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Show IjT MADE EASY 'jll Be Less Sleepless-j Sleepless-j When Salt Lake City people Learn This. "t At niRht with a bad hack. J -.e4k or mi aching one. f Kidney Fills arc for bad gvcry form of kidney ills, Hvsaroou bnekache to diabetes. K, indorfed by Salt Lake City jLj0id.. PfPrie,or oC Grocery, IiFirst North Htrcot, Salt Lako hib flVj: "Bcfor0 1 ,r0' Ls''8 Kidney Pills, at the P. rpjj company's store and took I'iad hcen ailing considerably 0pnccs arising from the kid-SkAfihe kid-SkAfihe and a distressing feel-I'sot feel-I'sot sleep well nichts and got TEt. Doaii's Kidnoy Pills V prompt results and proved Lly Jtencficial to inc. I shall t m Dean's Kidney Pills LgM occasion call for it in the Ll, by nil dealers. . Price 50 FrU)ter-Milh"rn Co., Buffalo, L, txlc agents for the United b?r the namo Doan 's and f40 W BLtacc cnahlcs us to know fho 1 Sihoc trade. Our reputntion I E made on lionorbtiiltshocs tljnt . H Ki B,crit and Riven satisfaction. , n MKirkendalTs I fete Welt Shoes I MtiiSe hrtd of the wesTcrn shoe fl athrirmetit5. Their popularity ocompletely satisfied purchasers- I Kl& style, case, elasticity, com- I Tdunbllity. they arc unequalled 1 Knmjofacturcd. Special tanned 1 Hbrr is used. Made in latest i KilIlMthcrs, uppers silk fitted, Ettinint: the be obtainable ran- 1 IKktnJall's Electric Welt Shoes I Kt-emlncndy for quality and I Hen veins them. If your dealer U imply you, write us. we ll D B- learn why and advise I where you can get U Styi F.P.KIRKEIIDULSCO. HW. OMAHA, NEB. JLHioe for Wcrtern Trade. JB nil WASHING. .ft ?IECS-EATS growing in 9 ?lth the customers daily. Ud tho home-washing annoy- MOY LAUNDRY, jBjAUNDRY OF QUALITY." fJMU92. 166 Main St. jXCan Now Fill Orders jjfed Coal & phkeCo. ! Iffi1 Blga of the Peacock." jffijjMOO. 38 So. Main. Kj Hair Regenerator MMw,T y,u t-ar. I HORSFORP'S ACID PHOSPHATE Relieves Nervous Disorders JSSniss'wSSinwi tlc nervous .y- , tem. . JUL) MUKTM i I I From mow ubM JMy 49 1 will - j I I give ftie greatest clothiiig bar- . !1 1 gaies ever offered In this city j I EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED. j j J LATEST STYLE j I 013. W OUJIlaSe Secomd S i B ' ffi t; I IJJ,J-I"-"W " 1 n i."-rwrp...p,ffiwre'rpw MHji.vMwu-,'.torii'na I . 4 4 4 4.4. 4. 44. 44.4 44 4. 4. 4. 74 WEST SECOND SOUTi'sE ' ' j $ CLOTMMG for MEN, WIMiiiCfflMEM I Rj ill 1 e ceer11y est-end credit to you and the rest of j'our family. We cater to the people of T limited moans, -yho want good cLothing that wears well. We gnarnntoe every garment sold and ll.j, if not satisfactory, we replaoe it. s "We aak only a small payment down at the time you make your purchase. Tako the goods 4. home with you. Wear them, and then 4. I j A floldem (pppoFtiiBlty to dress im tine 41 h fior Mile Momey l II1 We positively state that our prices are as low as the cheapest, cash store. Our assortment is f as complete ns can be found in the city. Everybody's credit is good. NO SECURITY OR REFER- 5j I J ENCE REQUIRED. NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTHER STORE IN TOWN. j ti 4 ? ! ! 