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Show i. funeral directors jberwhallTundert fembalmor; 225 S. "West Temple; phonos 019. yj3 f OUT FLOWEES ; HE FLOWER SHOP. GEO. J. DWYER,, Mcr. Under Nat'l Bank of Republic ' Zi r. ; &ONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES IaRGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. R. : McKenzte. Display yards, 422 S. State. i iWO OR THrISeROOTS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, ground floor, close In. i one 2342-X. G1404 i- EWING BY DAY IN PRIVATE FAM-l FAM-l lily; children's clothes a specialty. Add. I I 7, Tribune. gMO" ' URNISIIED ROOM FOR SINGLE MAN. Price, from $S to $10 month. Address T r Tribune. g!408 "; RS. DRENNEN: CALL AT ROOM 53 White House as soon as possible, as I ave good news for you. Mrs. Van Mover.- S1424 i .0 BORROW 51500 FOR ONE YEAR; good proposition. Address T 10, Trib-1 fre- S1419 fOUNG COUPLE WHO ARE LEAVING ' the city will sell their furniture cheap. jdd. W 47, Tribune. glOJ9 SGOOD PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON is very much needed in an Idaho town, cated In one of the largest and best rmlng valleys In the State. A good loctor would have practically no compe-jtlon compe-jtlon among a good and thriving class f people. Write for particulars or come tflnd look the field over. Address W 41. g Tribune. e0o flMANTED TO BUY MEDIUM-SIZED jf&ron safe. Address R 5. Tribune. Sf) RENT TWO OR THREE NICELY 'furnished rooms for housekeeping; close I. Terms must be reasonable. Address P 1th particulars. Room 8, 49 So. Main. f I g1220 I HILDREN TO BOARD; BEST OF J care; pleasant home. Ind. phono 11693. HIMNEY SWEEPING AND FURNACE cleaning. Leave orders at Druchl & ranken's. Both phones 100. g!124 'ANTED NICE ROOM AND BOARD for man and wife, in private modern 3UBC. G. T. Bates, Kenyon hotel. g679 D RENT SIX-ROOMED MODERN COT-;tage, COT-;tage, N, E.. by family of three, about Sb. 1. Ind. phone 3045, Bell phone 3699. j g217 0 DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND Imattress remaking. Utah Budding ;td Mfg. Co. Both phonos 333. b30S OUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. ! Salvation Army. Both phones. t2191 IIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON. L Ibrass, rags, bottles, rubber, copper, ,'c Utah Junk Co.. 63 E. 8th south. hone 229. z307 T A NTED EXTRA LARGE FIRE-proof FIRE-proof second-hand safe. Address, with ' lrtlculars. box 918. e993 E PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR &econd-hand household goods. Star lrnlturo Co.. 315 So. State. 4 AN WITH HORSE TO CARRY PA- ; per route. Apply Tribune ofllco. at ice. d2352 ' ,: EA VY, BROAD-TIRED RUNNING J?igear for hauling stone, must be in good Slndltlon. Both 'phones 3S4. Ask for Mf. Koch. 45 State street. g!362 P$LL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH-5, CLOTH-5, fchig, trunks, valises; best prices paid. 7 Commercial street. Reply by postal 'ird. Phones 3771 -K. t74 REAL ESTATE. Wo haw buyers for nil classes of juoperty. Have constant lnqulrv. espec-TJgJly espec-TJgJly for vacant lots and modern homes 'all sizes. Have you listed YOUR prop-fj prop-fj ty with us? Call or nhono Wilson-f Wilson-f (erman Co.. 52 W. 2d South, tel. 492. .ptnbers R. K. Assoclntlon. b857 AVE YOUR FURNACE AND CHIM-ney CHIM-ney cleaned by Griffin. King Kard-fcre Kard-fcre Co.. both phones glGG J HOUSE CLEANING ';. Co.. Phones 555. d819 ATIONAL HOUSE-CLEANING CO.. 69 , IE. 1st South. All kinds of house- leaning done, by the hour or contract, M MACHLNERY fir ULLEYS, SHAFTINgTISaNGJrXN k- Jglnes, hollers, tables, hoists, compres-h compres-h trs, motors, and pipes. J. M, Sworn. M 86 S. 3d Weht. b!72 f iRlT"?LTmujiT FNTYN TRANCE , Jmedlum: readings daily, meetings Sun- ay and Thursday evenings at 8 p. m.. R t 2fi7 S. West TemplR. d2020 LJ t iROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS, AT 55 E. 3rd South. f 2138 J WHEEE TO STOP ;JlNCCNnKOE7AljL3l fprletor. GS East 1st South; 200 rooms, ;ates 25c, 35c and 50c. xl9Gl AS3AYERS '0?LN STEVJtrTVSSAYR I cheml6t, 24 E. So. Tomplo sLreet. Salt ako City. Utah. c710 JRISMON & NICHOLS. ASSAYERS 1 and chemists, removed to 220 So. V. , femple. wl7f)2 frAKLOK FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED I and repaired. Estimates submitted on , fcquest. Phones 3209. S, L. Matt. & lfg Co.. 153 W. lot South. 224 1 CASH REGISTERS Rational cash register, oscak Jl Groshell, sales agent. 221 Main street. Inexpert cash register repairing. Secondhand Second-hand registers always In stock. nlG80 iRS. E. C GALLOW, VAPOR BATHS, h,mc-5age and natural sclontl Mr heal-ntr heal-ntr from 9 a. m. to S p. m. dallv, at 68 S. W. Temple. Ind. 3123. gHOl dAGNETIC HEALER. MRS. STE-iphens, STE-iphens, natural scientific healing treatment treat-ment dally Vapor and medicated baths, 'la Main, room 25. gl2S0 dRS. S.rOBERG. SWEDISH MASSAGE, 424 Pearl avenue. Bell phono 2U44-K. ako Waterloo cur. 11656 , MIDWIFE fRIVATE HOME FORCONFINEMENT 1 LS "- Llszlo GolHlor, 33C West d North. Bull phono 5C1-K. u!033 If 5RIVATE HOME FOR CONFINEMENT & I ca.ieI! lrs- A- M- Olson, 525 East Sth jQUth, Phone Ball 2057-X. S787 jCOMPEESSED AIR CLEANING M'J Co., Phones 55. d820 RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family; good refer-ences refer-ences tequirod. 