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Show LOOKS FOR REVIVAL OF NATIONAL PROSPERITY ' The year 1907 was characterized by a I volume of business unprecedented in our I history. Although prices reached their I highest point, consumption seemed to be I constantly on the Increase, transportation , more and more congested, and produc-, produc-, tion was never quite able to catch up j with the domand. This was the condl-; condl-; tion generally In commercial lines when . the financial crisis came upon us about . the beginning' of November. To manv business men it came like a cloud out of , a clear sky. Now that that crisis -Is almost al-most over, tho question remains as to I whether Its effects on general business i will be lasting' or temporary severe or i slight. There are those who believe that J wo will not recover from the blow for a long time, and that the liquidation, i shrinkage and stoppage in commercial J lines will be so severe as lo bring on a l period of really bad times. The majority, ma-jority, however, are more optimistic and bellove that as soon as conditions are normal In finances there will be a rebound re-bound In commerce, and that In a short time' things will go on almost as they were going before, My own opinion Is that, considering 1D0S is an election year, tlnjro will be hesitation enough to cauee a groat manv people lo pursue a hand-to-mouth policy and that the year will, Iherefore, fall far ' short of equaling that of 1007. I see no 1 reason, however, to fear that wo are in ; for a long porlod of hard limes. A certain cer-tain amount of conservatism and shrink- age In business will do good becuuso I credit was becoming too easy and too much expanded before thi3 crlslB occurred. oc-curred. With the election successfully over. a safe man In tho White House, and the easier money which we shall certainly have, r see no reason why before be-fore the year 1008 has passed. should not again enter on a period of great national na-tional prosperity. David R. Forgan pros Idem Chicago Association of Commerce, ' In the Chicago Evening New.. |