4 'h 4 4- 'h 4 -T 4 4 4 i i 4 i 44- 41 4 4 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-t5 4-t5 8i2S88SS2SS3SS2S8SSSS8S8eiSS3SSSSSS ! OL GLORY WAVES JULY 4th ! fi iimiiii Ttr-j-.4rm i mi nTcy".jirm.amimurii I i"i ttf il 1 1 11 1 in t liV'VW M I SEEBEB8gagg I U WfiUWHHIM , 'it 1 1 1 iliil if Ml Hiimil A GREAT MSPLAY OF FIREWORKS SPECIAL LAGOON TEAM SERVICE j j BASE BALL GAME FOR BL00S) FREE DANOWG AND GOOM MUSIC 1 "Tho Prettiost Spot in Utah" is now in all its I The best roller skating rink in Utah Wild fun on I Glory Good Shade Fine Lawns Pure Water Love- the Shoot-the-Chutes Ride of a lifetime on the Scenic 3 ly Flowers. Railway Exciting Crmso on the Electric Launch 3 The baseball game will be for the championship of Good Dinner at the Lagoon Cafo Special Musical I Davis County Bountiful vs. KaysviUe the north end Numbers Fun for Evcrvbodv i B of the county vs. the south end. It will be a hum- wumoois. J.un lor -bvcrynoay. mor. Special Pourth of July Train Service e Tho llraworks will be exceptionally fine twelve Mominir- R-4R 10 n anrf io S M nieces will cost S600. They will be under the personal Morning 8.45, 10, ll ancJ. 12. h n supervision of W. E. and O- W. Millard. Afternoon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. 1 FpniiWiM "ll I'll' i:LiwJrjMumuwaMajna hiMWMUMmum Delicate Articles of Apparel Entrusted to us for the cleaning will bo returned in the very host condition. All kinds of cleaning, dyeing taken caro of in ox-port ox-port manner. Men's clothes kopt cleaned and pressed for A DoHar arcd a Quarter a Week. Templctoe Cleaning Company Phones 1133. 112 E. 2nd So. HOTEL RIVERA Long Beach, CaL An Ideal place or thosn coming to the Sea Shore for rest or ploasur. Turkloh bnth, maosaoo and electric trcAtmwvts, In connection with hotol. Rates very modcrnte. M. A. SCHUTZ, M. D., Prop. i j Cy.jFOKKlA. j 1 I Tickets on sale June 23 to July 6. ! I G-ood returning September 15. ! H ! I STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. TWO DAILY PALATIAL TRAIN'S. Personally conducted special train leaves Salt Lake City 11:50 p. m.. June 29. ' Ma.ke jour bertli reservations early. c . T. CPEOK, J. H. BURTNER, ! Gen'l Passgr. Agfc. Dist. Passgr. Agt j :.bunewant ADS PULL.. i 1 1 ONE PRtCE TO AUL .NEVER VMXBSOU3 Prepare for tile Fourth J I muslin wekwear Parasols Musi Go I Unmntchablc Sm.ill Prices on H I most excellent values. jf you iven't one, here's the chance 1 e . to buy one at a very little price. H S 60c Corset Cover 3ac. jH f Ladles' Hno nainsook cdr.sot cover, Tho great prlco glaUKhtor on our 'n- IH il with hoi In yoko of clcKnnt otn- tire stock of beautiful parasols con- broldco" and German vnlcnclennoa ,,., .i,....!.,. ,i.iu ,al, TUll I H lace. odKed neck and nrnm holes tln,lcs throughout this week. This I rinl.lil In ribbon drawn bcndlnK. snlo embraces tho entire stock; none Kj' H all hIzcs, regular GOc U)r excluded from tho genera! prico ro- f pra,,e- al C auction. I $1.75 Ladles' Gowns 05c. 1 H lixopllent stvloq In 1 75 nlcbt zoumih Ladles panisols In white- or colors. H rnaido nfn'S nainsook I J bes? .nus ""r s? .rulurly up to $1.76 each. M Un. either hlt;h neck and long !? s 1,1 th,s sn, 99c 1 I 1 Blecvcs or low n;ck and short j H I ?!Hw-e8,rrSm S9' "l " vnr,ettt0' ParaolH wo'vo bought to sell at 12.25. .: o Silo at I 90C 52.5Q .ind 53.00 each j 49 8 will bo wold out al vs.m-j:y n jm $1.85 Lndles' Skirts 99c. 9 I ! Lndlos fine cambric aklrt. trimmed In 'SSfXt lo from TnP i ; three rows of 15-Inch' wide Paris ? fLS $ fn al $1.9o J . ; point laco Insertion, and three-Inch- f-'f 10 ? ' ' s al IH ' tucks inffl,1 inlW, W!.7i A ,ir 5, 00 an" S5-00 Pnmaols must 