1271 East Brlgham. COUPLE RELIABLE CHAMBERMAIDS. Apply Kenyon hotel. 1 LADY COOK, $50. CALL INTER-mountaln INTER-mountaln Employment Agency, 63J W. 2nd South. YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child. Call afternconB. 501 N. 1st West. GOOD GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSEWORK. Three In family; good wages. 219 Fifth East. g!403 GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. one In the neighborhood preferred. Call at 322 W. 2nd So. ; g!410 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; good wages. 935 S. W. Temple. g!428 COMPETENT SECOND GIRL; GOOD wages. 413 E. 1st South. g!427 FIFTY GIRLS WANTED AT SWEET Candy company. 13 E. First South at. Steady work; good wages. g!420 NURSE GIRL, 363 E. 5TH SOUTH ' g!080 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing. 744 So. 1st West. g!038 NURSE GIRL. MRS. JAMES INGEL-brctson, INGEL-brctson, Pauline Flata. No. '3. g!0l8 A LADY STENOGRAPHER, 431 D. F, Walker bldg. gH52 A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT GIRL for small familv. 139 Second East. Ind. phone 222. gS76 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: no washing. 937 2nd at. g213 EXPERIENCED HAIR DRESSER; ALSO AL-SO an apprentice. 215 South State Rt. ' 7""- - g!360 GOOD COOK. TWO IN FAMILY, GOOD wagC3. 885 First street. g!354 GOOD VOCALIST WANTED FOR road show. A long engagement. If you can't sing don't answer. Must give reference. Address W 63, Tribune. g!342 MANICURIST AT THE KENYON BAR-ber BAR-ber shop. g!339 LADY STENOGRAPHER FOR MANU-facturlng MANU-facturlng company; general office work. Address application in own writing, giving giv-ing references: salary ?65 per month. Ad-dress Ad-dress R 4, Tribune. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, AP-ply AP-ply at once, J. G. McDonald Candy Co,. 159 West 3rd South. g!260 WANTED A NURSE GIRL. 776 24TH sL. Ogden, Utah. g!270 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; good wages; small family. 531 First st. gl285 GOOD SEAMSTRESS AT 964 SOUTH West Temple. g!264 GIRLS FOR LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL departments. Apply Troy Laundry. No, .431 South Sixth East street. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN cook with reference, good wages. 366 W. So. Temple. Tel., Ind. 1760. g533 GIRL FOR COOKING AND DOWN-stalrs DOWN-stalrs work. No 6 Fort Douglas. CLOTHES IRONER AND MAN-gle MAN-gle girl. Model Steam Laundry. f2375 A LADY STENOGRAPHER INTEREST-ed INTEREST-ed In psychic or physical science, can obtain employment part time by addreas-lng addreas-lng 663 South West Temple. f2810 GIRLS FOR MANGLE ROOM AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS. APPLY TROY LAUNDRY, 431 SO. 6TH EAST STREET. dS21 GOOD GJRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; small family. 32 South 7th East g!41 WANTED HELP MALE BOYAOuTTyEARsl A?PLT260 South Main. 2 MINERS. CALL INTEEMOUNTAIN Employment Agency, 63 W. 2nd South. BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOY FREE FROM school obligation. Halllday Drug Co. g!42fi MAN OR BOY TO DO CHORES FOR board, Ind. phono 3659 g910 SOLICITORS FOR ACCIDENT AND health Insurance. Flrst-clas3 proposition proposi-tion for men or women. TVarren Foster, 52 Commercial Blk g917 OFFICE BOY AND FILING CLERK; AP-ply AP-ply In own handwriting, giving references. refer-ences. State salary wanted. Address R 3, Tribune- ' FOUR FIRST-CLASS MEN. SOLICIT-ors, SOLICIT-ors, accident and health insurance; references ref-erences required. Apply Imporlal Casualty Cas-ualty company, room 201 D. F. Walker block, Salt Lake City. (2738 BOYS WANTED AT KEITH-O'BRIEN store, g!340 WANTED BOY TO WORK IN DRUG store. Apply Smith Drug Co. g!336 PLUMHOF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. headquarters for all kinds of help, etc. 60S E. 2nd So. Fono 3584 g!51 SEVERAL GOOD BOILER-MAKERS. wJth railroad experience, for out-of-town. Top wages to good men. Add. W 35. Tribune. g?30 GOOD MACHINISTS WITH RAILROAD experience, out of city. Add W 33. Tribune. g731 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 69 E. 2d South. Phonts464: e742 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS HARNESS-maker. HARNESS-maker. capable of ac:Ing as foreman In a shop employing four men, good wages and a permanent Job for the right man. Becman & Cashln Merc. Co.. Evanston. Wyo. g381 i BARBER WANTED AT 219 SO MAIN. oK.13 WANTED SITUATION .LTNnroRvoKH? a IellTble Japanese man. Taks English good. P O. Box 134, J. M. g!407 BY RELIABLE MAV. AS JANITOR. Understands stetm-heatlng. Aug. Roth, 756 W. 2nd Ncrth. gl400 FIRST-CLASS FIRBMAN OF EXPER-ience EXPER-ience wants poslt'on. Address T 11, Tribune. gl425 WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE keeper or charge of rooming-house, In or out of city. Addreso W 66, Tribune, g!277 SYRIAN SCHOOLBOY WANTS PLACE with good family, where he can pay for board and lodghg by working before and after school. Address W 54, Tribune. g!340 EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN WANTS position with stick broker or mining company. Addreai W 55, Tribune. g!3IS BOABD AND ROOMS Bssiioidircro 442 So. W. Tcrmlc. Try It gS67 NICE ROOMS. FINE BOARD, EVERY-thlng EVERY-thlng modern- Rates reasonable. 