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Show big STRIKE IN OLD GODIVA Eight Feet of Ore in Virgin Territory, Terri-tory, With Some of It Exceedingly Exceed-ingly Rich. There Is everything to Indicate that tho Godlva of Tintlc -4s to repeat the story of the neighboring mines, said John H. McChryatal, who has ben Identified with It for many years, on his arrival from ramn yesterday, and to demonstrate it the management Is now prosecuting Its work most vigorously. Already Its hitherto unexplored territory terri-tory responding, no less than eight feet of on having Just been uncovered, said Superintendent McChryslal, on the 400 foot level, which has been extended twost while nl intervals, winzes are going go-ing down with the ore-bearing -channels below the 700 with most gratifying results. re-sults. While some ore running well up in silver and over CO per cent lead occurs oc-curs In the disclosure on the 400 foot level, the average. said he, shows 21 per cent lend and 17 ounces silver, with from SO cents to $5 gold per ton, this, under present conditions, affording a good margin. In addition to the shipping ship-ping ores there is a large volume of milling ore In the .property and with the lessons taught at the Uncle S im's concentrator, provision for the reduction reduc-tion of this by similar methods will no doubt be made at a later day. vWIth the Tcsults since operations were resumed at the Godlva the management Is very much pleased, and that shipments will follow In a short time Is an announcement announce-ment In which the entire camp will rejoice. The main shaft on the mines was put down to a depth of 500 feet several years ago and to open up their wealth at this depth, cross-cutting will begin as soon as the dip of the channels has been defined by winzes now dropping down below tho 700 foot level. |