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Show i REVIEWERS OP SMOOT' j Wc print on tho fifth p.ago of this j morning's Tribune two articles of Cspc j cial merit, in review of Smoot's tricky I and deceptive articlo in ihc North .American Review, on "Tho Passing of Polygamy. ' Tho first, is taken from tin Northwestern North-western Christian Advocate of January liHh, entitled "What the Sinoot Investigation In-vestigation Proved." It is a powerful power-ful criticism of Sinoot s position, and points out tho insincerity and dishou-t'Hty dishou-t'Hty of his positions in splendid Ftyle. Wo may add to the Advocate's point on t ho continued publication in the book of Dostrino and Covenants of the so-called so-called revelation commanding polygamy, poly-gamy, tho fact thnt tho so-called muni-foslo, muni-foslo, directing the discontinuance of polygamy is not and never has been carried in the book referred to, although al-though it was adopted in a general conference con-ference of the church, ns rule and guide, and President Smith agreed beforo the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections thnt it. ought to be in that book, and he mado a promise that it would bo so carried therenftor. But he has CA-adcd that, promise in the way pointed out originally in Tho Tribune, by leaving off from editions siuco then tho imprint of tho year of issue. The Ad-vocato'.s Ad-vocato'.s article is n magnificent one, and its final point, offering an amendment amend-ment to Smoot's proposed constitutional constitu-tional amendment, points out the only way of safety. 'The other review of the Smoot article arti-cle is from the Idaho Scimitar, the new weekly published at Roisc by Senator Dubois. It sticks closely to the record, rec-ord, and is an able compilation of the SmonL dcccptivcncss. We cojnmend both articles as eminently emi-nently worth' of public attention. The Smoot impudence in offering to the public pub-lic such a mass of evasive dishoncBtj-aud dishoncBtj-aud conscienceless spocial pleading as was put into his North American Review Re-view articlo has bcon soundly rebuked. re-buked. And we notice that the Dcscrct News, the. church organ, has not so far dared to reproduce for Monuon reading that disreputable plea of ' Smoot, "The Passing of Polygamy." Poly-gamy." For "the authorities" don't want polygamy to pass. |