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Show Leap Year Suggestioras to Girls From Ooe WSuo Was SMccessfml It. is leap year. What Inllnlto joy fori tho girls! But. remember, opportunity knocks hut once. If you do not gm aj it now. at once, four additional yoars aro liable to make an awful dltference. . ou know ho Is popular and you should realize there aro others. . Do yon romomber how eagerly you low off tho leaven on tho calondar with tnat splendid expression of roller; "Now, tlmro goes another month!" Do you remember remem-ber tho sleepless nighty, the worry concerning con-cerning whether ho would proposo to so-and-so or what-you-may-call-lt? And do von remember how covetously you watched his every movement at the tens, tho "500" parties, and tho hops, as ho pursued pur-sued his wny dangerously among other girls you know possessed all of your charms? . ... Well that is all over now. ou mlgnt ring him up and entice him out to the house. Suggest cards, or music, or toll him you have embroidered aomo Initials on a scarf which ho really should see. Bettor mill, tell him the folks are going out and that you will he afraid to remain at homo alono. That should play on his sympathy, and. you know, when man grows sympathetic ho Is utterly hopeless and susceptible of all lachrymal stunts. When ho comos, whatovor you do, don t ask him to taste sorno cake you made yourself. That would bo disastrous. Make him feel at homo. Ask him If lie wouldn t Ilko a highball or a "tin roof. Keep in mind alwayn that you simply must win and you w II. Go at him enthusiastically. en-thusiastically. Offer him a Morris chair In front of a glowing grnto and suggest It is "ao much like home." Ti's a great many years since he has had a good ono and that, should work. Or. you might put your head on Ills shoulder and cay: "Porcv!" kind of soft-like. And then von will' llvo happily ever afterward. |