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Show COLOMBO SENDS IN NEW BLACKBERRIES Superior Grade Now on Sale in the Local Market Stalls. M0APA PEACHES STILL SMALL IN QUANTITY Conditions in Vegetable Market Are Practically Unchanged; Fine New Tomatoes. Among tho fine new edibles that made their advent on the local retail provision market Monday was a shipment of block, berries from Colorado. Of course, blackberries black-berries have been on the nrarkot for some time, but tho Colorado shipment was pq superior to those that have preceded that theso berries seemed to bo tho only genuine gen-uine article. They sold yesterday at 10 cents a box. Utah blackberries wiU reach tho stalls about the latetr part of next week, hut It is said that the crop Is not as good as that of former years. Another consignment of early peaches arrived Monday morning from Moapa. but because of the small supply thev were handled by only a few of tho morchants. Formerly at this season of tho year the local market was well supplied with California Cali-fornia peaches, but now the first shipment ship-ment has .not arrived. The morchants are not placing their trust In Callfornra. however, how-ever, for it Is said that the peach crop In the Coast State is comparatively light this year. Navel oranges are gradually disappearing disappear-ing from tho local markot and are being superseded by the Valencia and Mediterranean Mediter-ranean varieties. Owing to the fact that the season for other fruits is at hand, many of tho merchants3 are disposing of their stock of oranges and are turning the ontlrc trade over to tho fow. The prices remain inchanged. Monday witnessed a temporary advance In the price of bananas. They sold at from 25 to 30 cents a dozen, whereas on Saturday tho minimum price was 15 cents a dozen. Raspberries were also cheapor, selling at two boxes for 25 cents, as against 13 and 20 cents a box Saturday. Conditions on tho vegctablo market are practically unchanged. Old onions are selling at 10 cents a pound and cannot be procured in sufficient quantities even at that price. A shipment of tine new tomatoes was received Monday, and are selling at 15 cents a pound. Other new arrivals were a new lot of cantalopes, which arc selllns at 10 and 15 cents each, and a shipment of waterr-.elons, which are retailing at 5 cents a pound. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHICAGO. July 1. Cattle receipts 20,000. Market steads' to a shade higher. high-er. Beeves," $4.657.00; cows. $1.76 4.75. heifers. ?2.605.60; calvos. S5.00 7.25, good to prime steers, $5.507.0U; poor to medium. $46o5.65; Blockers and feeders, $4.905.25 Hogs receipts 36.000. Markot 5c higher. high-er. Light, $5.956.20; mixed, 35.85 6.171; honvy, $5.606.071: rough heav'. $5.606.00; rough, $5.605.S0; pigs. 6.50 7.10; good to choice heavy. ?5.956.07J; bulk of sales, 56,00016.10, Sheep receipts 15,000. Markot weak. Natives and Western, $4.006.10; vear-llngs. vear-llngs. $6.006.7o; lambs. Wcstorns, "$5.50 7.oo: Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. July 1. Cattle receipts re-ceipts 10,000, Including 2500 Southerns. Markot stendy. Native steers, $4.50 6.75; Southern steers, J3.60S)4.90; Southern South-ern cows, $2.253.50; stockers and feeders, feed-ers, $3.505.00; bulls, J2.755.00; calves. $3.756.00; Western fed steers. $1, 25(g) 6.50; Western fed cows. S3.004.50 Uogs receipts 8000. Market strong to 5o higher. Bulk of sales, 55 956.00, heavy. $5.905.95; packers. ?5.92i6.00; light, ?5.956.02i; pigs, 55.2505.75. Sheep receipts S000. Market steady. Muttons S5 006.25; lambs, $7.007.60; range wethers, 54.60?8.00 : fed ewes, $1.005.25. Omaha. OMAHA. July 1 Cattle receipts -3000; 10c higher. Native steers. ?6.006.75; cows and heifers, ?3.754.S5' carincrs, $2.003.00: stockers and feedors, 53.00 4.75: calves, $3.506.50, bulls and stags, $3.255.00. Hogs receipts 8500. Market 5c higher. high-er. Heavy, 55.855.95; mixed. ?5.50 5.93; light, 55.971 6.05; pigs, $5.705.85; bulk of salos, 55.905.971. Sheep receipts 5000. Market steady. . Yearlings, $5.506.25; wethers, 55.00 5.65; ewes, 54.505.25; lambs, $6-006.50. St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. July 1. Cattle receipts 1000, Including 2300 Texans. Market strong. Beef steers 54 006.90; stockers and feeders, 53.004.25: cows and heifers; heif-ers; 53.0005.25; Texas steers, $2.505.75; cows and heifers. $1.503.75. Hogs receipts -1000. Market 5c to 10c higher. Pigs and lights, 55.706.171; packers. $5".856.15; butchers and best heavy. 56.056.171. Sheep receipts 3000. Market steady. Natives, ?3.255.75; lambs. 53.507.50. St. Joseph. ST. JOE, July 1 Cattle receipts 2300; market steady to strong. Natives. $4.50i57.00; cows and heifers. S2.25fi.60: Blockers and feedors. 53.50fiJ'4.50. Hogs receipts 3000; market 5J?7!c higher. Top 56-071; bulk of sales, 35.971 6.05. Sheep receipts 2100 ; market, slow, weak. Lambs, 5G.25iQ6.75; yearlings, ?5.50fffl6.00; wethers, $5.255.50; ewes, $4.750r..25. Liverpool Grain. LIVERPOOL. July 1. Wheat, spot firm, No. 2 red, Western .winter, 7s; No. 1 California, 7s id; futures firm: July, 7h Id; September. 7s 8id. Corn spot steady: Hess dried, 5s 3d: old Northern. 5s 21d: futures steady; July nominal, September. 4s lid. St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS. July 1. Wool steady Me- J dium grades, combing and clothing, 25Si28ic; light fine, 22323c: heavy fine. 15G"l7c; tub-washed. 300.363c. , |