115 South Fourth Eaft. g9l2 LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD for two gentlexnen. 112 N. State St. , g859 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS and board. Everything modern. One block from Knutiford Hotel. Boll phone No. 2312-X g310 BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM-Ily: FAM-Ily: modern, .'nd, 'phono 1904. 225 W. 5th South. x967 FURNISHED ftOOMS AND BOARD. 375 So. 2d Eatt. e2153 BOARD AND ROOM, 3 DOORS EAST of the Emory-Holmea, 119 Brlgham. Ind. phono G37. d2433 SKAFES GROUND electrkVholIIow'" also made aid fitted. Jones, 24 Richards Rich-ards St. fG30 FOR EJINT ONE-HAIiF OF GROUND floor and basement, and all of 2nd floor, 42x100 ft., brick block, Nos. 22i and 223 S. W. Temple. Will remodel to suit and give long lease. Desk room, ground floor. In our desirable office, No. 17 W. 2nd So. St. CAPITAL R. E. I. CO. g823 FrVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, FUR-nlture FUR-nlture for sale at a bargain. No. 3 Du-bol Du-bol avenue. g!284 NICELY FURNISHED MODERN SEVEN room house. Apply from 2 to fi at 83 H street. g!256 NEW BRICK EIGHT-ROOM MODERN house. 26 Jefferson street, between W. Temple and First West streets, and Eighth and Ninth South streets, g!258 FOR RENT CHICKEN RANCH, 2 acres, 5-room house, fruit, largo barn, 150 chickens, 2 fresh cows, cheap. 1269 South 11th East. g!276 MODERN FLAT. 5 ROOMS. ALCOVE. laundry, choice residence district; no children. 664 E. 2nd So. gS03 TWO 6 -ROOM MODERN HOUSES, 520 and $25. 3S So. 7th East. g620 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 351 WEST. 3rd North. Apply in rear. g!402 TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, $10 per month; or one, ?6. 156 East 3rd South. g!415 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; ALSO elegant furniture of 5 rooms for sale at a bargain, east side; muHt sell at once. Bell phono 1797-Z. g028 NEAT 6-ROOM COTTAGE; WATER IN Iioubo, e. 1. 926 E. 6th South; Bell 'phone 278S-Y. $16 per month. 48 PITT ST.. 3RD SO,. BET. 7TH AND 8th West. 4-room brick, $12. 1153 Washington Wash-ington ave., 11th E., near 10th South, 5-room 5-room frame. $12. Peterson Real Estate Inv. Co.. 330 So. Main. FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT AT 658 E. 3rd So. Inquire 151 East 1st South. g724 92-ROOM HOTEL, GOOD LOCATION. Apply Freed Furn. and Carpet Co. g737 $30.00681 5TH ST., 8-ROOM MOD.. furnace. Wilson-Sherman Co., 62 W. 2nd So. Tel. 492. g738 $35.009 ROOMS. MODERN; HOT WA-ter WA-ter heat, 343 South 10th East. Marnanc, 47 Commercial blk. Bell phono 4919 Red. f2772 7- ROOM MOD. FURNISHED HOUSE, suitable for two families, and also barn, 653 So. West Temple. f238 8- ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 218 E. 7TII So.; large lot and barn. Inq. Hemphill, No, 11 East First South. f!82 A 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. AND six rooms of furniture for sale cheap. 33 Vine sU, near McCornlck's residence. O1042 CLOSE IN.' FOUR-STALL STABLE, feed room and yard. Apply 48 Second East. f2795 FIVE-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE, $22.50 month. Inquire 6G0 E. 7th So. gTO SEVEN-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 30 D street. Inquire 38 D. f!483 ON BRIGHAM ST., 7-RM. MODERN house, with barn. Apply 927 Brlgham street. Bell 1090-Y. g!75 NO. 115 THIRD STREET. 5-ROOM brick; modern; $30. Weir, 36 West Second South. g229 HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE OF EIGHT ROOMS. $50; 2S0 NORTH MAIN. FRITSCH, NO. 12 E. 2ND SOUTH ST. PHONES: IND., 747; BELL, 3567. g795 SIX-ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK. 1132 Bueno street. Inquire Imperial hotel, E. V. Howard, after S p. in. g!351 $12.00 FOR RENT. 4-ROOM BRICK, east side. Inquire Bell Tel. 1'464-X. gl337 NEW. RESTAURANT, GOOD MONEY-maker, MONEY-maker, splendid location, near Utah Copper company's new plant- Call 46 East 1st So. g!030 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. 10X30, ON street floor, good window space. No. 73 So. Main st. glOOS THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, ground floor, and two rooms upstairs. 315 So. W. Temple. g9l3 FOR RENT STORE BUILDING WEST of Main St , close In. About 30x60 feet. Two stories; large lot. Little & Little. g911 FIVE-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, CLOSE in. Positively no children. Enquire 134 W. 6th So. k857 GOOD 8-ROOM PARTLY MODERN brick house. 1310 S. Sth East st , cheap rent to right party. Two-room brick house, 16 M street, 11 per month. Hoffman Bros.. 62 W. 2nd So. st. g7Sl FOR RENT COTTAGE. 333 13TH EAST street. 