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Show ; From Chicken-Pox to Cholera Cure-Ails No Longer Tolorated. Tn early days ever- barber shop was an operating room and the town physician physi-cian resorted to bleeding as the sure cure for all ailmeuls, from chicken-pox lo cholera. As a result, many, including includ-ing our first President, died premature- ' ly. The present Jow rate of mortality is, due" in large measure to "the advances J ; made in medical science and he knowl- edgo of the specific treatment needed W for each disease known. W, There is no disease more common re' among American and English people Wf than dyspepEia. So prevalent has it become that thousands suffer with it 9j half unconsciously, consider tho Bymp-M Bymp-M tonis as natural to their physical con-,lf con-,lf stituliori and resign themselves to liv-L liv-L inp on in that condition. Efa&t There is a remedy for dyspepsia, and if finely one. recommended and endorsed kT Kceiierally bv physicians: Stuart's JDys-INPcpsia JDys-INPcpsia Tablets have stood the test "of U vears of use by millions of sufferers, nave been .subjected to Governmental & analyses in Europe and America and Y alijjic have been found to contain the m elements which nature has put into the stomach for digestion pepsin, di-9 di-9 astaac and other ferments. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve the stomach and bowels in a perfectly natural way by helping them do then-work. then-work. Tf the stomach is weak in gas-trie gas-trie inice, Stuart's Tablets make-up the deficiency. Tf the muscles arc inactive, in-active, Stuart's Tablets invigorate them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest di-gest every form oY food entering the stomach, one grain of the active principle prin-ciple of these Tablets being capable of ( digesting 3000 grains of meat, eggs and other food?. They are not cathartic pills their action is simply that of a digestive, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure nothing but dyspepsia, watcrbraah, sour stomach and kindred ailments resulting re-sulting from the imperfect digestion of food, but these diseases they positively posi-tively cure. W(" will glndly send you a trial pack-, pack-, age lo prove I he truth of our claihis. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be gotten got-ten of all druggists at 50 cents. F. A I Stuart Co., OfJ Stuart Bldg., Marshall, I Mich. j Chamberlain's 1 I Cough Remedy I I IS UNEQUALED FOR 1 .3 Coughs, Colds and Croup. S MADE ON HONOR. SOLD ON MERIT. McPhail Pianos In the homes of more prominent musicians mu-sicians than any other made, . MODERATE - IN PRICE. h BEESIEY MUSIC CO. Iy'1- 1 i If L Columbia Phonograph Pfei Co. (General) ggp 327-321) So. Main. St. Graphoplioncs, ttecorda and Supplies Bell, 3lSn, jnf only exclUBlvc talking- machine hotiso Ij. in State. $30.00 CALIFORNIA $30.00 and return via Salt Lake Route. On sale Jan. Ml and 21. Good .'10 days. 1G9 South -Main street. DENVER EXCURSIONS January 10 and 20, Via O. S. L. and U. P. .Round trip, $19.75; final limit February 10. City ticket office. 201 Alain street. A LAZY" LIVER May be only a tired liver, or a starved liver. It would be a stupid as well as savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because he lagged in his work. So in treating the lagging, torpid liver it is a great mistake to lash it with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but an indication of an ill-nourished, enfeebled body whose organs are weary with over-work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put them in working order and see how quickly your liver will' become active. