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Show I "Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. More farnlir.ies have their origin in or result; from a cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as there is no danger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the bepinninp. For mnny years Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy Iisb been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine in use for this disease. It acts on nature's na-ture's plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids Daturo in restoring tho system to a healthy condition. Sold by all lead-, lead-, ing druggists. I! CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS January 19th and 2l3t, Via Oregon Short Line. Following rates will prevail from Salt Lako: I San Francisco or Portland and ret"rn v $31.50" Kan 1'rnnoisen nnrl rntnrn Portland one way 44 00 Los Angeles and return via San i 1 Francisco one way 35 qq Los Angeles and return via Port-, Port-, land oco wa)' 47 50 Tickets limited to thirty days from date of sale. See agents for further particulars. City Ticket Office, 201 faain Street. I LOW RATES EAST Via D. & E. G. E.. R., Jan, 22. To Chicago and return $44.50 To Kausas City and return 32.00 1 To Minneapolis and return 41.90 1 To Denver and return 19.75 Many other points ono faro plus Z2. Good 60 days returning. Stop-overs allowed. al-lowed. For particulars see any D. & li. G. agent. I, $30.00 CALIFORXIA $30.00 and return via Salt Lako Koule. On sale Jan. 19 and 21. Good 30 davs. 109 1 bouth Mam street. H' r Tribune Job Printing Go. at 06 W. Second South. B0 YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION We have every facility for correcting cor-recting all errors of the oyes. Have you found that vour oves bother you? Do they ache? Does the type run loiof.he.r whon you read? Do you fail to hold the point of vision any length of time? If these, with other errors, are present, better sec us about it. It will not cost you anything to know about this. I THE CRYSTAL OPTICAL PARLOMS 203 AUERBAOH BLDG. Hours, 2 to 5l p. m. First floor. Take elevator. THINGS YOU F0&G0T to buy for Christmas may be quickly found and delivered de-livered or shipped if you will look through our stock, which is still replete with the best. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. If you want oood palntlnn. get the best. It Is the leaat expensive. HAMLIN PAINTS WILL PAY. TEE LAGOON ROAD Salt LJo nnd 0;dn IJUwr. 6imon iiawburcer, P.-,.&idcn: Bd Geccr.l Mnaccr. ,SU(T LAKE. 5:10 nd O , m 1:30, 4:30 aud C:30 p. m. . JW- TON i-'OU SALT LAKE. 7 tad 10:1:, . a:A6. C nd 7;45 p. xnT f Chamberlain's 1 i Cough Remedy 1 f IS UN EQUALED FOH I Coughs, Cod8 and Croap. I I FOR MORE THftH TWENTY YEARS 1 J ttc hare mude tho cure of blood poison a M jg Bpecliilty. Prlranry,5ecnndury orTcrtlory H D Blood Poison IVrmaiientlyCtirrtl. You can !F m b3 treated nt hoiui. under samu cuarAnty LV j Cnoltftl ioOO.000. Wc solicit tho mosaobsti W eS nate cases. It you have cahausutl the old Ui m methods of treatment, and sllU hare aches By H and pains. Mucus Patobes In Mouth. Soro jrj M Tliroat. Pimples. Copper-Colorwl Spotv, K3 Ij Uloers on anv purt of tho body. Hnlr or Rl 5 Eyebrows falllntr out. -rrrltc for proofs of JA H cures. 100-pago Cook Free m COOK REPflEDY CO, M 310 MiSOKIC TEHrLE, Chlucs, U.S.A. 51 ATHLETES TO KEEP IX GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION Or THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WTTH HAND i SAPOUO ! McCORNICK it G0. BANKERS, ; Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1B73. ESTABLISHED 1880. UTAH COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK WM. F. ARMSTRONG, Prcaldent. BYRON OROO. Cashier. Commercial banking In all Its branches. Four per cent Interest on savings deposits. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. DESBRET NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Salt Lake City, Utah. Capital, $500,000; Surpluc, $250,000. L. S. HILLS, MOSES THATCHER, u yP,ll7!icnt Vlco -President. H. S. YOUNG, E.' S. HILLS, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Safe deposit boxes for rent. J. E. COSGRIFF. H. P. CLARK. President. Cashier. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK An Exponent of Conservatism Combined with Enterprise. J. J. Daly. W. P. Noble, Vice-Presidents. R. G. DUN & CO., THE MERCANTILE AGENCY GEORGE RUST, General Manager. Idaho. Nevada. Utah and Wyoming. Office In Proqrcss bidg.. Salt Lake City. ESTABLISHED 1841. 180 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. NATIONAL BANK OP THE REPUBLIC m?nrttlorygllK, mode savings department depart-ment conducted In connection with this an. iate deposit boxes for rent. U. S. DEPOSITARY. jam r aKtt?, President w r SAAyRRAY Vice-President W. F. ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN, $300,000. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ESTABLISHED 1882. m ftrostBeriCo. I Pald-Up capital, ,510,000; Sumlus $30,000. Special attention given to the oollectlon of rents, payment of taxes, and the care of property for non-resl. dents. 251 SOUTHT MAIN STREET I Salt Lake City. Utah' " WALKER BROTHERS. BANKERS. (Incorporated.) Established 1859. gl'P'V11 $250,000 SurPus iooIooo Absorbed the Salt Lake branch of Wells-Fargo Wells-Fargo fi. Co.'a bank. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. j Has Removed lo 28 W. Thinl South Street, RonrTj ! THE KNOWLEDGE OF ISEAsi IS HALF ITS CURE. 1 I 3.1 YEARS IN SALT LAKE OITY. 7T . ' of Llmo. Albumen. aaaS mWW3WmmM trancous substances oUrti MWM Wmf the scientific prlnclpb . vate DlaeaRC3. Just I We Cure When ttlters Fai u Many men no doubt hesitate coming to mc on account of having iM u badly treated by other doctors. Perhaps they have become bo akepU I as to think there is no cure for them. I want an opportunity U tH r Just such men. In some cases it makes no difference about tho fimJU r part. I will accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, prcr&S I am satisfied the person is sincere and reliable im I g Come to Mc and fee CurM BLOOD POISON J W VARSCQCEII i 3 jOK d VITAL DEBSLITY J p Blood DSseasMj i My abiUty. modorn methoda and rmaM fZf'S' charges before placing your case ehtvbJB j DR. COOK'S SCIENTIFIC, CERTAIN f AND COMPLETE CURE FOR -1 M Melancholia, Weak Trcm- 3rxsag at Uight. and Wcai. , f blca. Varlcocelo. Execs- Aching Back, DlEoased M V alvo lnnl:ins Exiiosure. M n Kidneys, Inflamed Pros- MM Overwork and Worry. Kfi j tate. Despondent. Lack IB Lo2tUvl!f0r Bmiw PnB Energy: Amimionaart W Lost Vigor. Manly Do- vsi strength. Poor Mcmozv B WW clino and Male Weak- M K Hollow-Byed. Vac ' & I WL H!88'. L8t Manhood. MiJ& Pies and Dark oirdM I HI Iweu-, nervous, Kestless Under Eye "Tl IalpOKTANSl will euro you for 1 ces money than you can bo treated fortriJI hft r?C,a Ist 111 ?alt,Lakc: , Y may have to come to me sooner or later fa t3l ODKE OE NO CHARGE ABSOLUTELY VO CHAEfi laTTcc 71r.rcr1.ll j 10 to 12-20 trouble. Oflico hours; 0 a.m. to 8 p. m., escent Snndan Infll Wc Make No Extra Charge for Medicine 1 gPgrgA'JJi' ' 1 'TT I i 1 1 1 1 l ii l l I" 1 1 iM III! ill jii wtWTO . WOODRUFF WALL PAPER, PICTURES ARTISTS ' MATERIALS, ' 70 E. 3d So. Bell Fono 3570. !gT"hune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulatiwj f 0NIY--M 1( MEN"? OR 515 FOR A ciTp Mrn mSE OP O-E DOLLAR PER TK1HI;P 11 A 5 Wondarful New Trtolment uiev ?SrS fRBE' By means of D SfcorfK I) S: W H.ifTer from Cntarrfi 71x1 l, and ronlc cases mny be cured for Jli I ? : Drs- Shores also treat nnrt o,ro fn bc ,9URED for ?J treatment. . I I JZ&L i riyo Apartment forhe aiilck enr nru vory name and nature. Dr.s. Shofrf K I IWA t,nc of Slnsses Is imo"ceed hoYnZ ?n Si" Byo Diseases and for the proper ; K I -IpZamtfbh, W 4k rears' utandlnp. Consultation b'7f .'5v?harK0 of a Specialist on the Eye of m j jLy ! ease" Cal1 or write. Advice Frco and Confidential for any Mf I A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR MEN B I " JPr curenoTair1vain 1 ( gScpbf l contagion. You may consuir n i.w,,othe,r rausd by ignorance. excti Mf 1 raBsliiB private tSles with the n abo,!L the most delicate orc- 1 ) vce and skillful treatment and ov 1 S CONFIDBNTLVU Youn" i, ?,V7tth,nK w' o STRICTLV PRIVATE a' B DR A J SHOPP"f I middlo-aged men who have 2n ave bfle I?d astray by Imd comiwnloa- I uSHORE or gone-runfoiiuimtcs who hnvo con?rn72 d men whA tur "i,1 B I TTOATTT rTTT? T7C a ,t son-and all others who neeel tho cm 'i d ,,sn"B vlrtlms or Blood F XlUlVlJiy LiUKJlS BY MAIL "hyslclans-. are cordially Invited " of experienced and WoW K ' "VIS OUT OF TOWN aflvfiWiigg Of' cISe"" ' ST H WEAK MEN 4 I 1 So-called "Voakncss," in men Ik morel v 'rouble Is. or who sfiluedtn &2&3M m Q a oymplom of rhronlo liillammiitlou In ';"re '.ou' c"iUt these .Master ' Ft iwStO MR 1 the prpstnte gland, brought on by early Specialists, free of charge and V O' WSA 11 H dissipation or by. the Improper treatment luani ,low o n yet he ei.rri i g Krs- Shores & Shores M M H promptly and completoly without tho use EXPERT SPECLVIJSTS -.ICrirm0Sf of Internal remedies. Our treatment is a SALT LAKE CITY WBr m- U local one entirely. It s orljrlnnl ,, . . mSS QVBA Bi scientlllc. and has been proved ataoiiirclv Jluv$Xo V9 'MaIn St., on-1 Kr K H effective by thousands of tests, "vo aro P nroJ,1U," on's "lore P K convinced that by no other methods Aim cc0' Hoi Week days. 1 VV K U full and pennnuent restoration of strcri- to 5 p. m. Evenings, i ?0 Mlg&&t& T and vigor be accomplished. ; t(f J" layBnnn d holidays, ic i a:i F' |