'Phone 62. f2139 LOST A GOLD ENAMELED PIN. FOUR pearls In center; between Cullen hotel and Orpheum theater; reward If returned to Cullen hotel- gl412 WILL GENTLEMAN WHO FOUND hand satchel about 25th of last November, Novem-ber, between O- S. L. depot and 4th West and 4th South, return same to IS E. South Temple? $5 reward; no questions. OR STOLEN LEWELLYN SETTER pup; black, white and tan ticked. Return Re-turn to 11 West 2nd South and receive liberal reward. gl353 BAY MARE. 850 POUNDS WEIGHT; white lips and forehead, white hind feet: $5 reward Ind. "phone 133-1; Bell 491-black. gl345 BROWN LEATHER WR1STBAG. CON-talnlng CON-talnlng purse, keys. etc. Return to 303 McCornlck building. Reward. gl333 GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH. CLOS-cd CLOS-cd face. Libera reward. Return to Em-plre Em-plre dairy. 135 E. 2nd So fM4 ARJiraCTS ERSKINE & LILJENBERG.'rISmOVEL to 230-231 Com'l Club bldg. Phono, rind, 843; Boll, 843-K. Artistic homes. y CARPET CLEANING COMPRESSED AIR, NEW SAN1TAUV process. National 1-Iouno-Cloanlng Co., 59 E. 1st South. Carpots culled for and delivered promptly. bl90G UTAH SANITARY HOUSE-CLEANING Co. Phones GGfi d818 KEY FITTING EXPERT LOCK AND SAFE REPAIR-Ing. REPAIR-Ing. Carter's. 325 S. W. Temple St. Bell phone 1146-X. gS2i EXPERT SAFE AND LOCK WORK. Blcyclo Supply Co., 273 So. West Tom-Plo- g!9 ATTORNEYS ' J. E. DARM13R. LAWYER. OFFICES, 72 and 73 Commercial Bile. Phonos 049-Z and 1217. W2743 W. L. DUNN. LAWYER, 212 MAIN ST. glOi CLAIRVOYANTS mIswTwiiTfIrom SATRAN Cisco, will give clairvoyant and psv-chometrlc psv-chometrlc readings dally on business and love affairs, etc.; satisfaction guaranteed. guaran-teed. No 4 Dubel avenue. 2nd South, between be-tween 3rd and 4th East Bel 'phone 4791-V. gl3 J i MADAME PI NIC. CLAIRVOYANT MET dium. I'll give information regarding all business affairs, etc; teat mcotlnca Sunday and Thursday. Boll phono 3S44-K. 3S44-K. 118 S First West. c832 HAFACTRY HATS olrALL" KINDS cTeaJEdT blocked, remodeled. Room 37. Eagle block. Phono 1354-Y. a2!77 SALT LAKE II AT FACTORY, 21 EAST 1st South. Fono 1871-X, Hula cloan- d and rotrltiimed, bll38 1, NICELY FURN. ROOMS. REASON-able: REASON-able: through Eagle Gate, 71 North State; Ind. 'phone 4017. g!398 THE RICHLIEU FURN. ROOMS; rooms for light housekeeping; rooms from $1.50 per wk. up. 305J 'E. 2nd So. g!411 FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM AND bath, modern apartment: references. Inquire 250 West Third South, No. 3. g!422 FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ground floor. The Manhattan, 237 West First South. gl260 THREE NICE, MODERN HOUSE-keeplng HOUSE-keeplng rooms. 535 E. 5th South. g!275 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY furnished; or furniture for sale; closo In. Inqulro 46 E. 1st South. g!261 TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms; e 1., bath, toilet, closet. 433 South Second West. g!265 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeplng; HOUSE-keeplng; no children. 231 So. 1st West. g!274 NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 28 E. 4th So. el400 MODERN FLAT, GOOD LOCATION. Idqulro 72 West Sth So. Tele. 2337 Red. miO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, modorn house, private family; home cooking. Bell phono 4881-Red. g457 46 PITT ST.. 3RD S., BET 7TH AND STH West, 3-room brick, $15. Peterson Real Estato Inf. Co.. 330 S. Main. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS ON ground floor, for housekeeping. 576 So. Main. g878 LARGE ROOM FOR HOUSEKEEPING; $10 month. 570 So. Main. g919 MODERN ROOMS, CLOSE TO Business. Busi-ness. Gentlemen preferred. 142 2nd East NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 56 W. 1st South, Whitlngham block. g628 TWO HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, TWO blocks from R. G. W. shops; water and electric lights. 436 W. 3rd So. g02 FURN. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, closo In. Inq, 121 W. 4th So. glOlO TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. No. 7 Vino avonuc, W. 3rd So. g!039 3-ROOM COTTAGE, 869 LINCOLN AVE., between 8th and 9th So.. 0th and 10th East. Boll 'phone 3233-N-K. gll30 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for housekeeping. 36 So. W. Temple. g318 FOUR MODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near High school, Phone 3378-Y. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: TERMS reasonable. 350 B. So. Temple. f 856 ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for ono or two gentlemen; easy walking distance. Inq. 620 Bridgeport. or phono Ind. 3632. c2201 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; ground floor. 215 West 5th South, f!729 FURN. ROOM IN MODERN HOUSE. Apply 67 C st. References. f 645 You Should Advertise. XVI. Bear In mind that you won't find A caitamer by simply iraltingj You Trill lose If yon ahonld chooae To vraate yonr time In vain debating. Yon will find that competition MaUen yonr progress very hard, A. nd to better yonr aondltion Try a catchy Business Card. ORRJN NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; STEAM heat. 234 South Main g!272 LARGE FRONT AND BACK ROOMS; very reasonable; steam heat; with or without board. 112 North Main. Bell 'phono 4S10-Y. gl282 NICELY FURN. MODERN ROOMS" closo In. No. 562 Main st. Tel. 1202-K. g!0V7 A SUITE OF RMS.. STRICTLY MOD-ern: MOD-ern: nlco location; gentleman preferred. pre-ferred. 