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Show JUST IN TIME Sonic Salt Lake City People May Walt Till It's Too Late. Don't, wail until too late. Be sure and be in iimo. Tust in time with kidney ills Means curing the back Jlcforo backache becomes chronic; Before serious urinary troubles set in. oau's Kidney Pills" will do this. Here is Salt Lake City testimony to prove it: O. E. Moody, living at 30 South Sixth West street, Salt Lake City, Utah, says: "I do not think fchero is another reined- on the market today which will cure backache as quickly ns Doan's Kidney Pills. My back had given mo trouble for six months. If I stooped over I. became stiff and lame and it was with difficulty that I could arise, bliarp pains would start at my kidneys and radiato throughout my body, causing caus-ing mc much suffering. Deciding to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial, I procured pro-cured a box at tho F. J. Hill Drue Co. They gave pio relief at once, so I continued con-tinued taking them and was absolutely nnd permanent! cured of the trouble. It is a year Binco I used Doom's Kidney Kid-ney Pills and I havo not had a return of tho complaint since.' ' For salo by all dealers. Prico 50 cents. Fouter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Bolo agents for United StateB. Bomomber tho name Doas's aiid take no olhor. !( "oa. Hard colds, hard coughs, severe bronchitis, j S weak throats, weak lungs. We wish you would f All?. tLjfilJfl ask your doctor if he knows of anything better I f for these troubles than Ayer's Cherry Pccto- I nof.on.acnfoyoaroyu-"1-,6 b?"ev; " iSRtbf d"? Y" nalhmcdlcat maltm. Consult your coud Pssibly take. But ask your doctor, and fctot frujucnib. He knows but, thus be sure to make no mistake. iClSta' 'lYonr ThcmfjMs Ten 1 Now to your 190S readlnn matter. Any offer duplicated. See me before WDicrlblng. Shephard, "The Manazlne Man," 272 South State. Phonco 1631. S GO TO Jit TODAY I and be with wise buyers who know clothes i quality and are quick to recognise real price concessions. It is a saving chance worth hurrying for. I Our entire stock of All our fine, stylish Our entire stock of i Men s$l 8, $16.50 1kTnnlrfc Men's $27.50 and and $15 Suits and WINTER $25 Suits and Ov g Overcoats SUITS ercoats I Subject to olioicc ' Subject to choice I OVERCOATS I I Our entire stock oP 0f the season's f av- Our enre stock of 1 1 Men s $22.50 and ore cnts and pat- Men's $37.50, $35 j I $20 Suits and Ov- terns. They have and $30 Suits and I ercoats heen the choice of Overcoats jj I Subject to choice Caref ul 136111 at reg- Suhject to choice, I i&i ffi ef Uar Prces' Your te, (Z? i jm own judgement will ' Jir m fea tell you what they & are at these figures, , I No icservations ; every Overcoat of every style; all Suits, hluc, black, or fancy arc included. I I l I MEN'S PANCY VESTS, onc-thinl underpricc. jg 7jffle to gJJy ft M ; MEN'S ODD PANTS at great reductions. (l All the most fashionable shapes and shades in U m All this season's stylish Suits and Overcoats for so gtyeg derbies. I Boys and Children reduced 33 per cent under Men,g i00 Hats'for $3.15 regular low prices. MenB $3 00 at3 fof All Boys' Furnisliings greatly reduced. Men's '$2.50 Hats for $1.85 One continual round of' bargains. I Winter Underwear Wi n t e r Shirts I Reduced la Reduced " 228-230 MAIN j DtAYitt's Carbolizcri "Witch ITnzcl Salvo is especially recommended for piles. Sold by Anslee-Brieo Dniff Co., I -14 Main street . j WHir NEGLECT YOUR KITES? The cost of our sight-correcting glasses is nothing compared with j their value. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY, 250 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Telephone 2153-k. ! rSlry ! MONARCH HARDWARE CO. i i BUY IN I Westminster Heights THE MODEL SUBDIVISION ( ON THE EAST BENCH. Don't Cough; buy a bottle of A. D. S. Syrup of White Pine Compound, Com-pound, With Tar. It will give you instant relief. 25e and 50e a Bottle. GODBE-PSTTS DRUG CO. Phones No. 10. I II WALKER BROTHERS, RANKERS. (Incorporated.) ESTABLISHED 18&9. Capital $250,000 Surplus $100,000 i Absorbed the Salt Lake Branch of Well9-Fargo Well9-Fargo Co.'s Bank. Safoty Deposit Boxes for Rent. Travelers' Lottera of Credit Issued. Available In All Parts of the World, t WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. I I McCORNICK & CO:, BANKERS, Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1873. . M Estate B IKCCHPOUW, . KSTABLISJIBD 1SSL. Capital, $10,000: Surplus. 