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Show SiRI $61,500, DYER 1 ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN Former Receiving Teller of St. Louis Sub-Treasury Offers j His Defense. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17. The defendant testified today In the trial of David P. Dyer, Jr., charged with embezzling ?61.-500 ?61.-500 from the subtreasury whIlooccupy-lng whIlooccupy-lng the position of receiving teller. Dyer was closely cross-questioned concerning con-cerning the checjjpnK up of IiIb accounts nnd the dlscovory of the shortage. He stated that when he discovered tho shortage he did not report it because he thought the missing amount would turn up, and he decided to wait a reasonable time. He said that when his accounts wore checked up, October 1, he horrowed $61,500 from Teller Ferguson to make his cash balance and after the accounting he returned the borrowed money to Ferguson. Fer-guson. Later In tho day Cashier John-eon John-eon again came to his cage to check, him up, staling his purpose. Dyer testified: tes-tified: "I said 'All right.' and then T went to my father's office and told him they wero counting ma up and would find me . short 561.500. After telling my father (United States District Attorney Dyer), I wont back to the cage." Dver then told of being questioned by Secret Servico Chlof Wllkle. and llnally of being removed from his position pending pend-ing hie Indictment. Dyer's testimony closed tho defense, and after- hearing evidence In rebuttal from tho Government, court adjourned until tomorrow morning. |