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Show ABOUT FEDERAL COURT. Number of Cases Disposed of and Jurors Released wnilam A. Nelson, administrator of the estate of W. W IfcCahdless, was yesterday yester-day granted a verdict of $3ViO by the Jury In the Federal court, On b. half of the heirs of SfcCandless, who was lillled by an accident In the I'tah Con. Mining company's com-pany's mine. Nelson nu- d the corporation foi 180,000 After hearing the evidence In the case the Jurj returned a verdict l" favoi of the plaintiff In the sum named In the case of Laura A L'.mh s the Btrombcrg-CarlSon Telophon mpany a ludgment by stipulation of -'." was yesterday yes-terday entered agalnsl the defendant in the federal court, and the case dismissed f 1 1 im t he dot kct . Th Federal court adjourned esterday until Monday momlnu at 10 o't lock, when tbe trial of the damage suit of James Paxton 's. the I'tah ''on. Mining company com-pany will be begun. Paxton loat a leg while In the employ of the defendant company, and Is suing for 125.000 damages. The damage suits of Edna E. Taylor vs. the Southern Pacific and William A Taylor Tay-lor vs. tho Soul hern Pai Iflc, which wore to have ti.en tiled at the present term of the Federal courl wi re dismissed yes-terdas yes-terdas a compromise and settlement having hav-ing been effeeti d out of court. All the Juior.i wen- rel-aed In Ihe Federal Fed-eral court yesterday a new venire of thirty-six men to bs Impaneled on the convening of court next Monday morning at 10 0 cluck. R. E. Pence, a salesman of this city, has fib-d a. petition in bankruptcy In the Federal court, with liabilities amounting to $189.79. and assets of the latter claim' ) to he cempt. John G Willis of Montana, altor:e for the Southern Pacific In that Stale, w.i i yesterday admitted to practice In the Federal court of thla district, |