402 E. 2nd So. Bell fono 3292-KY. 3292-KY. 12520 SUITE OF TWO LIVING ROOMS, MOD-ern; MOD-ern; 2nd South and 3rd East. 306 So. State. Ind. 'phone 2255. f2809 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND bath. 415 So. West Temple. Phone 3277 Ind. g7 LARGE FRONT ROOM. HOT WATER heat, bath, closo In. Phono 1074-X. 02247 FURN.-ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng. HOUSE-keeplng. at the Taylor house, 147 E. 2nd So f916 3 FURNISHED MODERN OFFICE rooms, prlvato consultation room, both ? hones; Joint use of stenographer; suite -2-3 65 So. Main f 1343 8-ROOM FURNISHED. 243 E. FIRST South. M2SP SEVEN RMS. FURN. FURNITURE FOR sale. Enqulro 14 W, 4th South. e836 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; WATER IN house. 375 So. 1st West. Children al-lowed. al-lowed. g866 TWO-ROOM MOD. FURN, FLAT, NEAR O. S L. depot. Bell 337S-Y 2250 FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS; ELEC-trlc ELEC-trlc light, water In the house: ground floor. 627 S. W. Temple. Phone 2301-N. Z. gS10 THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT, NICE-ly NICE-ly furnished. 634 So. Main. f2394 TUXEDO. Nicely furnl8hod rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water In every room. everything new. 44 So. State. g213 ONE OR 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng; HOUSE-keeplng; ground floor. 504 So. 1st West. g242 HALF OF FURNISHED HOUSE, MAN and wife preferred. GS So. 3d East. 1220 SEVEN ROOMS, EVST SIDE, STRICT -ly modern. Ind. phono 4218, or call 09 West 2d South, c!34 AUCTION SALES your household goods elsewhere. Most complete stock of second-hand goods In tho city; GOO heaters, cook stoves and ranges at bottom prices. Western Furniture Furn-iture Co., 242 Stato st. Stove repairs for any old stove dl431 WALL PAPER GLEANED NATIONAL IIOUSE-CLe"a7iNOM pany, 50 E, 1st South. Phones 978-4250. 978-4250. hi 065 UTAH SANITARY HOUSE-CLEANING Co.. phones 555, dS17 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT A WIFE OR HUSBAND? THE National Introducing Society has tho largest membership In tho West, many wealthy. Matrimonial register, with photos, pho-tos, finest published, 10c. Box 609, Portland. Port-land. Ore, cl033 f FOR RENT FURNISHED 1 FP7E-ROOM MOTTioe7ALSO3 Ttne.i mod. 523 E. 6th So. f!442 THE PLEA8A.NTON, HANDSOMELY-fumlshed HANDSOMELY-fumlshed rooms; modern, close In. No. C Kendall Square. Ind. phone 1039. a2037 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REGULAR DINNER. 35C THE HOME restaurant, 18 West 3rd South. g!128 LONG LEASE ON BEST CORNER storo on Main street. See Wllson-Sherman Wllson-Sherman Co.. 52 W. 2d S. Tel. 492. f230 FINE UPRIGHT PLVNO, CHEAP. CALL 21U Atlas block. f 2792 COMPLETE ELECTRO-TESTING OUT-flt OUT-flt for nlckol and copper. Inc. Hanson-Van Hanson-Van Winkle dynamo; cheap. 1G1 East 1st South. FRESH JERSEY COW, FINE MILKER. at New Southern hotel. f!780 WEATHER STRIPS, BEST AND MOST durable made, Rivers. 140 Main. c!887 TWO BRINDLE BULL BITCH PUPS; fine stock; well marked; cheap. Ind. 'phono 1948. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS, IN NEW end slightly used, of all makes. Auton bought, sold on commission, exchanged, repaired or painted. A. Beveridge. rear 268 Main at. c619 1000 LDS. GOOD GRAVEL, 10TH SO. and 12th E. Wm Dorocy, 1185 Prlnce-ton Prlnce-ton ava. Phone 969-Z. g!017 $400 BUYS MOVABLE BUSINESS, clearing an average of over $40 weekly; good reason for selling: costs nothing to Investigate; must sell this week. Achorn, Sprlngvllle, Utah. g!365 PART OR ALL OF 23 SHARES CON-tlnental CON-tlnental Life Insuranco and Investment company stock, $70 per nharo; par value $100 por share, In connection with 250 shares Western Securities company stock, $7 por 8hire; par value S10 por share. Address F. B., P. O. box 823, Salt Lako City. Utah. g!363 FRESH MILCH COW, 1170 S. 4TH East g!065 RESTAURANT FOR SALE, CHEAP; good location; doing good business. Ad-droas Ad-droas W 58. Tribune. g!127 DENTAL CHAIRS, ENGINE, CABINET, vulcanlssers, fountain, cuspldores, etc. Redman Van & Storage. g!078 SALOON BUSINESS AND PROPERTY at Bingham: clear deed for same. Ap-ply Ap-ply A 20. Salt Lako Tribune. f!719 IRON BEDS. DRESSERS, CHIFFON-iers, CHIFFON-iers, carpets, steel ranges, rockers. chalr3, sowing machines, etc. Very cheap; taken under mortgage. Inquire 112, over Kelth-O'Brlon storo. g225 SUITE OF ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. furnished for light housekeeping, or two gentlemen. Call room 8, 49 South Main street. g!357 TWO ROOMS AND PANTRY FOR housekeeping. 