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Show COUNT CALLED A THIEF. Attempts to Recoup Fallen Fortune in Gotham Jewelry Store. NEW TORK. May 12 An Italian giving the name of Count Carlo Is under un-der arrest afler an exciting chase through Broadway crowd? He Is accused ac-cused of having attempted to replenish his fortunes at the expense of a West Twenty-third Btreet Jewelry shop, where he was being shown a lot of fine stones. A 11500 diamond brooch claimed by the shopkeeper was found ln his gloves. With an Impressive air and aristocratic aristo-cratic mien, Carlo trolled into the shop and stated In French that he had left his ancestral chateau days ago to make glad the heart of an American heiress whose smiles he had won on her trip abroad during thv winter. All of this was preliminary to the re- J quest that he be shown something superfine, as a gift for the girl. Nothing Noth-ing seemed quite good enough and tin-ally tin-ally the "Count." was enndiu ted to a burglar proof cage where the best gems In the shop were exhibited. He selected select-ed se eral line onr-s, chose a design for their setting and asked a salesman to accompany him to a prominent hotel where he had deposited $10,000. Apparently awaiting the salesman, the "Count" strolled languidly to the street. When the clerk reached the door his customer had vanished. A quick look at the Jewel casket showed that one of the brooches had gone likewise. like-wise. Two or three clerks rushed into the crowded street and luckily overhauled over-hauled Carlo four blocks distant slowly 1 walking along Broadway. One of them unceremoniously grasped him by the collar and called him a thief Carlo shook him off easllv and broke Into a run. A crowd gathered at his heela and he was soon halted by a mount, d officer. After h had been locked up several hours Carlo told an interpreter thai tie came to America three weeks ngo from Monte Carlo, where he had lost $7000 ull he possessed. |