7i hicks, an longtns In this and several ami ,,.tii hn rinfii nut 11 ncr (S IHH J a embroidery trimmed styles that sell a7J price each $2.95 I 3 K regularly up to l,Sfi. QQr ' pnce- e,lcn IJ - B ' " sn, at JC A mascnIQcent line of SG.00 valueH In 1 H $3.75 Ladles' Skirts $2.25. ladles' parasols, clean- e-2 7K I B Ladles' very fine laco embroidery n sale prlco fM I hTvrMVJl a frcat variety of j Parasols lhat retailed regularly up to f JM I rl..j..' 1125; ZtH $5.95 1 HosIcFy for Ladles and CMSdren I h Style and Durability are the great features r these excellent holiday W ! I hosiery offers. rj IH R Children's excellent quaJlty of fine sllkalcen hoae In fast black or pure whit. ffl IfH t oiiual In appearance to all silk hoso. all size of this splendid CbC f i value on sale al 4 DC tt IH 1 Ladles' fine light weight Gaugo Hose, full regular made. In lino lisle thrend or l IMaco collon. fast black or pure white, all sizes and excellent qa-, t' 1 50-eeiit grade on sale at i Ladles' excellent rpiallty fa;t colored tan and brown fine- Mnco cotton hose. V In all sizes, full regular made, li HHIh ; best 35r values at I i Our entire line' of laillca' all over Iacn and Ince boot hose, and tho greatest $ H A variety of elosnnt styles In plain or Ince embroldored hoso far l.idles. In ? I white. fa3t black or tan, that sell regularly at 75c a pair, pn 1 are on sale this week at vU. U H j Ladles all pure silk hoso with double soles, ln-els and toes. In fast black I B light blue or pure white, all sizes: the best ja ' I 1 j 51. CO values, on sale at ttJC M ;.CT,rr.,,r mrVyTrr, -v ., ""nTTwrrrnii ii n m i irrTBrnoaiii-jjxBj IT! When visiting Saltair I I ffi C-' I Beach, Lagoon or Salt M f l i PaJaee, ask tor our 4 ! j "M J M American I I I I Beauty Beer" I I vPqP ' S eyer creasing popu j j Iarity proves superior qual- SaSS Lake CISy Brewing j I I flllll ! Comply I I tPslMSP ' J.MORITZ, GonlMgr." j I i! "mil i 1 1 ivrriri"l,mri'w,-,wffafcw biw aii i m iiini i ilH "THE BREAD OP H ' MERIT." THE ABOVE i4 J l j EVERY LOAF. iS m H ffaifiry Printing Co I ! I 165-107 South West Tomplc. Phones 604. 0 J SALT LAKE'S PRINTERS 1 Tho most complete j7rintlne establishment on tho Pacific Coast. JT. . 8 t Printers, Bookbinders, Puhllshora and Liuotypcrs. I 1 s Hoadquartors for Artistic Printing. I I Tho BcEt Work at lowest living prices. jj P Call and get osttmatos. f I1- r' ! : n Sir)i fill $i Wh Bathing Rest in Years. A 1 Hi ? II 1 If Veritable "Coney" of Iri&J H I S-MEm Attraction. j MORE POPULAR THAN EVER BEFORE. I Admission to Grand Pavilion, dancing ( tfi TiJnfo "W V1 9 1 from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m., Lunch Room EM l&dF Kl W j Oonvcniencos, and Bathing Suits JiSiQi JlLJ JLJ 9 ROUND TRIP 25c. H Trains, 10 a. ni. and Every 15 MInutos After 2 p. m. i VENICE OF AMERICA PM?S.W I DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT THIS SUPERB RESORT. IH j Fishing and boating, thu longest and best ecpilpped mlnlaturo railway. Thl 1 World Famous Ship Hotel. Vunlco of America b:uid, concerts aftornoons ani. ' evenings; dancing in pavilion ovury tivculng. " IH VILLA CITY VILLAS AND UUNGALOWS KUItNISlIED from ?t7.50 ts $35.00 per month. Water, light and house washing Included. "WlXDWAItD HOTEL This inagnKlcent hotel Is under new management Rooms with bath from $1.00 per dny upwards. Apply ABBOT KINNEY CO., Windward Ave., Venice, Cal. |