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Show !li LE SOI WM ABBEST Captured in Provo by Had Been Home but Two Days When the Marshal Caught Youth. Wanted in St. Louis for Offense Growing Out of Opal Mines Sales. The culmination of the famous Idaho opal fraud came In Provo yesterday afternoon af-ternoon when Sidney C. Le Sleur was placed under arrest by Chief Deputy Smyth of the United States- Marshal's office. Young Le Sieur only returned to Provo a couple of days ago but the officials were, apprised of his every movement, although they kept the matter very quiet. Quickly learning of his whereabouts, Mr. Smyth went to thc- Garden City yesterday, and after luncheon placed the young, man under arrct under an Indictment isued by Commissioner D. II. Twomcy of this city dated July 19. Lodged iu Jail. It was the Deputy's sad duty to remove re-move the prisoner from his own home, the official knowing full well that the boy was the support of his forsaken mother as well as his young wife. It was one of those pathetic duties that often. fall to the lot of court officials. The prisoner came custody to tills city and was lodged in the county Jail. He will appear before Commissioner Twomey today, when he will answer to the indictment. He will not offer to give bonds, but an order for his removal re-moval to SU Louis will be mode, and he will be taken there to be turned over to the Federal authorities to stnnd his trial. Case Well Known Here. The case is well known III Utah, where the Le SIcurs have lived for a long time. They were at one time residuals resi-duals of Salt Lake and Sidnay was Idolized by both his parents. Thc Indictment In-dictment also Includes, however, the father, St. Vraln Le Sleur, and Elinor G, Seaman, with whom thc- elder Le Sleur la allegcdi lo have eloped. It wus also stated yesterday that the man and woman had bfen arrested iu Missouri. St. Vraln Le Sleur left hlawlfe In Provo and her case is one calling for the sympathy of all. Two Counts in Indictment. The Indictment, consisting of two counts, accuses the father and son with Elinor, G. Seaman, of fraud and especially espe-cially using the United States mall for the furtherance of this frand. They got up a company, so the indictment reads, called the Le Sleur Opal Mining company. com-pany. It was( to be organized under the laws of Arizona, and its property was said to- consist of valuable opal mines In Lemhi county, ' Idaho. These mines, the charge.'.cbhtinuesiw'qr.e, of no vnhio,' and the parties tfietl'to sell stock in' thorn to certain persons in St. Louis,' using the United States mails for their unlawful purposes. Miss Seaman was the secretary of the company and is described as a dashing j-oqng person with high persuasive powers. St Vrain Le Sieur himself is remembered remem-bered a9 a man with every appearance of being a foreigner, in addition to his name. He was exceedingly jealous of his wife when he lived In Salt Lake, and much of their life in this city will be recalled by those who knew them, all, however, having nothing but words of the highest praise to bestow upon Mrs. Le Sleur. |