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Show B1 i. , jw jl SafeEuard the Children. nuS? Slthtandlng all that is done by P! V health and charitably ln-poon". ln-poon". PJ PenonB. the death rate among tl 13 VCry h,Bh durI"B e patle gather of the summer months in 'W 'i1! There ls noL Probably fe !lhe Z"' that could "t cured ,f f' lb Ch, lY UBe f Chamberluln-8 J L 1lra and Diarrhoea Remedy jSS? R'SB3 of Franklinville, N. Y,, fi'nsS it chit. e,xpe,llcnt 10 have a su"- ?hol p 0rlaln'8 C0,,C' Cholera a"d " l? Sl?l? and 'h,le specially W y and reco'mnend it chcor- -1 by an , ,h,Ut "wrvatlon." For JJ Jby all icadinir druggists. O S "3? IFt X J3l. . Beam tho lto Kind You Hare Alvrajs Bought A single time Is all we ask, Thero la no better beer brewed than Cabinet THE BEER YOU'LL LIKE It Is invigorating and healthful an a tonic. None better for a beverage. That's why our sajes increase ao enormously enor-mously each year. QuaIs or pints ln cases either. AdnmSnyder, Agt., 27G S. Main St Fred Ktuq Brewing o. Omaha's Model Brewery, Telephone 1061 Y. SALT t VACUUM CAP CURES BALDNESS SENT ON TRIAL PAY ONLY IF PLEASED ThouEauds in use, uot ono full-uro, full-uro, nofc ouo returned. Sond for frco particulars. 5tandnrd Appliance Co. 007 New Nclfton Liulldloif, Kariius City, flo. The State Bank of Utah Corner Main and Sou.th. Tamjpla Sta,, Salt Ialc8 City. JOSEPH F, SMITH, PrMidont. "WILLIAM B. PRESTOS. Vico-PTSSldent. CHARLES S. BURTON. Cashter. HENRY T. M'BWAN, Asst. Cashier. GENEBAIi BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts Solicited. Special attention to cowitry trade. Correspondence Invite i J. D. CoBfiriff, Pros, E TV. Wilson. Cashier OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 'J. J. Daly, W. P. Noble, Vloe-PreBldenta. A. H. Poabody, Aso't Canhlor. WELLS, FARGO & CO. BANK Salt Lako City, Utah. Etabliohcd 1S32. Tho 01dt and Strongest Bants la Utah. B ur nlusV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. . . . .814,579, WO Undlvidod proAtn J Transacts a goneral banking? business, domostlo and foreign. Direct ccr.nocilcns with banfea in all principal cities of iho world. issues"' prafts, 1 On all letters of CreOlt, prominent Telegraphic Tranoforo. ? eJticir. Dfoatto received subject to chcclc. JL L. MILLER, Cashier. IL Tp. CLARK, Asst. Cashier. ESTABLISHED 1S4L ItO OFFICEa THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. G, DTJU & CO., The Mercantile Agency. QKORQBi RUST, General Manager. Utah, Idaho and "Wyominir. Office In Prosresa bldg.. Salt Lolto City. CAPITAX, FULLY PAID, $550.0a WALKER BROTHERS, BANKERS. EALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Established 150. Incorporate CXO. Tranflact a GeneralBanklng Business. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. QEflBBET ITAHv&NAL BASTE, UNETED STATES DEPOSITARY. Bait Lako City. Utah. Capita!, $ttOO,000 Surplus, 3250,000 t, 8. HILLS, MOSES THATCHER, i President Vlco-ProsldonL. H. 0. YOUNG, E. S. HILLS. " Caahlor. Asst. Cashier, j Safo deposit boxes for rent. