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Show DISEASE AMONG CATTLE. Representatives of Stock Interests in Montana Consider Question. BUTTE. Monl, July 20.-Reprosenta-tlVeH of the leading cattle Interests of tho State aro Inaesslon nt Helena today tho purpose of the meeting "being to dovl"c moans for securing uniformity In the ob- orYhf1th,c,,,HWS for lh0 Prevention or the spread of dlseaeo among cattle. Tho p?i.nffcf .ca;110 about t0 bo shipped out of tho St.ue IB one of the principal sUb-jeots sUb-jeots under connlderatlon. John T Murphy Mur-phy of Helena Is chairman of the'meot-Ing the'meot-Ing and Clyde Smith Bocrotary The stockmen aro jubilant over tho re-S re-S ?, th0 v ?U of a "umber of rcpro-aentatlvo rcpro-aentatlvo cattlemen to Washington recently, re-cently, for the purpose of ploadlng with h,lurcVrt ot ABrleultbre for a modification modi-fication of the order renulrinic thut il Alo he dipped before being shipped out ?Vh Stite' ord htU3 been rowivea that the Secretary hu postponed the operation of the order to April 30. 1605. after wh eh vigorous measures will bo taken tc S the eradication of the disease n cattle which tho dipping process i.s eald to cm-jf |