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Show IY AfJD NEI6HB9RH03D. 13 Savwer,. 763 East TiftH Vlll "entertain tlie ladles of SU Kulld ih is afternoon. Emma Gordon has tlio sympathy manv -Mends Here In the death of her, T. JT. Myers, at the old home. la' ' . special meeting this (Tuesday) T at G:30 olock, for work on the degree. ItfnsonsInviled. Bar association was to liave met Slit, but owjng to the nbuenco of a ? tho meeting was Postponed sub-the' sub-the' will ot President Judge How at o executive .committee. , Row Rlchart' "Wake read a paper the Ministerial association yesler- ihe subject "The Pastor and Discipline," ndvocMliiff modorn-tho modorn-tho exercise, of ecclesiastical luw. Hector Hopkins of Fouthorn Tdar lerweut a vet y serious operation Itonltis at tho Kcogh-Wright hoa-k-csterday monilnc She 1 allied iio shock and -was said to bo got-jnp got-jnp nicely last evening, despite the nature of the operation, Melrose and R Roberts were ar-vOftenbiy ar-vOftenbiy by rlollce bcrgt. Hob-id Hob-id Ofilcer GlUestdo In connection 10 two robberies which were corn-Saturday corn-Saturday night. They are held as s until sufficient evidence can In; d to Justify warrants being Issued gvthem with the brinies. Tirst rresbytcrlan church of Salt !Ity Is almost a oartcr of a een-1. een-1. At the time of. Its organization Incorporated for a. period of twen-vcars, twen-vcars, and as thac time Is about to a meeting will i 1)0 held in the on the evening '.of January 20th action with rcferonco to relncor-:i. relncor-:i. MS e of Incorporation of tho Cacho Implement and Prorluco company, cd at Logan, were filed in the of-tho of-tho Secretary of .Sivitc yesterday, iltal stock of tho company Is $50.-Ided $50.-Ided into 500(1 shaivis of tho par if $10 each. Edwin R. Miles. Jr., dent of the company; Andrew An-vlcc-presldent: I. . Thoreaen, :y and treasurer. os of Incorporation of the Mahan company, organized In this city iced tho firm of Ilopjle Brothers, corded in the office of. the County oslerday. Tho company Is capiat capi-at 525.000. divided Into 1000 shares par value of $25 per fshare, Tho arc: John Mahan, president; E. tie. vice-president, and John P. secretary and treasurer, n alllster Land and Jlvc-Stock v of this city filed articles In the if County Clerk James yesterday. llaliza,tlon of the company Is $30.-Idcd $30.-Idcd into .10.000 shares of stock of 0 value of 51 each. Tho following . officers of the company: E. II. r. president; R. C. Callister. vice-it. vice-it. and W. D. Callister. secretary nsurer. The above officers, with ind Louise E. Callister, .comprise ectorate, i Nicholson, son of John and Ml-C?. Ml-C?. Nicholson, died at 6:30 yester-er yester-er a prolonged illness, at the fam-idence, fam-idence, 352 West North Temple The deceased was an oxpert who was well and favorably In the city, and was a brother of Nicholson, a popular young man few years ago met death as the f -an accident on the football field, leral will be held at the home at a bo announced later. V eachcrs of the Lowell school, with teiulent Chrlstensen and Miss Pol-Idcd. Pol-Idcd. made up one of tho jQlllest 1 parties last night seen In Salt i n-any days. There were twcITty-the twcITty-the party, making two good slcd-uid slcd-uid behind line teams they were or a lively whirl through the city ne of the "suburbs. Tho outing ln-ji ln-ji Dutch supper at 'the homo of if ter, which lacked much of being si enjoyable feature of the even- !icr for Today Partly cloudy, ay in Salt Lake, maximum tem-o, tem-o, 37 degrees; minimum tempera-degrees. tempera-degrees. Temperature, her points. Max. Mln. Pt. Cloudy.. 52 2S Junction Cloudy.. 36 24 Pt. Cloudy. JO 32 lo Clear. 31 26 -i-cca, Pt. Cloudy.. 44 26 |