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Show AMERICAN FORK WINS FOURTH BASEBALL GAME Special to Tho Tribune. AMERICAN FORK, July 20. More than 700 persons witnessed the downfall of tho burly miners from BlDgham canyon yesterday yes-terday afternoon on the city diamond before be-fore the Invincible local nine. Tho gamo was hotly contested. Much credit can bo given tho Eureka pitcher or shutting the localo out for live Innings. Too much praise canont be awarded to tho local t'.am. Tho star play of tho game was made by Johnnlo vandrlcllo of New York, who Is playing with the locals. Tho victory vic-tory was won by a scoro of 12 to 9. This Is the tenth sir light victory for the Amor-lean Amor-lean Fork nine, who are now prepared to Play the best amateur teams of the State. A special train wa run from Bingham to allow tho Bingham fans an opportunity to witness the downfall of their favorites. In tho evening a banqact and ball was given the baseball boys and their friends n, A nnlln I.. II The line-up was as follows: American Forlc Position. Bingham. Duncan lb Simons Vandrllle 2b Nutting Dunkloy j Gardner Thomas rf Wood King 3b Betutle Sears , c,..; . McMaster V&rney cf Swatskl Shelley If Elmwood Walker, Thomas p McKalno Time of game, ono hour and forty minutes. min-utes. Umpire. T. E. Steele. t m Mrs. Joseph H. Stoves and family returned re-turned last evening, niter spending a ten days' vacation' at Sprlngvllle. John Rawlins of Vineyard, an old pioneer pio-neer of 1S17, passed away during tho week end was burled today. Mr. Rawlins was In his sixty-eighth year, dying of abscess of the 1 unns. ' Mrs. William Coats- and Mrs. William Greenwood left here this morning for a ton days' stay In the American Fork canyon, can-yon, where they will Join their husbands. Joseph T. Batcman of AIdIdo returnod home yesterday from a Southern States mission. Mr. liatemnn has been laboring tor thirteen months In the lowlands of Georgia, where he contracted the rheumatism rheu-matism and was a sufferer with it for five months before he came home. Born, to the wlfo of John Williams, a baby girl. On Pioneer day tho Provo baseball boys will cross bats with the local team. The much-talked-of game between Lohl nine and American Fork has at Ia3t been decided upon. A series of three games will be played to determine the wlonefs of a ?1C0 side bet. The first game will be played at the Luko City park noxt Thursday Thurs-day afternoon, tho second ono at the American Fork diamond and a toss-up for the third. a o T .. . .. l T T . Tl 1 T- Jti iiiu tdjo ui 111 uiii iiu&Hiuu, ; 1 . deceased, who was killed somo time since at tho Itexburg sugar factorr, working On a contrncl for the Dyer Construction company, tho company has offered to pay all expenses incurred by the accident, but the parents rofuse to accept tho offer, considering It not enough. Mr. Booth representative rep-resentative for tho Dyer Construction company, spent today here in trying to effect a settlement, without success. |