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Show MRS. H0RNBUCKLE DIES. Fatal Complication Follows a Surgical Surgi-cal Operation. The announcement of the- death of Mrs. Simon ITorabuckle. which occurred at the Holy Cross hospital in this olty yesterday afternoon, will cause sincere regrot In many homes In this city and Bingham, whtrrc sho has lived for a irumber of yfoj-s. Death wan duo to peritonltlK following an operation performed per-formed a week ago today. At first tho operation, which vn.i a wry nerioua one. wan thought to havir boen entirely .ucceuoful. but when peritonitis Bet In the doctors gave little hope for recovery re-covery Lenore Elizabeth Horubucltle was born at Memphis. Tenn., sixty 'years a.30 yesterday. She was a niece of ex-Governor ex-Governor Reynolds of Illinois, and wns mnrrled forty years ago la'st AprlL In 1SU2 the family came to Salt Lake from Tonneastfe and mode thjpir home bert until two years ago. when they moved I to Bingham, In. addition to her hua- band. Mrs. Ilornbuckle left live children, chil-dren, all of whom were with her when -death came. They are Lymuii Horn-buckle Horn-buckle of Springfield, ill.. Walter Horn-buclch'; Horn-buclch'; Mrs. J. W. De-Ford. Mrs. J. B. Ostler and Miss Victoria Ilornbuckle of Bingham. Funeral sorvlcos- will be held tomorrow tomor-row afternoon j-.i 2 o'cloc-k from the residence res-idence of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Short. 'IS Eighth East xlntet. The McKean Woman's Relief corps, to which 6oc!ety Mrs. Ifornbuckle belonged, will havo charge of the funeral. |