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Show j ' There are few slayers who have as flj ! ' much nerve as had; the late Mr. Mortcn- Hjl Shocklcy, by confessing-, has made It H! ' almoBt Impossible for ono of our kind 1 j Juries to acquit him. r , Desperadoes have the human weak- Tiess of not. discovering that they have- a i" conscience until they are in trouble. Hr I j Somo will see in the case of Shocklcy " the lesson that they must never seek to rob, except where there Is no danger of HT a conflict. Hi Russia's announcement to the powers Hi shows that its policy is to faithfully respect all rights that it feels compelled to respect. 1 The contest between Mr. Rockefeller ' and Mi. Morgan over the title to the 1 earth Becms now sure to go Mr. Rocke-feller's Rocke-feller's way. H. The police can continue their good work, by obligingly showing' suspicious H; characters the Various ways of getting , out of town. H! Laws for the protection of people from theater horrors will never be perfect until they prevent the playing of certain kinds of melodramas. , His visit to foreign countries has not j lessened the devotion of Mr. Bryan to j'j his native land, as he will continue to ! svc Eeniocratic party trouble. H; I But there are willing boys who would 1 be pleased io remove snow from side-Hj side-Hj ;j walks provided they were allowed to ' 1 make It into balls to throw at naBEers-by. naBEers-by. jj ! Evidently the law creating- the school board has been amended by Mr. Moylc . ard some others so as to make the ji board, consist during the coming year- j . of six members. . There is a revolution going on in Hj j Uruguay, It seems, and the Government j Is not heartily endeavoring to suppress f-j It. This may betoken a higher degree i of humanity than has usually prevailed among the officials of the Latin-Amer- i lean republics, or it may indicate wcak- Hj 1 nesa and the probablo success of tho j insurgents. But it is a rare day when Hj there is no revolution on in any of the Latin-American republics. J Russia, it Is said, is not competing "with Japan in buying warships. It . i doesn't need to. Russia will make the i war, if it comes to var, a land war; it Hj ij is doubtful if any sea fight -will be J riBked by her. It is land that Russia is1 sparring for in Manchuria and Korea, '. and not water. The water supremacy will com later, when Russia sees lit 1 1 to seek'it; but she is in no position to Hj j challenge sea power at this time. , The British forces aro said to have ( killed a thousand of the mad Mullah's Hl ( men in Somallland, in an engagement ( In, which the British loss was trifling. , I The spear is no match for the maga-i maga-i ' Jslne gun, though a terrible weapon at close quarters, when tho men behind the gun have shot away all their . ammunition. It's a little curious, how-ever, how-ever, about the forces of the Mad f , M.ullah; a fev weeks ago they were , represented as starving; so that it is a , j surprise to find a thousand of them left fl I that needed killing. I The efforts to find' oil and natural gas j j in this valley are now getting into good j hi ohape. The companies appear to be i H strong ones, well ablo to provide the I heavy, machinery and the material j j necessary in the explorations. The 1 i prospects of making Important finds j I are so good that it is no wonder the hi organizers go into the enterprise with I I' enthusiasm, and have secured the aid .1 ' oC tne brSt experts. The Tribune wishes l , them every success; it would be glad to j ij we the region they arc operating in H'l j' I mad another Beaumont. Hi II Ample funds have been pledged to i the Irocluo18 Memorial Society for the I n Prosecution of those who were guilty of 1 III the negligence and lawlessness that led ;J ! up to tho awful horror in Chicago on be 30th oC December last. This is good ' i! news to hear. Coroner Treager also J ! gives out a good -word that a searching Vj (j Investigation will be made; "we will H 1 spare no ono," says he; "for we are de- Hf I termlned to fix tho guilt." In doing so, fj j t he adheres to this resolve, he will j no doubt bring in as culpable those 1 U lty officials whose duty was to see that the ordinances and regulations calculated calcu-lated to ensure tho public safety wero onforced, and w'ho shamefully neglected neglect-ed that duty. From developments made, It appears that In no single particular par-ticular was the law obeyed; there was utter neglect at every point. And the thorough investigation promised by Coroner Treager cannot possibly be considered thorough unless this phase of tho tragedy Is completely covered, |