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC TJ. S- DEPOSITARY. FRANK KNOX President JAilKS A. MVBRAY ..Vico-Presldentl W. F. ADAMS Caahien CAPITAL PAID IN. S30O.O0O. Banking in all lte branches transootod, Exchanc drav.'n on tho principal cltlod of Europe. INTEIU2BT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ltfOOKtTICK & CO., Bankers S$!t Lcio City, TJtaJ& JgflTAJBIiISHED 187S. J I HAD SIXTEEN I ...TEETH... 8 .Extracted at tho Boston Dental Par- -. 9 iors. 126 Main st., without an atom of ; I pain or unpleasant effect. ' I A. C. RAINEY. ; I "Wo arc the largest dental concern In : . I tho State, and OUR RULE IS PER- 5 N FECT WORK AT POPULAR J Jj PRICES. t Good set of teeth, Jo. 1 j Gold crown. 22-k., $j. 1 ! Bridgo work, Jo. I S Gold lllllngs, ?1 to 33. 3 I Best alloy fillings, $1. i All other fillings, 60 cents. d I Painless extraction. 50 cents. j I We guarantee and keep our work ln j ! repair. 1 Lady attendant. Hours, S to 7; Sun- 1 j day, 10 to 2. J ! Boston Dental Parlors, 126 Main Street. i ELEeTRie FRESH BREEZES URMISHED BY US OR A TRIVAL AMOUNT Costs about 3-4c per hour to run a buzz. fan. Keeps your houso or office cool. We also sell the celebrated Dayton Ceiling Fans. Call and see the fan exhibit at SRhT LHKE Electric Supply Co, 151 Main Street. .COTTON FELT' If "MATTncas. Iff j jh Bettor than- evny Eastern make "Will cost you loss monoy. A-ok your deal' or for thorn. Look for on? trademark. trade-mark. Utah Bedding & MTg Co., -Salt Italw City -TJtoiu jSi& WABASH r W5IJ THROUGH SLEEPING CAR tt LINES Ts TORONTO asiJ HOHTREAL DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, -' - - 9.05 P.M. Ar. TORONTO, - - - S.S0P.M. ' Ar. MONTREAL, - - - 7.35 A.M. To PORTLAND Every Monday and Thursday lv. ST. LC013, - - - B2.30 Noon ! Ar. MONTREAL, - - - 7.15 P.M. (HKCOM DAY) Ar. POKTLAMO, - - - 8.05 A.M. (TIIIKD DAY) To BOSTON DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, 9.00 A.M. 9.05 P.M. Ar BOSTON, 5.20 P.M. 8.50 A.M. For Rates nnt! Information, address P. P. HITCHCOCK, G. A. P. D., Boston Bulletins, Denver. Colo. o " 1 In offect June 8. 1901. LEAVE SAL.T LAKE CITY. No. 10 For Hcbor, Provo and Marvsvalo 8:C0 a.m. No. 102 For Park City S:1T. a.m. No. C For Denver and East 8:50 a.m. No. E For OkUoii and West W;50 a.m. No. 1 For Ogdor. and West 1:45 p.m. No. 2 For Denver and East 3:15 p.m. No. 8 For Provo and Euroka.... 5:C0 p.m. No. 11 For Opden and local pt3.. C -.05 p.m. No. 4 For Dnnvor and East S:03 p m. No. 2 For C-Kdcn and West 11:50 p.m. No. 112 For Bingham 8:10 a.m. No. Ill For Bingham. 3:C0 p.m. ARRIVE AT SALT LAKE CITY. No. 6 From Ogden and vliv East 8:40 a.m. No. 12 From Osdcn and. local ptsl0:25 a.m. No. 7 From Eureka and Provo". .10:00 a.m. No. 5 From Denver and East...l0;J0 a.m. No. 1 From Denver and East... 1:35 p.m. No. 5 p'rom Osden and West S:05 p.m. No. 101 -From Park City 0.15 p.m. No. ? From lleber. Provo and Marysvalo C:CO p.m. No. 4 From Ot;don and tho West 7:55 p.m. No. 3 From Denver and East... 11:45 p.m. No. Ill From Bingham 11:00 a.m. No. 113 From Bingham G:50 p.m. All train except Nos. 1 to 6 atop at in-tprruecrr.te in-tprruecrr.te points. Ticket office, Dooly Kloolc, 'Phone 205. I. A. BENTON. G. A. P. D. COLORADO-UTAH SHORT LINB TO ST. LOUIS. Through car. Salt Lako City to at. Louis and Kansas City. Only ono changi to Now York. Buflalo and principal point East low rates for summer travel. Especial attention to ladles and chll. drcn. Tourist sleepers through to Clilcaco, Boston and other points without change. Two trains dally. Inquire at ticket oICIcc, 10C Dooly block. Salt Lako City. Any Information cheer, fully given. II. C. TCWNSEND. G. P & T. A. Missouri Pacific Ry St. Louis. Mo. k CHiU5 .ma!L Tr ZsteamshPS Sp 1 SrILINt3 w t55ii NEW YORK Londonderry, Glasgow, j fcrtf York, Gibraltar, Naples. