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Show UJIIli TAKES ODE FROM H TERRITORY Famous Veriiigtoii Group Is Showing Uj) Good Signs These Days. "Word broke through tho clond of silence that has been hovering round tho camp of Yeringlon Moudaj-, telling of tho fact that the Ludwig, one of tho interest centers of. that section, was not only maintaining its steady campaign cam-paign of shipments to the oro markets, but that the rock was coming from an entirely now portion of the group. Just from which part of the heretofore hereto-fore unexplored territory of tho Ludwig Lud-wig company this ore is being cxtractod has not been stated, but local circles think that tho present, developments are showing a not unexpected extension of the resources of this noted property. prop-erty. Tho Ludwig management has attained a depth of something like 650 feet, 450 feet of which is in a vertical shaft, tho rest, of the depth being gained by means of an incline. It was on tho 300 and the 500-foot lovols that the richest ores wore oxtractod last, season, during tho year $120,000 -worth of ore being marketed that averaged in tho neighborhood of 23 per cent copper. Much of this rock -was specimen grade, and created no end of lavorablo comment com-ment upon the part of every one who saw it. Tt is thought by those familiar fa-miliar with tho property that it is one or the other of thcBo two levels that is now providing the management with food for rich shipmonts. Tho Ludwig hns had rathor a strenuous strenu-ous time of it, during the paBt few months. Attempts have boon made to dispose of the proporty, aud a deal or two now aro reported to be hanging fire. It is stated that tho ownors aro asking $1,000,000 for the proporty, and also that nearly that much oro is now within sight, while tho now workings aro adding to the reserves rapidly. Boston Stock Markot. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers. 6 West Socond .South, furnish the following Boston stock quotations, received re-ceived over their private wire yesterday: 1 Sales-! H. 1 L. IClse : Bingham Con 16 155 16 Boston Con 500 27J 27 27 Butte Coalition SO 258 253 253 Butte & London IK i M Balaklala 727 nj 9 01 Con. Mercur I 40c 37c 40c Copper Range 637 801 80& 80J Calumet & A 45 170 168 170 Cumberland Ely ... 125 8 8 S DavlB Daly 12J 123 121 Dalv West 25 16 15 15J Easte Butte .... 400 lOg 10J 108 Glroux 100 8 8 S Greene Cananca 1.2S6 168 16J 16fi North Butte 762 S2J 813 8H Nevnda Con 13J 13 13i Nevada Utah 378 6 53 6J Nlplsslng 105 111 115 Hi Trinity 162 23i 225 23 United Copper 160 641 63J 63J U. S. Common 435 405 -S 485 U. S. Preferred 33 43 42J 423 Utah Con 500 52 52 52 BOSTON CLOSE. Bingham Central 18(5?) 11 Butte & London li IS Davis Daly 12J12? Easte Butte lOKfiilOJ Globe 13itfj131 Helvetia 58 6 Nevada Utah 53 5a Raven lrf li Apex G$fi 63 Mexico Consolidated HIPHJ Butte Exp 10 55 Cumberland Ely 75 S Dominion Copper - 5Z? 6- Glroux 7I) SJ Hancock 8w 0 Kcwanos SA0 81. Nipisslns: lUCdll? S. and P 15i$151 New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co.. hankers and brokers, 6 West Second South, furnish tho following New York mining stock quotations, received over their private wire yesterday; LISTED STOCKS. I Sale3. IT. 1 L. Clso Balaklala 100 01 9 n Newhouse 7i)0 17 16 17 Tenn Copper 100 381 381 381 Utah Copper 500 27 20R 266 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. 1 Salos.l II. L. IClso' Cumberland Ely 100 8 7i 71 Ely Consolidated U 1 li Dominion Copper .. 525 6 55 5t G. G. and S 450 11 1J 11 Nevada Utah 4.000 6 53 5J Mitchell S00 3 L'J 2S Glroux 300 Sj 8 S NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. 1 Bid. I Asked. Ncwhouse 162 17 Utah Copper 26 26R Nevada Consolidated 131 13J Cumberland Ely ' 1 8 Balk 0 0i Xing Edward 1 U Nlplssing ..- 119 llil Davis Daly 121 13 Glroux 11 Si G. G. and Sil U 3 J Nevada Mines and V 2S 2' Mitchell 23 2J Silver Queen U 31 Ely Consolidated 1 U Dominion Copper 53 5J Gibraltar ' 33c 37o Tintic 5. , 51 Montgomery Shoshone ... 61 6i Butte & London li 16 Tennessee Copper 381 383 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS, Adams Con ..? .lOiLlltle Chief .. .06 Alice ..... 3.00lOnlarIo 4.00 Brecce , 20iOphlr 1.70 Brunswick Con .35'Potosi 08 Comstock Tun. .26Savage 64 C C and Va.. .60iSlerrn Nevada. .33 Horn Silver .. 1.40Small Hopes .. .35 Iron Silver ... 2.20;Standard . ... 2.40 Leadvlllo Con.. -08i BOSTON MINING. STOCKS. Adventure 3.00 M C and C. 3.00 Allouez . . 46.00 North Butte. 81,75 Amalg .. . S6.S7 Nevada .f... 13.00 Atlantic .. 13.00 Old Dom .. 48.621 Ariz. Com. ,, 26.25 Osceola . . 133.00 Butto Coal... 25,25 Parrot . .. 19.00 Bingham . 15,50 Qulncy . .. 116.50 ' Cal. & A 160.50 j Shannon .. JL7.7. Cal it Hec. 310.00 'Tamarack . 113.25 Centennial , 27.75 'Trinity . .. 23.00 Cop Range, SO. 50 Unit Cop ,. 63.00 Daly Wc3t. 15.50 U S Mln ... 48.50 Franklin .. 14.00 ,U S Oil .... 3.87j Granby . .. 125.00 Utah 52.00 Isle Royalc. 20.25 IVlctorla . . 7.50 Mans Mln .. 5.50 jWluona . , S.371 Michigan . 13 25 iWolverlne . 15S.00 Mohawk . . SI. 75 I |