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Show IN THE GEM STATE. The Idaho world's fair commission ha3 Issued a strong appeal for more money. Blackl'oot will Issue bonds to the amount of JK00 to Increase Its school accommodations. ac-commodations. If It proves satisfactory to the exhibitors. exhib-itors. Chief Devlnc of the Salt Lako fire department will go to Montpeller on tho 20th to Judgo the colta entered In the contest con-test on that date, says, tho Examiner. While Mack Hand was riding a horso at Payette a dog bit the horse on the leg. The. animal was frightened and Jumped, throwing Hand onto the frozen ground, breaking one of the bones of his ankle. An amusing and at the same tlmo a prettily patriotic Incident occurred Friday Fri-day morning when tho quarontlno was raised from tho Solomon residence, says the Albion Herald. When the doctor took down the odious yellow flag, Lloyd, who has been confined to the houso for abojt n month, ran out with a small edition of "Old Glory" nnd tacked It up, crj Ing, "Thl3 Is for liberty " Tho Initiatory step toward having: a free delivery mall service In Welser was taken on Friday, when Postmaster Bruce filled out a blank sent out by tho Poslof-ficc Poslof-ficc department, usklng for Information regarding the population of tho town and the surrounding country tributary to the Welser postofflce. The amount of business busi-ness done In the Welser postoffico goes far beyond tho amount required by the department to entlllo the pcoplo to free delivery. The Welser World says. "Announcement "Announce-ment was mude the first of the week by the academy trustees that owing to financial finan-cial difficulties It had been decided to close that institution for the bulanco of tho term. The difficulties mentioned have been ovcrcomo and Dr D. R. Mac-Donald, Mac-Donald, vice-president of tho Iron Springs Mlnlntr company, and an eminent educator, edu-cator, who recently camo to Welser lo make hi home, has kindly decided to take the presidency, vice Prof. Davenport, resigned," |