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Show FELL FROM A LADDER. Aged Citizen .of Parowan is Severely Injured. ITRIBUNE SPECIAL.' Parownu, Jan. 11. Alex Orton of this place met with quite -a serious accident. While taking some stove pipe down In the hall lo clean ll the step ladder he vas standing on fell and Mr. Orton fell on the stove, hroko some of hi ribbs and hurt hlmcolf bad about the head. Jt is not definitely defi-nitely known at thle time whether ho la internally hurt or not. 'Mr. Orton is ovor GO years ot age, and Jt is thought the accident will go quite hard with him Tho weather ir- quite cold and do', but very Hula snow has'fallen up to the, present pres-ent time, and tho farmers are beginning to think that there will not be much water next su3inicr. All are wishing lor a railroad through this valloy. Tho committee that was appointed lo look after pioneer day aro making preparations prepa-rations lo havo a good time on that day. |