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Show i TwmirrT-n 1 1 iwiiwiii 1 1 S. D. EHNS, i Undertaker a Embalmer. j Open All Night, Tel. 384. i P 213 State St., Gait Lair City, m Insurance Agts. must .get Business, and good business, too, for tho companies will not let them Insure bad men. That Is why we solicit jour trade, gentle render. 55th j'enr. doing business in 3S States. National Life Ins. Co. of Vt. (Mutual ) George D. Alder, general manager. man-ager. 204-C05 McCornlck Block, Salt Lake City. i THE NEW JAPANESE PER- FUME, AS FRAGRANT AS 5 THE BREATH OF THE BLOS- SOMS IN THE GARDENS OF I OLD JAPAN. A DAINTY ES- S SENCE THAT IS DAILY GROWING IN THE POPULAR, j FAVOR OF THE FAIR SEX. ff IT COSTS 50 CENTS AND SI 3 THE BOTTLE, AND IN BULK 1 SI THE OUNCE. i ' ! Where the Cars Stop. u H A RECIPE i 1 For GOOD BREAD j M HURLER'S FLOUR m And Common B H Sense Baking. M I SPECIAL. 1 j I Anthracite coal, all sizes I S Burton Coal & Lumber Co. I G6 "W. 2nd So. 'Phono 80S. I IF YOU NEED THEM- Get glasses. There, uro Indisputable Indis-putable Indications of falling eyesight which vp have enumerated enumer-ated time and again foi your guidance. If you ar tlll uncertain, un-certain, call. Our examinations are thorough, complete, satls-'otorv satls-'otorv and free. lag Spdgi! fif Tm Beys m Girls' Sraw Hate LsM es' SBk Jac&J Made of plain and fancy straw, ribbon ? cp Our entire stock of long and Bhort dD J (ff(R jnckets, black nnd colored for travellnir. trimmed edge and small brim, 4ric. OHc for. . . . c- z vU lonff gluc pagian is most handy, being and easily cared for Including the inedluB? hAvm jm& - cc and short for cvcning WOfir- m rei&CAUk W IT pipy IT ?10.00 for 95.00. S25.00 for X U a SI 7.50 for S8.75. S35.00 for S' Odds and ends after our Hound Up sale: T f37 S20.00 for S10.00. ?40,00 tot aK' made of light and medium? colors, also of (U) IjL s S60 00 for S30 00 W light lawn, J1.45, $1.76, $2.00, J2.G0-aa lonEQ))( wiu tt rr SMtttwiiiitt Slid! long waist, $3.00, 33.50, S 1.00, jo.OO for ty)lSo2 and black, checkdjtHp2o0ior . The Modern Store: Moderate Prices. yUt. If Yon Are Goi&g to Buy a Piano Do It Now. Call at Vansant (8b Chamberlain, 51-53 MAJN ST. Every piano' you will find there is worthy, and THE PRICES LOW AND TERMS EASY. It It ti Ask For Sweet's Carnation g ft Chocolates and Dixie s Y When you visit ,.? . ,; tt . SALTAIIt REACH V'. t ;. f CALDER'S PARK . . f t - SALT PALACE XT fx .: v r- t" t ' THE LAGOON JJ j UTAHNA PARK i Sweei Candy Company ,', Successors to ;;t SALT LAKE CANDY COMPANY, tt t M- H H M M H t M -H M I I I IHII Ml Ml IJ I n f Li liMMIIMIIHMM M- M M M -M- M I M M t t t I xi il High Class Barton's Suits I tr ABE BEING CLOSED OUT AT 1 Store j jjjjj tQ HATS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, BOYS' WEARABLES, ETC., ETC., I AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1 ONE-PRICE. 45-47 MAIN. l I SAY! 1 Another good featuro BR Of THREE CROWN H BAKING POWDER a Bl that people like It. It Bj ( helps the baking and HH nevqr disappoints. Many c the best cooks say It m la the BEST OF THE S3 GOOD ONES! What do D J you say? MR M9ds In Salt Lake by Ql Hewlett Bros, Co. M l VJUUTELV PURE I IT IS j f ALWAYS RIGHT I f when It comes from our Drug store, f J no matter what It Is you want you t a can be sure, "If you come or send," f 4 that you get Just what you order. f Welcome. Step In. .All cars blnrt 4 I from 4 I Godbe-Pitts Drug j i Store I J BOTH 'PHONES. NO- 140. 4 4-44 4 M U M -t-4-4-44-4-4H-4-I Carpenter & Jobber H F. WILLIAMS. 1G0 E. 2nd Sm.ih Thone im-Z, Job and acrecn work to der. Anythlr lh wood wort P " tQ 0r" You have always mewiST buy a STEIN WAY PuJV i that ii your jdeol. You 'B if know how the idca.cwneliBi,' th&t Steinwayj arc the'jH We can tell you. It u ' 'Mwi Public OpiniM No one told you io. 'Hj world s&yj jo, and HijK3 Stdnway goei home yaflE know why better every bOLD ONLY BT jBf Clayton MtisicJF names. A flve-plecc section Kl!' endwise, forward or backwanyP,j about tho room without coroiHMw Is practically dust proof BiSli,, chanlcs and finished to suit ufK furnlturo, lBiL? ft. R, DERGE Are the Utah Agents. Sec IbeavIs" B r gt-.-iiw-jm i mill 'WWjf LIQUOZONE An, sick person who lua HHS,, Llcjuosonu should wrUo tBSl.' Ozono Co., UjW Wabajh fcrj . They will send you Mllr your druglat for a W-cnt .Bu3 If you will suite tho H,I( treated ' Silver LaHe, Big Cptton.vvo4HV Dally stago via Park CltYnh with tralnn, and stage every Pig Cottonwood canyon, JffTjM.'rT IhhhI at 7 a. in- . CjHWw Tel. 20. Murray ExchnnRe.JM..j hold. IITRI'M NEWHf |