575,000. Special attention given to the collection col-lection of rents, payment of Uixos, and the care of property for non-residents. L'5l SOUTH MAIN STREET, Salt Lako City. Ulah. IV. S. M'C'ORKICIC, TV. F. ADA1MS, President. Vice-President. UTAH NATIOXAL BANK Salt Lake City, Utah. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Root. JOSEPH XISLSOX, T1IOS. R. CUTLER, Cashier. VJco-Presldcnt. National Bank of the Republic A thoroughly modern savings department depart-ment conducted In connection with this bank. Safe deposit boxes for rent. U. S. Depositary. Frank Knox, president; James A. Murray, vice-president; W. F. Earls, cashier. Capital paid in. 5300,000. Interest paid on time deposits. R. 6. DUN & CO.. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, GEORGE RUST, General Manager. Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. Office In Tribune Bldg., Salt Lake City. ESTABLISHED 1841. 169 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. JDESERET NATIONAL HANK 1". S. Depository. Salt Lako City, Utah. Capital, 5500,000.00; surplus, $500,000.00 I, . S. Hills President Moses Thatcher Vlco-Presldont II. S. Young Cashier Edgar ,S. Hills Asst. Cashier L. "V. Burton Asst. Cashier Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. ESTABLISHED 1889. UTAH COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK WM. F. ARMSTRONG. President. BYRON GROO, Cashier. f'ommerilal Banking in All Its Branches. ; Four per cent Interest on savings deposits. I ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. ; Soolt's Sanlfd-Pepslo Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Kor Infl-mraatlon orCctnrrh yl of tho Bladder and DlFcased KIdnoys. NO CURE NO PAY, ( Cures quickly and pormft-Jh pormft-Jh nently tlio worst c6es of l p GonorrhQia and tilcet, fr no mattero:).07iongstnnd- 'njr. Absolutely hnrralesB. h Sold by drurrglsts. Price 51.00 IV or by mall, postpaid, f UXi WSP THE SANTAL-PEPSIH 0" :'C?V OP.LUEFOMTAIhU. OHIO- P. J. HiU Drug Co. Salt Lako City. : cuwf pi I I Tho most "boautiful thing In tha world Is a diamond. It is also ; tho only tiling that does not deteriorato by ubo and on ac-cotmt ac-cotmt of scarcity grov7s moro valuable each year. Ton buy at bottom prices whon you get your jewels of us. , i Build Up Your System 1 USB B MAKE-MAR TABLETS I Brain, Blood and Nervo Food, B 50c a Bos. H ! A. C SMITH, I J Preocriptioa Druggist, H i 142 Main. Fonoa 468. H r HAND ! ! SATOLIO POE TOILET AND BATH j , It makeu the toilet something to bo ; cn.ioycd. It removes all 6tains and I rouehnesa, prevents prickly beak and i ohaflng, and leaves tho skin white, soft, ' I healthy, In the bath it brines a glow I and cihilaration which no common Boap j can equal, imparting tho vigor and Ufa sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All , Grocers and Drutrcrjats. ! g I? sjy W Siiai ! yew!. JilutorcsKdaudnlionlrt-notr -SisVMMMlta about tnoTTCndextnl ! iSStknlARVELWhlrlingSpray IATOSwV!' Tin no-- Vccloal fyrlBB. I WcMjL. Bfft-Mcitctmvea. j Axt TOUT drogclotfCTlt., ,yjrya ' JlA.it TEL. accept no "Jfv '-'CAr- other, bnteondj stamp iJT .. m I SB Ult-tratcd boo-itiucl. I cts W,8 flf mil pwucnlnr M dlreotlon n- MMg1 iEa.ta4 Direct, TfVOHK. For ato b7 F. J. HU1 Drug Co., F. O, fichnunm, Charloa Vaa Dyke and Qifen ' yltu Drxi coins aTi I"--- The Equity Investment Co..1 fl (Incorpornted.) 1 Alex. A. Robertson, Mor. n Successor to I HOMER i: ROBERTSON. I 210 South Main St. I REAL ESTATE. LOANS. INSUR- I ANCE. j TRIBUNE WANT ADS PULL 1 T"iTni wininuiilii ii mi ii -b niiM-it niwr I j Bt-SJM tliis tame of th.ejem9 kiidl oiir"!! ering of ftie feetter j . 1 H W MBT iMp class of goods at prices never heiore lieaM of fe ttle j I I i ostitis esfabltsftiEienft. ' Wcfcscfvc nofMiigr iiiir j . I B:BpJaEFJ selection Is from our entire stele ami Is sol eon- 1 1 II LmM&Bz MAMir resm a -ew s only Don't delay. Get first pick j I m SBBH Bt the most attractive sale prices yom ever saw. |