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Show WILL INVESTIGATE DEATH FOLOWING BOXING HOUT j 'NEWPORT, n. I., Jan. 10. Rear Ad- I mlraj John R. .Merrill has ordered an inquiry to be biri;uii tomorrow into the death of II. A. Hart not, -tho naval apprentice ap-prentice who died yesterday from a blood, clot on the brain following a ilpbt aboard the United States training ship Cumberland. The naval authorities have been unable to locate the young man's father, who Is believed to live In Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, Unless the body Is claimed previously, pre-viously, It will bo buried here Tuesday D. 1 1. Manning of Mlddietowir, N v., the naval upprentlee with whom, Ilartnet Is said lo have had a pugilistic' encounter. encoun-ter. Ih hel din custody pending the Investigation. In-vestigation. ' ) |