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cul- 6lnc. Comlort of passengers cnrcfullv I considered. Sinjlo or Round Trip Ticketr j between Nev7 York und -Scotch, English, 1 Irljli and all principal Scandinavian and 5 Continental oolnts at nttractlvc rates. Send 'J for Book, of Tours, l'or tickets or ccnerl t (ormation apply to any local aeeat of the nchor Lino or e HENDERSON BROS., Gon'l Aoenlo. CHICAGO, ILU ' Cure ' " i Disndruff I m i Stop the Stching. Dandruff is a eymptom of an rf5 unhialthy scalp; it ls usually vy gS arcompnnlcd by falling hair and jy dlsngrooablo Itclilng nt tho roots Vp (S) of tll? lltl,r- r DORK'S DANDRUFF CURE, 7g W If used regularly, will forever 1 jg( banish dandruff from tho head. 5s It feeds tho roots of Iho hair vK'' gg and destroys tho microbe that Sr causes dandruff. It is most de- w j-RS llghtful to use, making tho head eRi Tw; cnol und iho hair smooth and S MO glossy, and stops it from fnlllng Lnrgo bottle. $1.00. m Oroehl & mnKzn, DRUGGISTS, Southeast comer Main and x$ Third South street, Salt ft$ Lake City. rHPHPil Y O V N G. M1DDLE-fe1 M1DDLE-fe1 Y ,1 E V X AGED AND ELDER-S ELDER-S 3 uJtt ' A If you nro sexual- S I Jl ii l "4 ly v.'eak, no matter Ifl n it 1 Ksw n ffl from what cause: un-t'cAf&TVwJJ) un-t'cAf&TVwJJ) developed: have strlc-sjsjssj-sssa3 ture, varicocele, etc., MV PERFECT APPLIANCE will euro you. No drugs or electricity. 7C0.000 cured and developed. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for freo booklet. Sent sealed. Guaranteed. Write today. R. C. J2mmot, i03 Tabov block, Denvor, Colo.. TIME table., (Zmm Can Pedro, Lou An- Wp"t pol-AS & Sftlt Lako xPUJV' R. R. Co. - DEPART. From Orsgon Short Line depot, Bait Lake City: For Provo, Lehl, FalrliId and NephI, -Mantl and points on Sanpete Valley Ry "7:30 r-m. Fnr GarP.oid Ecach. Tooele. Stockton. Mammoth, Eureka, and Silver City "8K0 a.m. For Provo, Amorlcftn Fork, Ichi, Juab, Milford, Frisco. CalicntCB and Intermediate points 6K)0 p.m. ARRIVE. From Provo, American For!:, Lhl. : Jttb, Milford, FriccQ, CuJI-tes and Intcrmcdlato pomuj ,-. , 9:SB a.m. From Provo, Lehl. Fnlrflcld, Mcrcur arA Eanpeto Valloy Ry. points ., 5:35 p.m. From Bilvor City. Mammoth. Eureka, Stockton, Tooele and and Garfield Beach 5:35 p.m. Daily. Dally Pullmnn Buffet Sleeping Car Sor-vlco Sor-vlco between Salt Lake, Milford. Modena and Cnllontce. Direct stage connections for all mining dlstriots In southern Utah and Nevada, Git7 Tickot Office, 201 Main Etrsot. , Selophono 250. 3. W. OHiLETT. J. L. MOORB, Gea'l Pasa. Act. Dlst Pass. Agt Cheap Rates to St Louis ; Vlim GtfHZJIt EASTINtN POINTS VU I Mums Biiwa j SC can cave you money. Writ rci. ! C. F. WARREN. General Agent 411 Dooly Block. Salt Lake City. ' ilali XinTre & Los AngelesMlailway. TIME TABLE. In effect Hay 31, 1904. . GOING LEAVE RETURNING SALT LAKE. ARRIVE. SALT LAKE. No. 2, 10:00 n. m. No. 1. 