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Show EAGLESQN III WITH FEDERAL AEEIT Fist-Fight at Boise Is Narrowly Averted by Presence of Third Person. Special to Tlie Tribune. BOISE, Ida., Jan. 10. Former Special Agent F. M. Goodwin or Spokane, who Is now a special assistant to the Attorney-General Attorney-General of the United States, and who had a part in the Investigation' of the Surveyor-General's office here some time ago, yesterday afternoon had a very-heated very-heated discussion with Surveyor-General Eagleson. The two met in the Federal building and nearly came to blows. Special Spe-cial Agent Wade was preesnt and had something to do with preventing a personal per-sonal encounter. When Mr. Goodwin had departed fop Spokane, St is said, Mr. Eagleson remarked re-marked that "tho train did not leave any too soon " The Surveyor-General refuses re-fuses to resign upon the request, of the President nnd the outcome is awaited with great interest bore- Mr. Eagleson UaimB ho Is being "railroaded" out of office of-fice and demands further Investigation The tight among the foedral ol'flce-hpld-ers Is almost 'as .Intense and bitter as the row among the misfits at the State house. |