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver complaint," or torpid liver, by its wonderful control over the prgans of digestion and nutrition. It restores the normal activity of the stomach, increases the secretions of the blood-making glands, cleanses the system, of poisonous accumulations, accumu-lations, and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the defection of other organs. Symptoms. If you have bitter or bad taste in the morning, poor or variable vari-able appetite, coaled tongue, foul breath, constipated or irregular bowels, feel weak, easily tired, despondent, frequent headaches, pain or distress in "small of back," gnawing or distressed feeling in stomach, perhaps nausea, bitter or sour "risings" La throat after eating, and kindred symptoms of weak stomach and torpid liver, or biliousnesB, no medicine will relievo you more promptly I or cure you more permanently than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I Perhaps only a part of the above symp-I symp-I tome will be present at one time and ! yet point to torpid liver, or biliousness , tind weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and biscuits, griddle cakes and other indigestible food and take the "Golden Medical Discovery " regularly and stick lo its use until you are vigorous and Etrong. Of Golden Seal root, which is one of ' the prominent ingredients of "Golden Medical Discovery," Dr. Boberts Barth-' Barth-' olow, of Jefferson Medical College, says: "Very useful as a stomachic (stomach) tonic" and in atonic dyspepsia. CureB gastric (stomach) catarrh and headaches head-aches accompanying same." Dr. Grover Coe, of New York, says: R Hydrastis (Golden Seal root) exercises an especial influence over mucous surfaces. sur-faces. Upon the liver it acts with equal certainty and efficacy. As a cholagogue (liver invigorator) it has few equals." Dr. Coe also advises it for affections of the spleen and other abdominal viscera generally. tand for scrofulous and gland-ular gland-ular diseases, cutaneous eruptions) in-digestion, in-digestion, debility, cUrnnir diarrhea, constipation, also injEt)veral affections peculiar to womenT'Sou in all chronic derangements of4W liver, also for chrotiicJjtiflam matron of bladder, for wbicryDrC&ftsys "it is one of the mostjreliable agents of cure Prof John King. M D , late of Cuv cinnatiftu4r. of" the American Dib-rnx3ATOHY, Dib-rnx3ATOHY, gives it a prominent place among . medicinal agents, reiterates all the foregoing writers have said about it, as does also Prof. John M. Soudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati. Dr. Scudder says: "It stimulates the digestive processes pro-cesses and increases the assimilation of food. By these means the blood ia enriched. en-riched. " the consequent improvement improve-ment on the glandular and nervous systems sys-tems are natural results." Dr. Scudder further says, "in relation to its general effect upon the system , there is no medicine medi-cine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opinion. It is ut-versalh ut-versalh regarded as (he tonic, useful in all debilitated states Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Bennett Medical College, Chicago, says of Golden Seal root; "It is a most superior remedy in catarrhaL gastritis (inflammation of the Btomaeh), chronic constipation, genera debility, in convalescence con-valescence from protracted fevers, in prostrating night-sweats. It is an important im-portant remedy in disorders of the womb." (This agent, Golden Seal root, is an important ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for woman's weaknesses, weak-nesses, as well as of the "Golden Medical Med-ical Discovery.") Dr. Ellingwood continues, con-tinues, "in all catarrhal conditions it is useful." Much more, did space permit, could be quoted from prominent authorities as to tbe wonderlnl curative properties possessed by Golden Seal root. We want lo assure the reader that) "Golden Medical Discovery" can bo, relied upon to do all that is claimed, for. Golden Seal root in the cure of all the various diseases as set forth in the above brief extracts, for its most! prominent and important ingredient A Golden Seal root. This agent is, how- ever, strongly reinforced, and its cura-i tive action greatly enhanced by thei addition, in just the right proportion) of Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Mandrake root and chemically pure glycerine. All of these are happily and harmoniously blended into a most perfect pharmaceutical phar-maceutical compound, now favorably known throughout most of the civilizedl countries of the world. Bear in mindj that each and everv ingredient entering) into thc'lbiscovery " has received the. endorsement ol the leading medical men ot our land, who extol eacti article named above in "the highest"" terms" What oilier medicine put up tor aalgS throuhdruggists can