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Show NEW ARMY 0R9ER. Secretary of War Hns Prepared Regulations Reg-ulations Which He Will Soon ' Promulgate. Washington, Jan. 11. The Secretary of War Jias prepared regulations, whicii will be promulgated shortly, under which examinations will be held to se-cuer se-cuer the lists of suitable persons specially spe-cially qualified to hold commissions in any volunteer force which hereafter may bo organized under the authority of Congress, other than a force composed com-posed of organized militia. In addition to mental and moral qualifications qual-ifications the applicants must be at least 21 years old, applicants for Second Sec-ond Lieutenancy commissions shall not be more than 110 years of age, First Lieutenancts not more than 35. Captains not more than -10, Majors not more than 45, Lieutenant-Colonels not more than GO and Colonels not exceed 55. The persons pissing the examinations which will be held at specified placet) may, upon authorization of the President, Presi-dent, pursue a regular course of study at any military school or college except ex-cept West Point. In attending such schools they shall be entitled to mileage mile-age and commutation for quarters at ?12 per month and 51 a day for aubsist-once. |