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Show GONE OX A MISSION Idaho Scimitar. The Tribune, the church orgali at Pocatello, m its issue of January A, has the following: Edwin Glttlns. one of tlie prosperous ranchers of the MeCammon country, was in Pocatello yesterday. making final preparation? to leave, shortly for Independence. Inde-pendence. ICan., and oilier towns in that region on a mission for the L.. D. 53. church. The people of McCammon recently re-cently tendered Mr. Gittins two farewell fare-well receplions. and a considerable sum of money was donated to assist In the mission- Mr. Glttlns is one of the best-known best-known citizens of the junction town. He was first counsellor to Bishop Boyce of McCammon. Is chairman of the McCammon McCam-mon schoolboard. Is president of the McCammon Mc-Cammon Irrigating Ditch company, and president of the McCammnn brass band, lie has resided In McCammim for th past twenty-three years and few msn In this section of the State rUnnd higher in tho estimation of his neighbors. "I want to thank all my friends for their llbcralit and kindness In me. McCammon Mc-Cammon is full of good boosters, but the star of them all Is. perhaps. Tom Howards. Ho-wards. ITc Is always trying to Go some good for his town and his fellow c-lti-r.cns, and he Invariably succeeds. Ills faithful performance of all duties is a credit to himself and to the church to which we belong." Mr. Gitilns returned io his home In McCammon yesterday and about the first of the week will leave for Salt Lake, and from there go to Kansas' on his mission, mis-sion, which will requiro his time and attention at-tention for several months. This-is a characteristic mixture of ecclesiastical ec-clesiastical and secular affairs. .Mr. Gil-tins Gil-tins will cease his labors as president of the brass baud and irrigating com-many, com-many, for the iime being, and become Elder Gittins, a Mormon missionary to the benighted of Kansas and that section, sec-tion, It has always been the understanding that the missionaries of the Mormon church travel without "pur.se or scrip." It would appear' from lliis 1 1 cm that the system is changing and that he brethren of McCammon raised a considerable con-siderable sum lo aid the elder in his proselyting. ! where he will receive his instructions from the apostles, and his documents. Ho will carrv with him as aids in speaking tho true gospel, "the Doctrine and Covenants;" latest edition, coutaiu- ing the revelation enjoining polygamv; j M. J. Crowley, ou " doctrine" ' of the i church (Crowley is a now polvgamist j and an apostle:, Bon 1:3. Kich on the ("Guide to Righteousness." Jen is at the head of the Southern Missions, with I licadqunrters at Chattanooga. It is the I common understanding lhal Ben has ' been rewarded with new wives since , the manifesto, and otherwise shown ovi-j ovi-j deuce of regard by the church for his ; faithfulness and obedience to counsel. coun-sel. Elder Gittins will carry with him other works by polygamiHts, now living, liv-ing, and also Copies of the speeches delivered de-livered in the Senate by Apostle Smoot and Senators Hopkins and Knox, proving prov-ing that there is no such thing ns polygamy poly-gamy either as a tenet of faith or a . praciico in MormouisTii. The Scimitar (joiii8 with The Tribune Trib-une in its' .'lendofi to the departing missionary mis-sionary lo 1 lie inviting vineyard of iGlltMC ; X. -r ( f |