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Show I HARMONY THE KEYNOTE, 11 Prospective Fight Among Iowa Democrats Dem-ocrats Failed to Materialize. IOWA CITY, la., July 20. Harmony was the main- keynote- of the Iowa Stato 1 Democratic convention today. Tho prospective bitter light to a ilnlsh bo-tweon bo-tweon anti-Hearr.t ami Hearst Democrats Demo-crats did not develop and the two fac-! fac-! Hons vied with each other in nominating and oeconcUng the nomination of can-1 can-1 dldatee of opposite political affiliations. The effort to humillato National Com- mltteemaib C A. Walsh, who is also a I 1 member of the State committee, by 11m- ltlng his vote in tho latter body to mat- tors not subject to contest, was not successful; It was defeated In tho rcoo-I rcoo-I lutiono committee by a vote of B to 5. I Apart from the defeat of tho Walna matter, the anti-Hearst crowd was In ! absolute control, and they now govern the machinery of the party in Iowa, A ( ' Stato ticket to nominated. The platform plat-form ratllleo tho declaration of prlnci- Pies sot forth in. St. Louis. I , The following telegram waa went to 1 Judge Pnrker at EsopuB, N. T.; "Iowa Democrats, In State convention assembled, assem-bled, congratulate you and the Nation , on your nomination and the prospects 1 of your eloctlon. We wieh you Godspeed." God-speed." The following reply was received j J from the Judge: "I beg you to assure I 1 1 1 the convention over which you preside I that Its mcroago of congratulation and I t good wishes is very greatly apprc-II apprc-II dated." |