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Show Jiock Market 3 Was Reactionary 1 euernl Acquiescence in This Condi-I Condi-I Hon on the Part of Spec.' KjEW YORK, July 19. The slock mar-SfE: mar-SfE: was rather reactionary todayup to mUVar the close and there was a rather lEncral acquiescence in this condition on IKc part of speculative 'operators who vp had the leadership of the recent Emonstrntlons for higher pricea. The limedble explanation offered for the un- gual restraint on the part of a class xf 'dlvidutln who were pront to excess was DlSu fat the rise on prices was going too fust MEA ir Its own good and that a reaction was onnally due. Tlie reaction was lacking ''ty owever, In some of the normul nppoar- n oces. , . 1 n?i The usual reaction In a bull market is 1 kely to come on a flurry after a rtnal nwnrd rush and ureal animation In the adlnc due to tlio llnal measures, of ttrik ie leaders to unload their holdings at a 25 tlt The first relapse in prices Is likc-ato. likc-ato. ?to be correspondingly fih.irp with the St1 Ithdrawol of artificial support, the rush !yLj Vbolatcd holders to save losses and tho I Si Wen turn upon the market of succesa-e succesa-e il operators who have realized their ? 'ants and are caper to further the renc- on for a profitable turn on the short side J rito facilitate the recovery ol long kold-J kold-J gs at n lower level. But today s mnr-Bt mnr-Bt showed a tendency to lapse Into dull-3tf?i dull-3tf?i ess quickly at slight declines and tho Si rofesslonal bears were apparently very SS mid about making an attack on prices. 5 ?! jmc quite vigorous support was offered ' '(tho opening decline and the latter mar- :t showed the sustaining effect of some a??tjw points of strength which were de-r de-r loued. Ljffd There was Utile in the day's news that to! j, as of materia! effect on the prices., rho icnlng decline, however, was plainly 3 iflectlve of the depression on the London , arket, causal bv the incidents in the fd sea and the fears thus created lhat ie European powers might become cm-;J cm-;J oiled over tlio Far Eastern struggle. J ondon sold freely here so long as tho 3 ireicn exchange continued to do biisl-3 biisl-3 'ss, and the support In the local market S' ill not become thoroughly effective until Mter-the sel.ing had ceased for the day. The publication of the crop bulletin of ie weather bureau was an effective in-uence in-uence on the later rally, as the condl-3iis condl-3iis there recorded were calculated to rc-tsure rc-tsure foars of damage or of its extent fwlnter wheat, while' other crops were actlcally unaffected by any adverse inditlona The rejection bv the majority directors 'f Northern Securities of what seemed ko a concl'laiory advance on behalf of ie Havrlman Interests offers no other irfnce explanation than to discredit the scentlv prevailing rumors of the llkcli-dod llkcli-dod of a setilemcnt out of court by coin-pmls, coin-pmls, of the dispute over the manner HflA'dlslrlbiiUon of assets of the corpora-$Kn. corpora-$Kn. Hut the market accorded a cheerful M option to tho news and made a .vigor-L&,mi .vigor-L&,mi recovery of the early declines. The