorporate ESTABLISHED 1SS3. Capital. 510,000; Surplus. 5V.1.000. Special attention Klvon to tl-.o -ol-lcrtlnn of rents, payment tca and the are of piopt-riv foi :Tfi:.-iei-dcntF. 31 SOimi MAIN siTIlKET. Salt Lake I " : ft h R. G. DUN & CO.. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY. GEORGE RUST, General Manager Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyomlno- Office In Tribune Bldg., Salt Lake City. ESTABLISHED 1841. 189 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. I ESTABLISHED 1389, UTAH COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK WM. F. ARMSTRONG, President. BYRON GROO, Cashier, j Commercial Banking In All Its Branches, i Four per cent Interest on savings deposits. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. j McCORNICK & CO., BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1873. Salt Lake City. Utah. ! I FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS I J B v?o liavemndo tbo cure of blood poison a H ' specialty. Prlmtiry.Sccondary orTcrtlary 3 I Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can H be treated at homo under same Ruaranty. h Capital icOO.000. Wc solicit thc most obsti- U II uato canca. If you have exhausted the old B 1 I m tnctbod3 of IrcatraenLnndBtll! have achea tu I m and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth. Soro I I m Throat. Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots, S I III Ulcere on nnv part of tbo bod-, flnlr or ay Eyebrows falllnc out. write lor proofs of S M cures. 100-pano Book Free, i I I C003C REWiEDY GO, S H 310- 55STATE ST., CHICAGO.U.S.A. Hi 'tttiWIiili IHi it 'III I I i iiibJI I Men and Women ?nttnu Ccnurian aioiuDrciios. Gtalnltsa bmciNHA-n.o.g JTT1 '3cPk vn a fiSja.0rsetit In plain wrappor I wrcV- &i i express nropnld (or 3iW9Jj3C ?I.CO or a bottlea 1S3V' Circular sent on rcojost Subscribe for The Tribune and 1 Get all the News. I NOW PGR A GENCRaTI I Suits aod Overcoats 1 S . Values up to $20.00 S TAKE YOUR CHOICE. j l Special lot of Men's Shirts, values a f I up to $1.50, choice DC j ROWE & KELLY CO. I 132-134 S. MAIN STREET. I FOR. SALE! j Salt Lake City' coupon paviug warrants (in I ' $500.00 and $1000.00 denominations) bear- 1 S mg 6 per cent interest. Redeemable in ten f I annual payments. A safe, conservative and jg paying investment, especially desirable for B small investors. 1 P. J. MORAN, I j BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, CITY. i'' I 7 ; ' 1 m j Oilii'f Hours Daily 1(1 A. M. hi S I'. M. Sumlny 1 1 ( 2 pJBk' j THE KNOWLEDGE F MSEASfffit IS HALF ITS CUKE, IF ALL YOU VHO ARE IN NEED OF A SPECIALIST WILL CALL wKk' ME FIRST YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY DOCTOR BILLS To 'R jj PAY. 34 YEARS IN SALT LAKE CITY. t foi vo ii selves. iBi I $3 k MONTH MEilMS INCLUDED $3'lf A NEW AND WONDERFUL TREATHBH1K?-FOR TREATHBH1K?-FOR AZiZi CATARRHAL DISEASES fjKffi Inchulinc DEAFXESS, ASTHMA AND LTJK$MS TROL'HLES. To provo the superior niirfu'Mrtff of this wonderful trcnlmont. Dr Shorei trcnt nil wlin apply this rook until onre4 iWSA for thc low foo of S3 n month for all 0JMi tarrhnl dUeasos; no other chrco or exponiJE I nil modicincs froc Thin is the Cntnrrh inifeft'ESg or" oppor!ait- Wc also cure nil CuratWtHf Nervous., Chrome and Private Diseaiet cfaBL--Mm. Women and Chlldron. Consultation free. 