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Show I LIES THE MB" I THISJECTION 1 Prominent Michigan Man is Hj Very Much Pleased With Utah Properties. H TIKES IN SEVERAL . OF BIG DISTRICTS Former Mayor of Islipeming Ex-H, Ex-H, periences the Old-Style Utah Hospitality. Hj Gcorgo I?. Persons of Tshpcmiup, Micb., of which city ho at one time w;is H Mayor, -after spending a.-mouth in tho Hl different mining enmps of Utah in the Hj company of his brother, ,1. K. Persons, Hl is making preparations to leave for H Butte, thence to his Michigan homo. H' Mr. Persons is an old iron .miner, hc- iue thoroughly familiar with tvIioJp-Bale tvIioJp-Bale mining and ore transportation, and H his experience, gained during tho many years of sunk activity, lends f.o his H statements regarding Utah proporties a great deal of weight. To The Tribune Mondnv ho summed tip his impressions of Utah and her mines 1)3 stating that Hj he was delighted with tho results of his visits throughout tho State, and that when it came-.to expressing himself he ?elt that he could not picture the fu-iuro fu-iuro sufficiently emphatic. During the past month he has spent ?ovcral days in "Beaver county, Bing-ham, Bing-ham, Alta and elsnwhern, having been given ample opportunity to see real conditions for himself. TVherover he went lie found that same character of hospitality on the part of the Utah Hi operator that is so gratifying and sincere, and, he stales, ono must be the recipient thereof to fully appic-ciate appic-ciate its extent and the splendid man-ncr man-ncr in which it was offered. Tie leaves Salt Lako, City and Utah with regrets; he. likes the city and State, and it is jafo to predict that at some curly future date he will bo found out here again 'o follow up his impressions in a most Hl substantial manner. "While iu Beaver county Mr. Persons inspocted the Utah-Michigan property, regarding which he has only prophesies -T fine import. With the Cactus or Hi Ncwhouse property he was espcciallj' fl) pleased. While in the sectiou that con- tains the Star and the North Star dis- H' tricts he inspected the Talisman, Cedar. riub, Moscow and several others, all of which pleased and impressed him. The H' Moscow, he states, is a splendid prop- erty, aud were the company to squip vhc group as becomes its merits, aud Ht were it to mine its resources as they demand, thero would be very few prop-erf prop-erf ics in the State that would main-tain main-tain a more crpditalilo record. He looks for a long and useful future for this company. , , , South of Milford he visited the old Ivuch and the Hccla properties. Ho considers tho Hccla one of the coining mines of Beaver county. As to the coun- Hj i.y itself, he expressed himself as as- fonished with. tho mineralization of its Hfl districts. At Alta Mr. Persons was the guest of Mr. .Tacobson, manager of tho Columbus Consolidated and the South Columbus Consolidated companies, ind at both, ho states, he found wonderful showings of rich mineral. At Bingham he .was the guest of the Utah Cou-solidated Cou-solidated company, and expresses the opinion that the reports as to the Utah ' Consolidated ore bod3' being lifted up upon another portion of the camp are cntirelv unfounded in fact. "I like Utah, her climate, her people, and her mineral possibilities and her mineral achievements of the present. You can not put my enthusiasm too strongly" he stated in closing a very interesting conversation. |