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Show BE YOUR OWN JUDGE. Mi-o-na Costs You Nothing If It Dees Not Cure, Says F. C. ; Schramm. '"- Mi-o-na, the renlarkable cure for dyspepsia, lias won fame by tho unusual un-usual way in which it is sold. It Is the only remedy offered for the cure of dyspepsia which costs the user absolutely abso-lutely nothing unless it cures. F. C. Schramm,1, the popular druggist, is selling a great many packages of Ml-o-nu, and with every GOc box Is given his personal guarantee to refund the money If Mi-o-na does not give satisfaction, sat-isfaction, you to be your own Judge as to whether the remedy helps or not. Mi-o-na is an unusual combination, regulating the digestive organs and removing re-moving Irritation, congestion and inflammation in-flammation from the stomach, liver and intestines. It enables those organs to make rich blood, firm muscle, steady neves and a sound body. If Mi-o-na does not do all Hint Is claimed for It, F. C. Schramm will cheerfully return your money. |