frHiln and cotton carriers led the rally. TfiKh Uchlson in tho van, and gains of 'JKwtlhi were established In different' mem-'A mem-'A el's of these groups in tho llnal hour of $$ Ifn intlliv The closing was strong and ctl e Vll 'Bonds v,(f irregular. Total sales, par IT if Blilv. tttM.iW). United States bonds 4IH rre uncharged on call. f NEW YORK BONDS. !S ref Cs reg. Man con gold -Is. 105 &t. IS ref 2s cou...l0li Mex Cent -is 01 nw?C IS Js reg .. fcrst Inc ltti fW JZ-n cou. . .. 11)51 M & Si L As.... 96 latip S new 4s rcg.l31,i M K & T is.... Hi TS nirt Is coj. . seconds SO S old H rcg. lCCVi NllR of M con 4s 7TV4 w AS eld is cou ..10ty N Y C gen 3y-s. 10 tch gen 4s ... 103 N J C gen 5s.... 132 tch adj Is ... 95 No. Pac 4s IDd'A Tfft' C Line Is . OSvfe No. 'Pac 3s 71$, 1m ,i& 0 4s 103M-. N & W con 4s..l01Vi Il JFc O 3'i.s. . . . 93Vfe O S L 4s & pur. 07 iof G:i 6s UU Pa conv S's.... 57 l ;of Ga 1st Inc. 79V, Rcud. gen Is.... SS ly 3k O 4'as. .100 StL-IM con r.s.117 . hi & A 3',is 76"; StLitSF fg Is... Sllfc fB & Q new is. 97 V St L S-W lats.... 90'i j M&StP gth 4s. IDS S A L 4s CO K ,'&. N W con 7s 129 So Pac 4s 9i& SR I &. V Is.. 7V- So Ry us 115 & P col 5s S2i Tex Pac 1st cfd.119 WC;StL gen ls.101 T St L & W 4s. 73 "Sfllpl Term Is.. '3Vt U P Is 105 iPfmn Tob Is . . G4y4 LT P conv Is. .,.. 102 tf"W & South 4s.. W U S Steel 2nd 'h?. 79 & R G Is .. 99 Wabnsh Ists ....117?, JjC pr lien 4s.. 9S Wabash deb B.. 19 rfjma gen Is .. S5H; W & L, E lo.... 91w "JKW fcDC Ist.ltcJ','. Wis Cent Qyt& uni 4s ..100' E?tNEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS. , Sales. High. Low. Close. r.fjaAchlSOn 69.900 79 78 JPWferred &0 96A 95V. . tU ,& ohJo 12.S00 S5 S-lV S5 erred 500 !l 93 93' M rtianadlan Pac 1,000 125'A l2i4T 123y. y nt of N Jersey l&j 05. itB St Ohio 1,200 31 34'- '3-1 . I lc & Alton 35i 'referred .... k)T, A" id'$& l'm U X K $ iY0" WOO 179V1 luU. 179Vt iT T" Sl ,P Z-m H9 117y, 149 .aid? deferred 1701T. StW IcT& Trans ... WW WW V ;0m referred i.u ? ni S0lVlh 4C0' 15 15 14 L. Preferred 4G0 5i 50 50 1 1 nd preferred .... 2W 20'. 20A a i If , . M 10.400 26J "nr-i '! I UH preferred '200 S0 m 3D ssf W"B v.al 100 CS CS 67 Meri?d ISO SI SI wt 3cnL 3,jfi0 137 135 13G i" citj- so':;::": ; .j In lG'm 117 11C a' ' n 'id8'8'?."."- Yo" - rcfemMr B 18t . 1 tnitSfMox"- 7C0 '10 l0Vi rdar f irctcrr;:;;;;'200 cl ca han a W ICO 121 120 120 idlng St L -JW 03 C3 C3 It PrrforVc.i 2 ,S SK 5"H 58V, KfJSff Co'"':' sijM & d L & ? p .;";; 3-4W c'it C7 07 .'1 athcrnrCp;: 321 32 3 ' "her" rtvC MS W 51 ' 1 St I. -iv i,0 -' 25 25 5 'referred MS2 V Ion Pa" -J-'$2 KV4 33 3S g, referred ' 0 2 SCft 1 5 Wd ,T? i7.& 1T 17 fl j & L Erie 1,lC? 3C 2.3(0 1 -j wonsln Cent 15 IB r.l 'referred 18 S IS f Klcan cent 1 '2 10''i b2 s.rlca'".::. -----r -H--- 4- SILVER. ' New York 5Sd t San Francisco 5Sd 4- LEAD. , 4- 4 Now York exchange $4.31.33 4- COPPER, 4 -f- Now York exchange $12.3712.50 4 - -- -f -f -t--r"--f-f Uiilted States 107 Wells Far go 203 Miscellaneous Amulg Copper 33,000 54 53 f3A Amer Car & F 300 1S 15 1S preferred 200 7Sl 78 77 Amer Cot Oil 27 preferred , SS Amor Ice 0 preferred 200 27 2G 2iyt Amer Lin Oil , S preferred 20 Amer Loco COO 22 22 22 preferred 85 Am S & Ref ." 