238 East 2nd South. g!330 SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE and barn. 0G3 So. W. Tomplo. Apply 525 So. 2nd West. f893 DESIRABLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN 224 Brlgham street. c2377 $330024 of the best furnished apartments apart-ments In the city; absolutely new building and furnishings; strictly modern, running water In each room. G private baths; rent $175 Including steam and hot water, best lc. In city; this price for a few days only. $1200 15 rooms, finely furnished; swell location: a good money-maker, rent S200; four years' lease; always al-ways full of guests. $2500 38 rooms, furnished nicely: located near Main street, rent S120; lease: half cash, balance easy terms. $6000 4S-room European hotel, steam heat, well furnished; never a vacant va-cant room: rent $1,75; 3i years' lease; most central location in city; clears $300 and up. The extremely low rent and running expenses of this house guarantee It to be the best money-maker In Salt Lake. Owing to protracted Illness In owner's own-er's family, must sell. 35000 5S rooms, elegantly furnished, swellest location In city; insures apartments always full; low rent; long lease: clears $300 month; modern; mod-ern; 12 baths; steam heat. Don't fall to see this; It's a mint. Several small places ranging In price from $400 up. I havo two mercantile propositions in Salt Lako doing a business of S100.000 each annually; clearing 25 per cent on tho Investments; open to Investigation to parties par-ties meaning business; trlflers need not apply; this office guarantees them to be the best ever presented. Main st. location?, loca-tion?, cater to high-class retail trade; 350,000 and $60,000 each will handle thorn; purchase price to bo determined by Invoice: In-voice: established seventeen years. A. RICHTER, Real Estato. Business Opportunity Department, A. L. Brattaln, manager. 19 West 1st South. Both "phones 641. glll4 27 ROOMS, CENTRALLY LOCATED ON Main st.; elegantly furnished: will sell at sacrifice if sold quickly. Apply W. C. Sullivan. 65 S. Main. MALE TICKET TO DENVER. CHEAP-Address CHEAP-Address T 9, Tribune. glS96 ORE BAGS FOR SALE. Inq. F. R. Davis, Da-vis, 12 East 2nd So. Phone Bell 3699. g!397 NEW FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES of four rooms, together or separate. 437 East 3rd So. g!405 ONE 20-H.-P., 2-PHASE. 60-CYCLE IN-duetlon IN-duetlon motor; also one 10-I-I.-P. and one 5-H.-P.; all General Electric; first class condition. Tribune Publishing Co. gl409 FINE PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL aftor 7 p. m- 661 E. 2nd So. glllS PIANO SALE. "Anderson" pianos, $140; Hard man upright, up-right, $100; Knabe upright, $235: Steln-way Steln-way concert grand, $275; organ, $125, now $50; player pianos, very cheap; good square piano. $140; the beautiful Bailey, used. $260. N. Y. & WESTERN PIANO CO.. 52 Market st., near new P. O. g!417 IF IT'S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. see J. K. Ncwcomb; moved to r. 414 Trlbuno bldg. Ind , 126; Bell, 1U34-Y. yl3.r.Q CHEAP! ONE CHAIR BARBER SHOP the only shop in a growing town of 600, other buslncs reason for sellng. Ad-dre3s Ad-dre3s Box 143, Burley Ida. g379 THE ONLY HOTEL IN THE BEST town In tho Minidoka Government project, pro-ject, everything new and I must sell at once on account of poor health. Address, Montana Hotel, Burley Idaho. g380 FOR SALE REAL . ESTATE. A, RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. On State st. have a pleco of property well Improved and brining $130 per month rent. Vacant ground In the same vicinity sold recently for $250 per foot. The improvements on this property cost at least $15,000. Can soil it for $1S,000; lot 50x165 feet. On 4lh South, close in, a corner 10x10 rods, every available space Improved, bringing 7 per cent on $20,000. One-half cash. The best piece of business propr-rty on Stato; the only large piece available on tho street, and very close in. for $100 per foot less than any piece offered for sale in tho block. On East let South, a well Improved pleco of property, 63xl73i; can sell for $26,000. Tho corner 2nd South and 2nd West, facing south and east, 65x112 feet, for $19,600. It's ono of the choicest corners on the street. An elegant corner on Wnt ?rd South, want an offer; tho lot 165-feet frontage. On Went 1st South, 23x312 feet, close in; can sell for $7500. Some good Main and State street property prop-erty at reasonable prices. Apartment Hou!e Sites. No. 643 5lh East 3rd South, 5x20 rods with 18-ioot alley; $8000. On 6th South near Main, 66x165 feet, for $6000. 48xl73i feet on 3rd East near 3rd South, -room house, renting for $20 per month, at $4000. 6x10 rods on Brlgham street, close In, $10,000. Some Home Propositions. No agency In the city has a greater variety of modem homes for sale than I have on my list. Have them in all parts of the city, ranging from $1600 up. I am offering for tho next ten days the following exceptionally big bargains: On North Temple, near West Temple, 26x100 feet, with 5-room adobe house, electric lights and water, for $2500, $10QO cash, bal. $20 per month and 5 per cont Interest. On 3rd South near Sth West, beautiful 5-room modern brick cottage, for $2350. 