'HfX A DEPARTMENT FOR MEN. :i Consult this department and he ndtlseJl FREE OF CHARGE. We euro moro mtn3BS than nil the'Paku Medical Initltute" IhjMtf. So sure is this cure umlur DR.S. aaOIlESBl I MODERN METHODS in nil prlvnta diim-MrWfl I that you may arrnnce to pay th fee for AH ! OURE iu amall weekly or monthly InstillJBiSt niorUsashcuprocresses. or you fl I DR. A. J. SHORES. " fei. jB THE PROSTATE GLAND, ' k IBfif K Drs Shores aro pionnors :imonn tho Mcdi- T "MaiVBKV t'lKE I cal Profomion In discovering that uearly f. vvfflKUEBA 'Bfir' jj ovcry cnay of no called "Weakness" in men fSP" i?SlHrs lKIL a I duo to cnlarconient or inflammation of tho KSMft t'Bl?' m Proutatu Gland Imitators now copy Drs r "WvBftl lBI& Df Shores' advcrtiviments r.nd claim to re- .s.liifciiWitat I llovo thin trouble but Dm. Shores' troat- . WraSllflH .jHs I mont i not rivon, or oven known bv any Jyri Z'a&S&ImN iBK "Fnko Modlcal Company" in tho Worfd. v ffKEEjaKy 'HKl Tho troatmcnt is locnl It is oriKinnl and Ki" "5 scionlific. and 'is the only effective method jES?"- iB? J to CURE this common and torrihlo trouble. f "2- . SffiSsS' tBff I You can not jtnt thie troatmcnt anywhere sSteJSS- - -S-'B6 olse on earth an jtiven by Dr. 'Shore -Zii Kr- honce if you want x CURE apply direct a xtgfegi3jKJ 'KSTr Drs. Shoren is Shores, tho originators of the H 'iSi DRS. SHORES & SHORES. tt2JH-lK EXPERT SPBOIALISTB, SALT LAKE PITT JR I lQga.'. in. to lgnoon irTFiigiirTrrr DISEASES OFMEN Wc wnnt evory man who Is sufterlntr from nnv ri(5i , . , . r. iB- a talk with us mid wc will explain to him our svaim ??SPnl? a5? J,av have developed after an experlenic of twTnty-flvn years l I?llSi-h W KS. cullar to men. If you will call and see us we will Sf , f riS5 P565 W- K thorough personal examination, togethrr with an honest on nn ?f,.charff0 and if rour rase Is incurable wo will plain I v teU von Z w l??rihf,i0Ur CU 'K Prorn!BePr0m'SlRK bUt wh" wS ca" J " alwSS? Vlt NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED. I ! CONSTRICTION perma- S5SK SPECIAL DISEASES cur- 'Um ncntly cured by a treatment quickly and aufcly with-complctcljP with-complctcljP Absolves out tho use of pSaJnwi NERVOUS DEBfLiTY Hktt Sfe " vU cured o.uIcl:ly and radlcallr .E--VARICOSE VEINS cured s5J b-v mlr 'arnous method In 0 without cutting, pain or de- t0 davs. Hil tcntlon from business. - I sTjf ""ORGANIC WEAKNESS WT -Ss" cured without cutting or WASTING VEINS ured YgMtk&W! bCood pmsoN F.'iKT by our orlRinnl remedy (used ' RMtsM&fflv vstlrc of S r7mo53 Ik exclusively bv ns "i WVR2ElV .. poiflon removed IVM exciu3ivei us.; iWKl f"n th system without aid yT1 of mcixury or potash. Founilor oi" Cook Mod. Co HkV IS TOBE Ajg?TfeO?Tra5BD BE PATD LTXTIL CXRKD- CONSULTATION-; nd forbvP;'nvotl4 KOXVr than you cn be treat- J know nc t ml vo i t,V til Ji. r T.kt-, and 'on hav tho advantage of K KDGEI? A TJ r H OR IT IV itwr?, 5,ffre,la.b,e, sPecIaliHt8 who aro ACKNOWL- K superiors In ol.r npTclaUy'" thc lreatnfnl of allmenta. We recognize no Kr m? ftJSS ft ViffS nTl, or addre K COOK MEDICAL CO. E 116 South Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. K The Printer has Jlb printed The Racing ' S names in it. Sob- scriptions now MEROHAJTTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, K Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts; Francis G. Luke, Gen'l Mgr 7T-100 Com merclal Nat'l Bank Blda., Salt Lake City, Utah. Kv "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." |