show any such" professional endorsemenl ? Kor dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, liver troubles, all chronic catar-l rhal affections of whatever name orl nature, lingering coughs, bronchial, I throat, and lung affections, the "Dis-i covory" can be relied upon as a sovereign sover-eign remedy. A little book of extracts treating of all the several ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines, being extracts from standard medical works, of tho diiierent schools of practice will be mailed free to any one asking (by postal! card or letter), for the same, addressed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and giving the writer's full post-office address ad-dress plainly written. Don't accept a substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret MEDI-, CINE OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. it JUI jiLP I Stands for Bad Debts. ' I Stands for Dead Beats. We collect bad debts from dead boats everywhere We can collect T yours. Wo collect moro hopelessly bad debts than any agency in the world. We spend more money for advertising than any agency In tho whole world. Writo or see ub and we will both make monoy. PRANCIS G. LUKE. Merchants' Protective Association SCIENTIFIC OOLLECTOBS OF BAD DEBTS, FRANCIS G. LUKE, Gcn'l Mgr. Fifth Floor Commercial National Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A. "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." r, if. u , ik1 "..!, '.'f.l.f a .LjiiuwiiKiii.:wnrL'jn.tf hjuwmbm aunuu iiiMfiiHiiEiiniBiU 1 eg jiiiBJj sHj Stock 'Reducing Sale is jJ i ojs. Special Cut Prices. ZZl m SK3DUE JEWELRY CO. j H LJ main Stoee! IJ j jj BELOW KENYON HOTEL. ranrwjOBn, Genfary PrinOng C., 1 iC5-167 South West Temple. Phones GQi. I 1 SALT LAKE'S PRINTERS h Tho most complete printing establishment on tho Pacific Coast, ? Printers, EookbinderK, Publishers and Liuotypcrs. jj Headquarters for Artistic Printing. $ Tho Best Work at lowos; living prices. g Call and get estimates. j - - ll I vatobranchexcTg I Finest cut flowers at tho vary lowest prices. Main street door. 1 Atter-inventory clean-up ot I I ! millinery-Friday and Stariay. I I A tremendous stock of untrimmed hats in domestic and imported materials. Hundreds of 1 IB I handsome trimmed hats, in both foreign and domestic models, also great quantities of feathers, tips, I H 1 flowers, buckles and ornaments of all kind, to go at actual cost, which means at least a half off, and I sometimes more. I j It's a two days' sale Friday and Saturday. Don't miss it. I I A rare chance to fix up that hnt so it will look well for spring wear, or perhaps vou would like a new U' 11 frame and make up a creation of your own idea, trimmings of suitable kinds for any style hat you mayde- I' 1H fi sire either for neat street effects or st3'lish evening creations. y Ij Jj Splendid assortment oE untrimmed wool felts, Handsome assortment oC ready-to-wear -hats. l worth $1.25 each. Friday and s Splendid for street wear. Worth $3.50 to $6.00 j H J Saturday, choice JUC each. Friday and Saturday rfw Qq H 1 Fine lot of untrimmed French felts, good values chlce 1 P X . O M at $2.00 each. Friday and r&O II I Saturday choice IOC Another assortment of ready-to-wear hats, J ' worth from $2.50 to $3.00 each. pj-q M I Handsome line of imported fells in delicate Choice Friday and Saturday OC ' II I shades of blue, pink and white. Exactly the j l I things for evening hats. They're worth $3.75 Children's soft school hats. A good assortment j l S to $6.75 each. Friday and r r of 75c values. Friday and ffl H I Saturday 2 OXX Saturday ODC II 1A lot of women's trimmed toques. Very fine On one table you'll find a big assortment of 1 II $6.00 qualities. Newest models. Friday and fine feathers, plumes and flowers of all kind y.ou. $2.00 r,so y2offj II 0ur entire stock of trimmed hats, including the best productions of foreign and home design- B il Iers, to go this week at just what they cost us, which means half off at least, and sometimes more. H II A fine assortment of black, Amazons, lo U nvPQc: Fine assortment of tips. Wide ranse fiert & P 11 E Ro while they last at 2 M1UJ& o coior8i To close 'at "..SC E 4sJC I ji . , . , n . . , Splendid assortment of buckles. Steel and cold, n IhH I