47x165 feet, with 5-room brtck, electric lights and water In tho house, located on 2nd South near 11th East, for $2700, $500 cash, bal. monthly payments. On 4th street near F, a neat 5-room brick cottage, lot 2Jx7 rods, for $2600; terms can be arranged. On H st., east front, a 6-room brick cottage, wator and e. 1.; lot 2JxlO rods; $2500, half cash. Brand new modern, on H strcoL near 1st, 8-room modern complete, $6500; this Includes fence, sidewalks, sewer and boater. On 2nd near G, beautiful 6-room modern 2-story brick, lot 2ix7i rods, at $5500. On 3rd street near P, 6-room modern 2-story white pressed brick, every modern convenience No better house for salo in the city, at $5250, $1500 cash, bal. can be arranged. On Douglas ave. near 2nd South bet. 12th and 13th East, handsome 8-room modern 2-story brick; every convenience; $6500. V On Brlgham sL. a 10-room modern residence, resi-dence, south front, paving and all assessments assess-ments paid for; the lot 3x8 rods; owner asks $13,000. I want an offer. A beautiful home on the same street, 6x10 rods, all Improvements paid for; 9-room 9-room modern residence, barn, and can sell for $16,000. Have a great many more of this class of property to pick from, and would bo pleased to have any bona fide buyer call on me. Always ready to show them. A. Rlchter, Real Estate, 19 West 1st South. Phones 641. glOGO BUY NOW1 AND MAKE MONEY. THREE CHOICE BUYS. 165x93 and'115, corner 2nd So. and 2nd West (Baptist church). Two other cor- nvis, -iiu w . ;uiii iiiu ou. bum lur --nu foot without Improvements. You can make trackage out of this corner, and we are offering It at $250 foot. Corner of l6t West and 1st So., 155x127; paving tax paid (S. E. corner); $250 foot 80x165 on 4th So., between State and Main, at $525 foot- It will sell for $1000 foot within one year. LITTLE & LITTLE. Under Nntl. Bank of Republic. g!399 JAMES M. CAMPBELL. BUSINESS property, real estate, loans. 315-316 Atlas block. g914 $2350.00 Nice 4-room house, modern, mantel; 60 feet by 169 feet to alley; 13th E. and 12th So, $1350.0041x5 rods on Third street, south front; part cash. $4200.00 S-room brick, strictly modern, on Tenth East near Third So., lot 31x10 rods. Part cash- Can get possession right away $500.00 Two lots on 5th East .below Liberty Park, facing east; a great bargain. $1250-00 Nice 3-room house with cellar and barn; large lot; near 11th East and 10th South. Will take half cash. MARNANE 1- CO.. 47 Commercial Block. Phone 4910 Red. gS65 VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTY, all parts of city. Meeks & Lynch. 315 Atlas block. b76 WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL insist on dealing with the Homer Abstract Company. We Issue correct abstracts, certificates of title and guarantee policies of title insurance, in-surance, examlno titles, attend all details de-tails of purchase and salo Consolidated with the Salt. Lake So-curlty So-curlty & Trust Co , No. 32 Main street. g666 "YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD TOWN down." See Stowe & Palmer ad., page S. f2465 START A HOME by buying somo of those lots in Evans Addition to Poplar Grovo. Terms eusy as they can bo made; low as the lowest. Thoy grow while you sleep. Sightly, on car line, elec. lights, city water, quick service on cars. Buy NOW before the "BOOM" begins, these lots will cost more then. Buy ground which you can handlo without, with-out, keeping you awako nights. Going fast. M'CONAUGHY. Room No. 503. Auer-bach Auer-bach Bldg. Phono No. 2319 Bell. f2790 WE HAVE PROPERTY EVERYWHERE. E, E. Cassady & Co.. 407 Atlas Block. X166Q INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS. Kclsoy & Gillespie. 22 East 1st South. P12S0 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR Exchange. Ex-change. A, II. Outright, room 12, Eagle block. c3062 FGR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ALLKINDS OF" HCmSEWAONs' and harness for salo at Star barn, 125 E. 4th So. g-iSO FOUR POOL TABLES. SEE DEL Wilson, 55 E. 2nd South. Also room at 57 E. 2nd South for rent. g677" FOR SALE ONE 25-ROOM AND ONE 10-rooin rooming house, both doing a good business. Address W 25, Trlbuno j office. ft-isi Tribuno Job Printing Co. at 66 W. Second South, H FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RAN," 14 Went Third South nt. WE HAVE A FEW SPECIAL BARV gains in residence property this woek. Mahan Inv. Co.. 27 Eagle block. gl35S FIVE-ROOM. V. BRICK COTTAGE, modorn; finished first-class; east side! will sell at sacrifice; leaving city, Ad- dress T 3, Tribune. gi33g LIST PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Ulck action. Capital R. E. Inv. Co., 1i West 2nd South street. gl26Q MODERN 6-ROOM, 2 1-3x7, IRON" lH fence, cement walks, two lawns, 3-rm. bH washhouse; $2650. 753 E. 9th So. g!29i WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S bH all, Tuttlo Bros., 153 Main. Red ball IF YOU WANT TO SELL ' H See C. W. Miller, 112 W 2nd South. m2605 SURE SALES THRU Aahton & Jenkins, 73 So. Main. e65S LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE bI with Salt Lake Real Estate & Title Co..- HH 60 Main St., Phones 704. qi20 OUR MOTTO. QUICK SALES IN REAL estate. W. I,. Wlmmer. successor to IH Anderson R. IS. Co., 300-201 New Herald building. Fones 474. 144 STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE; ' furnace heat; East side. Call 69 West1 HH 2nd South or Ind. 