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Show HIS LEG CRUSHED. Miner Severely Injured While at Work in Bingham Canyon. Special i" The Tribunes. AMERICAN FORK, Dtah, Mny l.'.-Wllllam Bush of this place, who has been working In Ulnpham Canyon for the paal year, Offend a cnu.h-1 let at ono Of the Bingham mines yestonlav and was brought home Insl evening. Tho Injun, although very Revere, will not remit re-mit erl.ufly Mr. Huoh I an olrl miner, and this is the nrt tlm. that ha has over nuf-for"d nuf-for"d any Injury while working In tnlneH Th wi-.jllnK of LoRoy t'.reenwooJ and MIm Lou'lta Boley, b.-th of iMm place, Is an-nounciJ an-nounciJ t.. toko place during the early pari of the cr.mlnn mouth Tin : ong .i-.l am highly respected In ih:- piece, and ihfl event win be th.- Mg social cvant of the Mason. - Mrs. Ncphl Gledhlll of this placn has entered en-tered divorce pi .-eiiilngs In the DlHtrlcl court against hi r husband, Nephl oiodhin. elleging cruelty iin 1 non-fUDirori. and asking for tho custody o one minor child and that shw ti given her malJcn name, that of Miss Ella Jackson. The members of tho ftnaneo committee of tho American Fork basbnll team held a ipeclsJ meeting htre last evening to report In regard to the lUCCeei they were encountering In that line. The report bhowed autlnfaclory progress. Tho Misses Annie and Illy Hur.ter of this nlaco will leave Monday for San Bernardino Cal., Where they will spend n short vacation About 150 of the t'tnh county district school student of the eighth grade assembled her" thin morning at the Central schoolhouse to comolote thi Ir final examination. It is ex- ,,,,,, 1 th.u ul leilH '-I 1"T lit of lhoe . X- nmlned will be successful. On the coining Tuesday a" ef the students of tills county will tneei at Tayson lo complete their cominenr. -ment sxerolees. The storm Which Commenced here during the lutter part of last week still continues. It Is n great benefit to farmers. Yesterday the Karmers" union of this plac shipped Its twenty-fourth rju- of potatoes this spring In all this makes about thlrty-flv ears that havo gone out of this place this year. The prospect for the spring and fall grain of this section Is very promising, more no Than during any of the recent seasons. The crop acreage la materially Increased. The acreage of potatoes will not be nearly so great this season as during th" past few year, partially duo to th(5 low price received for them this soring. The excursion which the Vnlverdty of T'nh will run from Salt Lake City to the dancing hall at this place. Muy Will Im for the benefit of th-- gymnasium of tho I'nlversllv This event gives promise of being nn elaborate uffalr. |