tU' TflKt"y. ch.0.' .?!?!; . .10c & 25c xtriCT:r.f. d.es.i3"5: Va prices 1 II : Prices to close out a tremendous j I stock of blankets and comforts. j I i St. Mary's and North Star white wool Fine silkoline, cotton comforts underpriced I I 3 blankets at these reductions.. like this: - H ; $6.75 white wool blankets, size s( $1.25 Lied silkoline comCorts. .q I I 70 by SO. Special pair Cp.UU Friday and. Saturday special ZOC f j $7 50 white wool hlaukets, size rr $1 .75 tied silkoline comforts. tf -a qs I I I 72 by S-L Special pair CpD.UU Friday and Saturday special $ JL.U II j $11. HO white wool blankets, size (fc'T'Qtt $2.00 tied silkoline comforts. tf -g H 72 by 84. Special pair $ I .ZD Friday and Saturday special $ JUDO H I $13.50 white wool blankets, size tfQ q pi $3.00 tied silkoline comforts. tf - 1H 72 by Si. Special pair J)t.0 Friday and Saturday special Ij AH $16.50 white wool blankets, size tf -a - r $4.00 tied silkoline comforts. (q qq H 72 by 84. Special pair Cpll.OU Friday and Saturday special $Z.OO 5 II $18.50 white wool blankets, size dj "J O Qf $5-00 tied silkoline comforts. tfq, q, II 78 by S6, bound single .Cp xO.Qk) Friday and Saturday special ptJ.j) t $22.50 white wool blankets, size j 1 4 A f $7.50 down comforts. 0 by 7. (fc A A fL I 72 by 84, bound single pXfr.4U Friday and Saturday special 44.4D H $25.00 white avooI blankets, sizod -fl r yg $16.50 down comforts. All silk, tfk-rj Q q d I ifl S6 by 90, bound single flIb.l 3 Friday and Saturday special . . J j Last two days of the glove sale. Knit underwear and hosiery. I There are still a good many of those splen- Special priced for Friday and Saturday selling. H ! did gloves left, especially in the 5'2 and 5 35c quality vests and pants. q -j H sizes, in addition to the splendid offers pub- garment ZlC ?' lished Sunday we have added other crcat quality fleeced vests and pants, IQ I "'armcut S'C-?C r values to keep up the standard of the sale. , " ". ' 1 I vn ,t, , F n i i. n-T , r. -Vl 2u quality wool vests and pants, O ti ' p "iou choose Jrorn these lots Friday and Sat- n-armcnj; ODc ' H Ula' " Boys' merino union suits, sizes 1 to S, Worth $1.50 clorw. rcnl kids. Tridav and ' J Q $2.00 to $2.95 the Sllit. &4 PA A (Q g- H I Saturday the pair 48C pric0 Ld9WL9 I ? 1.75 clovesreal capes. Friday and tQo Bovs' wiil shirts and pants, worth b'Oc to $1.00 k 1 I Saturdnv tho pair TrCH- ., , ( I the garment. M P. a p $1.75 "loves, real suedes. Friday and p?pa Sale price iCPC IlxP J cJL S .Saturday tho pair c3L ! Children's cotton union suits reduced to I IH i. $2 'J5 cloves, lfl suedes. Fridav and j-fl -fl S e i i i j.i nn e - 6 I Saturday the pair '. Jil.lcJ boc lor size 1 and up to .00 tor size S. I Specials from the 6iMen9s eoreer." ; I I The great underwear offers are, attracting 1 Splendid shirt selling marks the sale's j widespread attention. progi'ess. 3 I .AT!:i?r'0R.EV U'001' UXDERWEAR, Rff The superior qualities and exceptional values of- S 1 Uor,h ?2-00 U, K"rmunl l.eD fer(fd . lhif rc.lt silirl saIo h!VC made it a wonf3or. j H n NATl'RAI, GREY AND TAX WOOL n fill success. Fine custom made, hand laundered shirts i ,3 VNDEIUVHAH, worth $1.25 tho garment OtL reduced like t his: iH 3 NATritATi GRKV WOOL UXIOX SUITS. Q4 (Z , ...... c? 1 c- ! 1 Uibhed. Worth $2.50 tho suit SfrloiyS) spl.Ji) Sllirls. .bpccial Soc j $ HIHBLD I'OTTOX UXDRH WEAK in tan, bhm and 1'50 Special $1.1.5 5 oitu. Worth 50c and 05c 3o ' $2.00 .shirts. Special $1.55 ; I 3 the K-'irmcnt ; lk& . 1 j I fleece lln-kd cottox uxDKRWKAR.iii.ine- Our entire stock of white and fancy ? b cor and licht bluo colors. Worth 50c I ni fir . j. t . ? I and 75o the Rarmcnt vests RX, a 25 per cent discount. f; rrkMM3lBi i 1007 Roo Touring Car, 20 H. P., $1250. SHARMAN AU.TOMOBILE CO. j DRUNKENNESS' CURED ' Atf4 y'Vj u Posltlvo and jior-feSif(wi&5it jior-feSif(wi&5it inunout cure :or 1 I JRrrMJzJw' drunkunucsn ami KCSSS? addict ton. JLjjflS House. Divlglii, III. Correapotidenc co- ftdontlfil. KEELEY INSTITUTE, t&i W. Ill Taunplft St.. Bolt Ik City, "Utah. Tribuiie Adds Give Results. ! Telegraph School ifl Kooms 9 and 10 EaIo JBJock DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. llll Under ucrnonal msn.-igemcnt oY .in ex- llH perlenccd irnm dispatcher. Posltlonji 'IH punrantecd. Terms. !?10 per month. |