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Show WOULD ELIMINATE THE ; IGNORANT NEGRO VOTE j ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jau. 1. In his annual an-nual message to tho Stato Legislature, which assembled today In lis regular bl-onnal bl-onnal session. Governor Edward Wartlcld discussed Stato aafflrs at considerable Iongth. He ndvocatcd an amendment to tho Constitution, fixing a standard of qualification for tho cloctlon franchise. lie was satisfied, ho said, that there Is a demand upon the part of a majority of tho cttlzonfe of Maryland tor such an amendment "a demand for the elimination elimin-ation of tho Ignorant, unrctlcctlng, thriftless thrift-less negro vote." Whatover amendment is proposed, he held, should protect tho citizen who voted In I860, or prior thereto, and his descendants, descend-ants, and the foreign-born citizen who j has become naturalized, and It should also contain as an alternative right, an educational qualification. This was Governor Warflcld'a last annual an-nual mesFogo. He retires from the governorship gov-ernorship on January S, when he will be succeeded by Judge Crolhcrs. |