'phono 4218. qI3p' HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO.. VM Real estato and loan brokers, 261 Main. . allOO PROPERTY AT THE LOWE8T MAR- H kot price listed and sold at Ranck Real Estate Inv. Co., suite 232 D. F. Walker. DZ433 HI A. A. S. RITE THE FOUR CO-ORDI- LbI nato bodies of tho A. A. S. Rite of Free .Masonry hold stated meotings the third Thursday in each month at tho Masonic Temple, corner 1st So. and 2nd E. So-journlKg So-journlKg brethren invited. HH Joseph G. Bywater, 32 dear. HH W. M. Jordan Lodge of Perfection No. 2. HH S. C. .Park. 32 deg. W. M. James Love Chapter of Rcao Croix C. W. Morse,' K. C. C. H. II Commander of Salt Lake Council of Ka- HH dosh, No. 1. HbH H. N. Mayo, IC C. C.H. M. of K. Utah Consistory No. L Christopher Dlch!, 33 deg. Register of all tho Bodies. H ARGENTA LODGE NO 3. F IH J" and A, At Masonic Tern- HH pic, comer Second East and y First South streets, first Tues- HH ' , . day of each month. Members of siBtor lodges and sojourning brothren in-A. in-A. U?3-.Fre(lerlck D. Keeler, W. M.; Mosea C. Phillips, Secrotarv. WArSACH LODGE NO. 1. F AND A. II iM. Masonic hall, second Friday each month. Members of lstor lodges and so- joumlng brethren In good standing, lnvlt-ed. lnvlt-ed. Harris Wall Griffin. W. M. ; A. J. Lowe, Secretary. i31' KALAH TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. HM ,ra" Third Wednosday of each month, HH aiasonlc hall, at 8 p. m, All nobles so- Journing invited. J. M. Marriott, Poton- II tatc; W. L. Barnes. Recorder. M7f MRIAH LODGE NO. 2. F. AND A. IH M. Masonic hall, second Monday each Son,th -corner First South and Second last. Members of sister lodges and so- journlng members in good standing in- vjted. Jos. M. Marriott, W. M.; Chrlsto- f pher Dlchl. Secretary. UoAI? CHAPTER NO. 1. R. A. M. H btatcd convocation first Wednesday In each month nt Masonic hall. cor. Second East and First South Ptroets. Companions cordially invited E. O. Leathorwood. H. H P.; Mose.-s C. Phillips. Secretary. H --i LYNDR CHAPTER NO. 1. H ' Order Eastern Star. Ma- H TGggy I sonic Temple, Stated meet- ! infjnik inss flr3t Friday each month jSOyEflRb Visiting members will receive W ' a cordial welcome. Amelia V" King. W. M.: Mary G. Wright, Secretary. MIZPAH CHAPTER NO. H 5 rder Eastern Star Stated meetings first Mon- PffH y cacM monh at Masonic temple, corner Second East bH W and First South. Visiting membors cordially Invited. IH Lilla E. Treasure. W. M.; Flora E. Sinclair, secretary. IH Independent Order of Odd Fellows. II H FIDELITY LODGE NO. 17, 1. O. O. F . Meets c-very Wednesduy night at 8 HbH o'clock, I. O. O. F. Temple. Visitors wol- IH come. C. E. Thornton. N. G.; J. C, IH Smith. Secretary. nH I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. IH Snhnrrt Inn tn Inrl . mo.-r n c fnllnmn. HIbbI Salt Lake lodge No. 2. Friday. Hal Enterprise lodge No. 15. Tuesday. Hl NAOMI REBEKAH LODGE NO. 1. H Meets every second and fourth Saturday II IH evenings of each month In Odd Fellows' IH Temple. Market street. n2559 11 IH JORDAN LODGE NO. 3, I. O. O. F iH Meets every Monday night at I. O. O. IHIH F. Temple. Visitors Invited. E. M. Mc- IH Donald. N. G. ; W. T. Hopkins. Sucre- IH FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET H first and third Wednesdays each month. IbH Knights of Columbus hall. No. 21 West H 1st South. C. E. White. F C aH34 H Woodmen of the World. H WOODBINE CIRCLE NO 41 MEETS H every Tuesday, S o'clock, at I. O. O. Knights of Pythia3. H CALANTHE-MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1 H Every Monday, K. of P. hall. ;H L. B. EDDY. C. C. !H N. W. SONNEDECKER. IC of R. and S. H LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23, K. OF P.. ftH mcots every Saturday evening at 8 II 11 o'clock. K. of P. hall. ffl ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3. KH Every Thursday evening. IC of P. hall. InH KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES iH Salt Lake City Tont No. 2 Every InH Thursday. I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting WH Knights invited. iaH MACCABEES UTONIAN TENT NO. 12 IILH meets every Wednesday evening at L II nH O. O. F. hall, Market street. Sojourning lHH Sir Knights cordially invited. el465 HlaH LADIES OF THE MACCABEES SALT InH Lake City hive No. 4 meets evory first Hi IaH and third Monday, S p. in., I. O. O. F. Hnl FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES InH Salt Lake auric No. C7. Every I-'rlday, lHH 8 p. m.. IC of P. hall. UmH Second and fourth Thursday.-, Jon- HIbH nines block. C. K. Smith, Regent. E. L, InH Jones. Secretary. BnH FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA InH Evergreen lodgo No. 151 meets second Hnnl and fourth Mondays at I. O. O. F. temple. HubH S. Chalker. Secretary. Box 70. TYPEWRITERS 9 IH allmaiceTrntd! mopAiRErX I exchanged, sold. Utah Typewriter Ex- inH change Co.. 62 W. 2d South. a!565 VM SAFES IH NEW ADEoTaSATT CAShT trade, or lime. Sorcnsen-Stoutt Co.. solo agents for the "old reliable Hall's safes" Beware of imitations. Oftlco I. X. L. Fumlturo Store. 4S E. 2d South. AH a441 THE VICTOR SAFE; CASH OR PAY- H ments; nlso second-hand safes. Western Furniture Co., 242 Stalo St. K29 'H PAINTER AND PAPERJIA2ER S! ACOLTlsTANTEft. PAPER-HANG- jH or and kaluomlner, 264 Baltimore ave. IbH Ind. phono 1030-4 rlnga. w447 IbI ACCORDION PLEATING ASooTnSiONT'surnj - H pleating and pinking- Mrs. Jcnnens, 508 B E. 3d South. Boll phono 2956-IC tH IIAjRAM AIDCOAIj H HARVEY & Ca, 110 W. S. TEMPLE. , H Baled ha- In cor loU, j jl |