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Show . FOUND A WAY. To Be Clear of the Coffee Troubles. -Husband and myself both had the coflee habit and finally his stomach and kidneys got 111 such a bad condition that 1 ho was compelled to give up a good position posi-tion that he had held for years. He was too sick to work. His skin was 3-ellow, and I hardly think there was an organ in his body thai was not affected "1 told him 1 felt sure his sickness was duo to coffee and aftor somo discussion dis-cussion he decided to give it up. "It was a struggle, because of the powerful habit. One day we heard about Postuni and concluded to try it and then it was easy to leave off coffee. "His fearful headaches grew less frequent, his complexion began to clear,' kidnevH grew better until at last he was a new man altogether, as a result of leaving off coffee and taking up PosMim. Then I began to drink it too. ' "Although I was never as bad off as ni3' husband, 1 was always very nervous arid nc;cr at any time veiy strong, onlv weighing Do lbs. beforo I begauto use Postiim. Now T weigh J lbs. and can do as much work as anyone 1113 si.c 1 think. "Many do not use Postuni because t Hey .have not taken the trouble to make it; right. T have successfully fooled a great, mav persons who have drunk it at mj- tnblc. They would remark. ' Vou must buy a high grade of coffee! ' One .young man who clerked in a grocery "store was very onthusiastie about my 'coffee.' When 1 told him what was, ho said, 'why I've sold Postuni for four 3'oars but .1 hnd no idea it. was like this. Think I'll drink Postuin hereafter.' here-after.' " Name given 03' Postuni Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Head "Tho Eoad to Wcll-ville," Wcll-ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL! Tew Pooplc Know How Useful It Is In Preserving Hoaltli and Boauty. Cost Nothing To Try. Nearly overybod3- knows that charcoal char-coal is the safest and most efficient disinfectant dis-infectant and punfior in nature, but few realize its value when taken into the human S3'stcm for the samo cloanBing purpose Charcoal is a romedv that the more ' you take of it tho better; it is not a drug at all, but simpb' absorbs the gases and impurities always present in tho stomach and intestines and enrrics them out of the 83'stom. Charcoal sweetens tho breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions on-ions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectual- clears and improves im-proves tho complexio'n, it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminent' safe cathartic. It absorbs all the injurious gases which collect in tho stomach and oow-ols; oow-ols; it disinfects the mouth and throat from tho poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in ono form or another, but probably tho best charcoal and tho most for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal LozengetJ; the3 are composed of tho finest powdered Willow charcoal and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form or rather in tho form of large pleasant lasting lozenges, loz-enges, the charcoal being mixed with hono3-. The daih' use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condition of tho goneral health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beaut3' of it is, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo plrysician, in speaking of the benefits of charcoal. sa3s: "I advise ad-vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in stomach ; and bowels, and to clear the complexion and purif3- tho breath, mouth and throat: I also beliove thw liver is greatly benefited by the daily use of them"; they cost but twenty-fivo cents a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and bettor charcoal in Stuart's Stu-art's Charcoal Lozenges thau in an3' of tho ordinaiy charcoal tablets." Send your name nnd address today for a free trial package and see for yourself. F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. START lj the new .year 'lyii right by clrink- ' colored lea. HEWLETT'S Three Crown Natural Japan Tea always good. 1 . 1 1 The Savage Dramatic School , Private and class lessons in stage tochnlquo ami business of operatic roles 1 sonKH, rhythmic dancing-, story telllnjr! elocution and acting- Amateur and pro- 1 fesslonal performances rehearsed and i sloped: vaudeville sketches rehearsed- classes for teachers of rending: children's classes. clergymen's classes. .Special l courses arranger to meet tho needs of professional and business mon. ' Those wishing particular hours should ' call at once. -13G-7-S Security Trust I building: Hell phone 4S53 ; call 2 to 5. Miss Vranccs Savage, principal. j 142 MAIN STREET. j A full line of professional j j mounts and supplies. Kodaks and Developing. ! i 1 ,1 PIANOS, $50.00 ana Up. ORG-ANS, $25.00 and Up. i BEESLEY MUSIC CO., j 46 South Main St. i -. -- I j RECIPROCAL PRESENTS. ' Should yon have rucelved presents which deserve evidence of recognition by something In return, remember nothing is more, lastlng'tlian Jewelry. ' All prices consistent with reliabio I values. 1 J. H. KNICKERBOCKER, O. D., The .Jeweler. 1-12 Main street. .1.111 i The Kind You Haie Always Bouftf BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CtMTU COMMNr, TT MUHIWY TJItCT. MtW VOBK CITY. wtwMtti n i mm i m mwimiiiii 'iimiin nwwn I s Y'Jy Sweaters I Ji This is the weather for the l': c Ji Sweater. Wc have a nice , Jine i? a styles for both men J SH Men's Sweaters from $1.50 ) Cardigan Jackets $1 to $3. Bmm QuimittB" That i- Ls&Mailw Bim0 Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY, I Always remember the full name. Look T$ v ' lor this signature on every box. 25c. iffl I The prettiest hamp- j j I ers you ever saw, indis- I 1 pensable for the use of I I young mothers. The J handiest recepacle for j I everything necessary I for the baby. These are 1 I imported German goods I of excellent quality, I I very durable and beau- I tifal in every way. SCfffiMllfS ! ! "WHERE THE CARS STOP" Thore isn't space to talk it over 4 here, but I'd like to plan your S advertising for 1908 plan it, S write it, in a word, take it off ft your hantlii., i You'd like mc to do it, too, 1 ' if you knew what I could nccom- plish for you. Q Results count I can refer you 1 ' to men who are getting them. to TOD GOODWIN j Commercial Club Bldg. Used Plaiws 100.00 UP. All in good condition.. 74 South Main Street. A NEW YEAR ' ; RESOLUTION a Based on Good Sense Resolved, . There is no place ! like28 Main street J for the best in I Paints, Glass, i Brushes and Var- i nishes, etc., etc. I Morrison, McrriSI & Co, 28 MAIN STREET. Bell Exchange 9. Ind. 501. THE CHARLTON SHOP 122 MAIN 8TREET. OUTFITTERS FOR WOMEN. Tailor-made suits, dresses, koww. coats .for atreet. evonlng. rain or B9 torlnsr". SKI RTS PETTICOATS WAISTS "They lace In front" jjtfrY THS J JS CORSET lYm THE. Phone 65 for the correct time. . 17 UAL cirt PROMPT PLUMBERS. GEO. G. DOYLE & Cft Phones 162. 211 State Si |