3,400 f.7-;i 56 57 preferred COO 93a,i 9S 97-"i Am Sugar Ref .... -1.S00 130 129 120 Anaconda M Co ... l.SC1") 7C 7C 7(5 Brooklyn R Tran . C1.200 3. T,VA H2 Colo F & Iron 2,200 35 33 31 Con Gas 1.1C0 195 194 195 Corn Products 12 preferred 100 69 C9 G9i Distillers' Securs 22& Gen Elec COO lGIVi 1C3 lC3vl Interna Paper 3.500 14 13)i 11 preferred 600 09 C9 CD Interna Pump 100 33 33 32 preferred 76 Nat Lead W0 23 23 23 North Amor 200 S9 S9 SS Pac Mail 200 2$ 2S 27 People's Gas 2,300 101 100 101 P Steel Car 1,300 31 33 33 preferred 500 76i 764 7C Pullman Pal Car 221 Rep Steel 200 7 7 7 preferred 500 43 43 43 Rubber Goods 1,100 19 17 19 preferred 200 79 7SV1 79 Tenn C & Iron .... 2.300 -SOU 33 40 U S Leather 200 7 7 7 preferred COO S3 S3 S3 U S Realty 7 preferred 300 C2 62 CO U S Rubber 3.700 1914 1S 19 preferred 1.100 7S 77 77 U S Steel 26,700 12?; 12 12 preferred 4S.700 C2Vi Cl C2 AVestlnghouse Elec 400 1C2 162 162 AYost Union 100 SS SS SS t Total sales for the day, C41.200 shares. Money and Exchange. NEW YORK. July 19. -Money on cnll easy; highest. 1 per cent; lowest. 1 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid. 1: offered nt 1. Time money easy; 60 days. 2g2; GO das, 2ff2; six months, 3g3. Prime mercantile paper, pa-per, 3'i74 per cent; sterling exchange firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at S4.S7.70ft4.S7. 15 for demand, and at S4.S4 354.81.45 for CO days. Posted rates, $4.S51.S6.SS. Commercial bills, Si. 81. Silver and Drafts. NEW YORK. July 19. Bar silver, 6Sc. Mexican dollars. 45c. SAN FRANCISCO. July 19. Silver bars, 5Sc; Mexican dollars, 47c. Drafts Sight, 5; telegraph, 7, New York Metals. NEW YORK. July 19.-The London tin market was firm and a little higher, with spot closing at 119 13s 9d and futures ni 120 3s 9d. Locally, however, tin remained quiet and with offerings somewhat larger ruled easier. Spot closed at ?2C.15'ft 20.37. Copper wns tlrm In London, closing ut 57 13s 9d for spot and 37 12s Cd for futures. fu-tures. Here the market was firm, but without quotable change. Lake Is held nl $12.7513.00; electrolytic, ?12.C212.75; and casting 512.37f12.50. Load ruled llrmer abroad, closing at a slight advance to 11 12s Cd; the local market was also firm and n little higher, with spot quoted at $l.20fl'-1.35. Spelter was llrm and unchanged at M.S5 (RAM in the local market and at 22; 2s Cd In London. London closed at 51a 9d In Glns'gow and 42s Cd In Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron Is quiet, No. 1 foundry, southern, quoted nt S14.50W15.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, nt JKUS-'ff.SG; No. 1 foundry and No, 1 foundry, foun-dry, southern, nnd No. 1 foundry, southern south-ern soft, at $13.25S13.S5. Live Stock. CHICAGO. CHICAGO. July 19. Cattle Receipts. 1000 head. Including 150 Texans: market steady; good to prime steers, t5.50"6 00: poor to medium, $-l.505.25; ntockors and feeders. $2.25T4.00; cows. $1x0.1.25; heifers, heif-ers, $2.COj5,00; ennners. ?1.C012.00; bulls. ?2.00fr4. 25; cnlves, S2.50SC.00; Texas-fed steers. ? 1.5(WjS.2G. Hogs Receipts. 