12:30 p. m. No. 4. 2:00 p. m. No. 3, 3:30 p. m. No, (I, 4:00 p. m. No. B. 5:20 p. m. No. S, 5 00 p. m. No. 7. fi:30 p. jn. Na 10. 0 00 p. m. No. 0. 7:S0 p. m. No. 12, 7:G0 p. m. No. 11. S:30 p. m. No. H. 8:f.0 p. m. No. 13. 10:00 p. m. "n. 0:00 p. ni. No. 15. llMn.n. m. FAitE FOR THE ROUND TRIP 23 CENTS. Sunday, last train loaves Snltalr at 9:30. .T. E. LANG FORD. Lessee. J. W. CUBBIZ, 3 ASSAYER. fi i 79 W. 5rd South, Salt Lake Cltv i Wm TIHE TABLE ' : I June 19, ?5)0 ARRIVE. From Ocdcn, Portland, Butte, San Francisco, Chi- IH cago, St. Louis, Omaha, ond Denver 3:25 a.m. IH From Ocdcn and Jntcrmedl- ato pointa 0:10 a.m. From Ocden. Cche Valley. and Intermediate points 11UJ5 a.m. mri Kasn City, oma- , ha. Denver and San- Fran- 1 T,C,8C0 4-J20 p.m. from Osden. Cacho V;"Jlcy, gutle, Portland and San Srancrsco 7.30 pDi. DEPART. For Ocdcn, Omaha, Chicago. Denver, Kan?as City and St. Louis 7 KM) a.m For ORTden. Portland, Eutte. San Frnncifco and lntcrrAe- dlate points 10:20 a,m, For Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, ICanaas City. St. Louis and San Francisco.. 1:30 p.m. For Ocdcn. Cache Valley. Denver, Kansas City. Oma-ha, Oma-ha, St. Louis and Chicno. 5ltB p.m. For Ogden. Cache Valley. Butte, Helena, Portland, San Francisco and intcrme- diatc points 11:45 p.s& T. M. SCHUiLVCHER. Traftlo Mcr. D. E. BURI..EY. G. P. & T. A. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A. City Ticket office, 201 Mala sftMt. Tclophone 2SO. 1 A Ieiightful Place to Visit. S A Pzotablo PlacQ to Live. R Greatest Play Ground on Earth. j Sj Famouo Places' Which Everyono fa Wnnts to Sec. k tt S InvcBt ln .1 Ticket to CALIFOR- f, 3 NIA and Secure Rich Dividends in a HEALTH, PLEASURE AND T I WF'WH, 1 g Mo ml nine. Valleys, Rlvern, Iakes y, & and Cd ad Reached by the t, jH I Southern Pacific I Company's LSes S For Jsscrlpt5vo and lllustrailvo S llteraturo call nt No. 2C1 Main ? S Street Salt Lalce City. E: D. R. GRAY, General Agent. LAGOON I Time Table H IN EFFECT MAY CO, IXtf. t LEAVE SALT LAKE. 0:30. 9-.00, 11:00 a." m., 10. 8.20, C.30. 6; 20, 7:30 p. m. LEAVE LAGOON, 7:20, 10:00 a. m.. 12:CO noon. 4:30. C:30. 3:30, 10:30 p. m. eLast train lcaveu Lagcon Sunday 6:30 Fare for ' n4-r H Round Trip A. D. PIERSON, Pass. & Tlckot Act. tH , J. B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. OFFICE. 101 MAIN ST. Extra trains, 2:30 and 4:30 p. m. on Sun-days Sun-days andholIdnys. HOTEL KNUTSFOSD, I Now and elegant in all Us appointments. 250 rooms, single or en ulte, 31 rooms with bath. G. S. Holmes. Proprietor. 1 It Costs No More to; 1 1 Whv not take a little run Enst this summer, nnrl iro via g the World's Fair City? The rates are "away down," and it is M Jl I just ns cheap to use the St. Louis route as any other. The Bur- g ; lington offers a very convenient stop-over privilege, which I will be glad to explain more fully if you will inform me where' I you propose going and when you exiiect to start. I Send me. ft postal-card in quin-? today. I Solt Lake City, Utah. II 4 j fccsscsri l "FOLLOW THE FLAG." j TAKETHl WABASH j I j THE ONLY UME . ' I j to J MAIN ENTRANCE. j Phil. P. Hitchcock, Q. A, P. D., Denver, Colo. WM |