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Show X On the Pacific Slope. X SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. -Tho rnltcd States revenue cutter Daniel Manning Is ashoro at Point Montnru. about fifteen miles south of tho entrance In this harbor. har-bor. Two tugs mid throo life-saving crews have gone to her atsslstanc-i. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Thomoo Lcnter. a streot sweeper, was burned to, death today In a fire which KUttod the Model lodglng-houso on Mission street and did much damage to tho stores on the ground lioor of tho building. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. The new-battleship new-battleship Ohio came out of the dry-docks dry-docks at Hunter's Point today and anchored an-chored In tho stream. It Is expected that she will bo ready for hor trial trip by the early part of next week. OAKLAND. Cat. July 20. Ghampion J. J. Jeffries left here today ( r Harbin Springs, where he will resume training for his contest with Jack Munroo- He says that there Ih no chanco of tho match falling through, ao far as he Is concerned. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Gov. Charles N. Hcrreld of South Dakota ioil n party of ten have urrUed here to participate par-ticipate In the ccromony attendant upon tho launching of tho cruiser South Dakota Da-kota at the Union Iron works on next Thursday. The Governor's daughter will christen the ship. SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. Commissioner Commis-sioner of Immigration North has been ordered to land Allco Soon, a 15-year-old Chinese, from tho steamer Mongolia, wheru aho has been detained tjlncc Its arrlvail owing to tho fact that her papers were signed by tho consul general for Portugul at Shanghai. BUTTR. Mont.. July 20 Alfred Hampton. Hamp-ton. Chinese InHpoctor. has returned lrom a round-up in northern Montana of Chl-nae Chl-nae supposed to be unlawfully in tho United States. One Chinaman was arrested ar-rested at Kallsnoll, two at Columb'a Falls, one at Cutbank and two at Asalnnlbolnc, |