4000 head; market good I to GfclOc higher; olhers steady; mixed and butchers'. S5.25Cd5.S5; good to choice heavy, rough heavy, S5.10ff6.40; light, $5.305.70; bulk of sales, ?5.E0. Snoop Receipts. 3000 head; market steady: lambs lower; good to choice weth-ei. weth-ei. $4.O0i-i.50; fair to choice mixed. J3.25 &-I.0O; Western srtieep, J3.50tT4.60; natlvo lmnbs. Jl.OOtj 6.75; Western lambs. M.fOfji 6.75. OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA. July 19.-Cnttlc-R celpts 1500; market active and stronger; native steers. I4.00HC.10; cows nnd heifers, J3.0O?iC.G0; Western steers. J3.25fjH.75; range cows and heifers, fJ.15fj3.50; can-nena. can-nena. Jl.75fJ2.75; etockers and feeders, $2.50 fj-l.10; calves. $2.00f5.25; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.25(94.25. Hogs Receipts 1500; market strong to 5c higher; heavy. $5.25gi6.3,'; mixed. $5.20fJ5.30; light. $5.15?f5.30; pigs. J4.50firi.OO; bulk of sales. $5,201(5.30. Sheep Receipts none; market quotably steady; Western yearlings, $3.75fji.25; wethers. S3.G0fT-4.25; owes, J3.00f?3.75; common and fltockers. J2.25fj"3X0 ; Iambs. J1.75(gc.00. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY. July 19. Cattle Receipts Re-ceipts IW0. Including 750 Southerners; market mar-ket st-ady to lower; native steers. $5 25fj 5.55; Southern steers, ?3.COtj4.00; Southern cows. J2.00fj2.40; native cows and heifers, S2.25J4.75: stockers and feeders. J3.25ff4.00; bulls. $2.75fJ1.00: calves, J2.G0if4.50; "Western "West-ern steers, J3.50fJl 75; Western cows, ?2.50f? 3.E0. Hogs Receipts S0CO; market opened steady to lower; bulk of sales. J5.0)ijG.2i); heavy. J5.10f7n.20: packers. J5.2fJ5.40; pigs, and lights. JS.OSfio 15, Sheep Recelpla 1000; market steady lo lower; demand light; muttons. S3.25fJl.75: lambs. S4.0OS0.00; range wethers, J3.75fT-l.75; ewes, $3.003.75. Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, July 19 There Is a heavy inovemcnl In the wool markut, with trading trad-ing marked by something of a feverlKh tone. This Is due lo tho desire of dealers and users to control the latest clips at the lowest prices which the high market affords. There. Is a gencrnl buying of Territory wools, especially Al. medium and low grades. Territory wools are llrm Pulled wools nre quiet, with small offerings. offer-ings. Foreign wool sold llrm In sympathy with strong conditions abroad. Territory quotations nro: Idaho Fine, 17frlXc: heavy. 145?15c; line medium, 17fTlSc; medium, 19iB20c; low medium, me-dium, 20fj21c. Wyoming Plne. lCf! 17c; henvy fine. 14J? 15c; fine medium. 17&8c; medium, 19fj20c: low medium. 20fT22c. Utah and Nevada Fine. lCfJ-17c; heavy fine, 14fJ15c; lino medium ("l7fj'lbe; medium, 20fT21c: low medium. 21fl23c. Montana Fine choice, 201J-2lc; lino average, aver-age, 16XJ20c; line medium choice, 2M2ic; nverace. 19ffl; staple, 21(322c; medium choice, 22CiJ3c. 1 Butter and Eggs. NEW YORK, July 19, Butter Rather easy but not quotably lower; street prices, extra cremery, 17fT17c; -official prices, creamery, common to extra. 13f17e; SUite dairy, common to extra, 12?rl7e. Cheese Quiet and easier; State full cream small white fair to fancy, 7',fJ'7;)ic; large while fancy, 7r |