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Show HAVOC IN WEST VIRGINIA. Terrific Storm of Wind and Rain I Does Damage. HUNTINGTON. W. Vn . May 12 A terrific ter-rific storm of wind and rain which has preValled for the past eighteen hours created havoc throughout this section Rumors of loss of life cannot yet be . rilled Aboe ( atleitshurg the torrent washed out 800 feet of the big pipe-Mne of the Triple State Gas company and the residents, resi-dents, of Guyandotte, Huntington. Id-nova. Id-nova. ( "at lei tshiirg. Ashland and lronton and the smaller towns have been without j light and gas for cooking The unprecedented rise in Guyandotte river, eighteen feet within twelve hours, carried between 75 000 nnd 100.000 logs out Into the Ohio river. Heav) damage to farmers was reported along the streams, houses, barns, nuthouses and live stock being carried away by the rush of waters. |